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Professeur - generique
Perrine Pasquier-Meunier - 25/07/2011 : 08/09/2011
Specialisation : Process engineering and environment


E-mail : ppasquie@etud.insa-toulouse.fr
Départment of Civil Engineering and Water Engineering - Pavillon Adrien-Pouliot - 1065, Médecine avenue

Projects :
Modelling primary sedimentation in WWTPs

Research fields :

During her fourth year of study in the engineering school INSA Toulouse, Perrine came to Université Laval for a 3 months internship.

The goal of her internship was to improve SOPs already existing on the analysis of the amount of lipids and carbohydrats contained in the effluents of Quebec City’s wastewater treatment plant. She also had to set up and to validate another SOP on the analysis of fatty volatil acids.

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Faculty of Science and Engineering - Université Laval
Peter Vanrolleghem - Department of civil engineering and water engineering - Pavillon Adrien-Pouliot - 1065, Médecine avenue, Office 2974
Québec (Québec) - Canada - G1V 0A6 - Telephone : +1-418-656-5085 Email : peter.vanrolleghem@gci.ulaval.ca
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