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Détails Anciens membres
Romain Philippe - 25/04/2019 : 30/12/2021
Specialisation : Water treatment


Contact :
Phone : 418 656 2131 poste 408730
E-mail : romain.philippe.1@ulaval.ca
Department of Civil Engineering and Water Engineering - Pavillon Adrien-Pouliot - 1065, Médecine avenue

Projects :
A powerful large capacity database for raw and validated water quality data

Research fields :

Romain received his bachelor degree in environment, georesources and sustainable development engineering in Bordeaux Institute of Technology in 2016. He obtained a master in Water Engineering in Laval University in 2019. Romain carried out his master project in pilEAUte team, where he worked on the raw data treatment about different sensors of the station. Precisely, he took care of data management, improvement of quality with filters.

Since April 2019, he is a research assistant at the Canada Research Chair in Water Quality Modelling located at Université Laval in Quebec, Canada.

Romain is responsible for the modelEAU environmental laboratory where he is managing the equipment and the training of the students. He also plays a supporting role in the pilEAUte projects for the data collection, managing and treatment. Finally, he is the webmaster of the Chair's website.

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Faculty of Science and Engineering - Université Laval
Peter Vanrolleghem - Department of civil engineering and water engineering - Pavillon Adrien-Pouliot - 1065, Médecine avenue, Office 2974
Québec (Québec) - Canada - G1V 0A6 - Telephone : +1-418-656-5085 Email : peter.vanrolleghem@gci.ulaval.ca
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