Chaire modelEAU: Projects
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The micrEAU project is composed of the modelEAU research related to micropollutants in the environment.

SCORE-PPSource Control Options for Reducing Emissions of Priority Pollutants

SCORE-PP is a European Framework 6 project conducted by several research teams with the objective to develop source control strategies that authorities, cities and industries can employ to reduce emissions of toxic contaminants into the receiving water environment. SCORE-PP focuses on the 33 priority pollutants identified in the Water Framework Directive. The project tries to figure out solutions to progressively reduce emissions of these pollutants whether by substituting common products by harmless ones or by enhancing end-of-pipe treatment technologies. Within SCORE-PP, the partners are universities, private companies and governmental agencies. In this project, modelEAU has worked on modelling the fate of micropollutants in the Integrated Urban Wastewater System. The role of modelEAU is to study the specific case of Quebec, most notably the effects of snow accumulation and melting on the fate and behavior of micropollutants. Two case studies were conducted: the fate of bisphenol-A in a pilot plant and that of heavy metals in a real wastewater treatment plant. modelEAU also performed experimental design with retention tanks.

EC-1 : Emerging Contaminants - 1

EC-1 is a project funded by the Canadian Water Network which aims at developing field techniques to discern ecosystem health impacts of wastewater discharges of emerging contaminants. This nation-wide project is complementary to EC-2 and will provide useful tools for decision-makers. Within this project, modelEAU wants to develop a simple ecosystem model to explain and predict impacts of emerging contaminants.

EC-2 : Emerging Contaminants - 2

EC-2 is another Canadian Water Network funded project which aims at determining the efficacy of emerging contaminant removal within existing treatment trains relevant to Canadian conditions through chemical and toxicological assessments. This nation-wide multi-disciplinary project will further develop the database on removal of emerging contaminants in the most common Canadian wastewater treatment processes over a range of climatic and seasonal conditions. modelEAU will provide statistical and mechanistic models that can be employed by decision-makers when considering EC removal as a criteria to assess alternative wastewater treatment technologies and operating conditions.

ELAExperimental Lakes Area

The Experimental Lakes Area is a dedicated research facility for ecosystem-scale experimental investigations and long-term monitoring of ecosystem processes. As such, it serves as a natural laboratory for the study of physical, chemical and biological processes and interactions operating on an ecosystem spatial scale and a multi-year time scale.

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Faculty of Science and Engineering - Université Laval
Peter Vanrolleghem - Department of civil engineering and water engineering - Pavillon Adrien-Pouliot - 1065, Médecine avenue, Office 2974
Québec (Québec) - Canada - G1V 0A6 - Telephone : +1-418-656-5085 Email :
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