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Mónica Mir Florit - 04/02/2013 : 25/07/2013
Specialisation : Environmental Sciences


E-mail : monicamir88@gmail.com
Department of Civil Engineering and Water Engineering - Pavillon Adrien-Pouliot - 1065, Médecine avenue

Research fields :

Mónica was a student at the University of Girona in environmental sciences when she carried out a six months internship at the Université Laval (Québec) to validate her degree.

The project of Mónica was framed within the ongoing research titled "Risk-based design of wastewater treatment plants: Estimating the probability of compliance". She was in charge of developing a new model-based tool able to assess possible design of sizing of a plant configuration.

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Faculty of Science and Engineering - Université Laval
Peter Vanrolleghem - Department of civil engineering and water engineering - Pavillon Adrien-Pouliot - 1065, Médecine avenue, Office 2974
Québec (Québec) - Canada - G1V 0A6 - Telephone : +1-418-656-5085 Email : peter.vanrolleghem@gci.ulaval.ca
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