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Anciens membres

Post-doctoral researchers

    Alferes, Janelcy
    Mathematical modelling, monitoring and automatic control of wastewater treatment plants
    Clouzot, Ludiwine
    Micropollutants, wastewater treatment, environmental engineering, ecosystem modeling
    Corominas, Lluís
    Modeling and control of wastewater treatment plants
    Flores-Alsina, Xavier
    Benchmarking, modeling and evaluation of wastewater treatment plants, risk, uncertainty and sensitivity analysis, activated sludge systems
    Garneau, Cyril
    Water quality modelling, optimisation, numerical methods
    Garneau, Cyril
    Water quality modelling, optimisation, numerical analysis
    Khalil, Mostafa
    Greywater biological treatment, biofilm modelling
    Kuller, Martijn
    Urban Planning; Climate Adaptation
    Lopez, Lunita
    Software development, data science and modelling.
    Maere, Thomas
    Wastewater treatment, mathematical modelling, membrane separation, process optimization and control
    Martin, Cristina
    Industrial Engineer, wastewater treatment modelling
    Maruéjouls, Thibaud
    Wastewater quality modelling
    Muschalla, Dirk
    Urban hydrology, integrated modeling, RTC of urban drainage systems, model and software development, optimization techniques
    Neumann, Marc
    Uncertainty analysis, sensitivity analysis, risk, modelling, urban drainage, drinking water treatment and supply, wastewater
    Neves do Amaral, Andreia
    Gas-Liquid mass transfer, Aeration modelling, Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), Population Balance Modelling (PBM)
    Nicolaï, Niels
    Process monitoring and control, automation technology, bioprocess engineering
    Tik, Sovanna
    Traitement des eaux usées - Contrôle en temps réel
    Torfs, Elena
    Wastewater treatment, Mathematical Modelling, Secondary Settling, Process Optimization and Control
    Villez, Kris
    Zambrano, Jesus
    Bioreactor Modeling, Optimization and Control, Fault Detection.

Research professional

PhD students

MSc students



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Faculty of Science and Engineering - Université Laval
Peter Vanrolleghem - Department of civil engineering and water engineering - Pavillon Adrien-Pouliot - 1065, Médecine avenue, Office 2974
Québec (Québec) - Canada - G1V 0A6 - Telephone : +1-418-656-5085 Email : peter.vanrolleghem@gci.ulaval.ca
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