Gernaey, K., Vanrolleghem, P. A. and Verstraete, W. (1998) On-line estimation of kinetic parameters of NH4+ oxidizing bacteria in activated sludge samples using titration in-sensor-experiments. Wat. Res., 32, 71-80.
De Heyder, B., Vanrolleghem, P. A., Van Langenhove, H. and Verstraete, W. (1997) Kinetic characterisation of mass transfer limited degradation of a poorly water soluble gas in batch experiments. Necessity for multiresponse fitting. Biotechnol. Bioeng., 55, 511-519.
Kong, Z., Vanrolleghem, P. A. and Verstraete, W. (1994) Automated respiration inhibition kinetics analysis (ARIKA) with a respirographic biosensor. Wat. Sci. Tech., 30(4), 275-284.
Kong, Z., Vanrolleghem, P. A. and Verstraete, W. (1993) An activated sludge-based biosensor for rapid IC50 estimation and on-line toxicity monitoring. Biosens. Bioelectron., 8, 49-58.
Vanrolleghem, P. A. and Verstraete, W. (1993) Simultaneous biokinetic characterization of heterotrophic and nitrifying populations of activated sludge with an on-line respirographic biosensor. Wat. Sci. Tech., 28(11-12), 377-387.
Van Impe, J., Vandewalle, J., Vanrolleghem, P. A. and Verstraete, W. (1992) New trends in model-based monitoring and control of the activated sludge wastewater treatment process. Journal A (Special Issue on Environmental Control), 33(3), 19-29.
Conference proceedings
Rios, N., Nopens, I., De Schepper, V., Jiang, T., Verstraete, W. and Vanrolleghem, P. A. (2007) A rheological model for activated sludge in a side-stream MBR. In: Proceedings 4th IWA International Membranes Conference - Membranes for Water and Wastewater Treatment. Harrogate, United Kingdom, May 15-17 2007.
Gernaey, K., Bogaert, H., Vanrolleghem, P. A., Van Vooren, L. and Verstraete, W. (1998) Sensors for nitrogen removal monitoring in wastewater treatment. In: Environmental Biomonitoring: The Ecotoxicology Biotechnology Interface. Eds. Lynch J.M. and Wiseman A., Cambridge University Press, UK. 180-207.
Vanderhasselt, A., Aspegren, H., Vanrolleghem, P. A. and Verstraete, W. (1997) Settling characterisation using on-line sensors at a full-scale waste water treatment plant. In: Proceedings 7th IAWQ Workshop on ICA of Water and Wastewater Treatment and Transportation Systems. Brighton, UK, July 6-9 1997. 431-439.
Yuan, Z., Bogaert, H., Vanrolleghem, P. A., Vansteenkiste, G. and Verstraete, W. (1997) Control system design for activated sludge wastewater treatment plants: Some practical experiences. In: Proceedings 16th Benelux Meeting on Systems and Control. Houffalize, Belgium, March 5-7 1997. TD25-4.
Yuan, Z., Bogaert, H., Vanrolleghem, P. A., Vansteenkiste, G. and Verstraete, W. (1996) Carbon dosage control for predenitrification processes. In: Proceedings Workshop Modelling, Monitoring and Control of Wastewater Treatment Plants. Med. Fac. Landbouww. Univ. Gent, 61/4a, 1733-1743.
Grijspeerdt, K., Vanrolleghem, P. A. and Verstraete, W. (1995) Selektie van sedimentatiemodellen voor on-line gebruik. In: Proceedings BIRA Studiedag Wiskundige Modelbouw en Simulatie van Biologische Waterzuiveringsinstallaties. Antwerpen, Belgium, June 19 1995.
Grijspeerdt, K., Vanrolleghem, P. A. and Verstraete, W. (1994) Measuring settleability of activated sludge using image analysis. In: Proceedings Workshop on Modelling, Monitoring and Control of Wastewater Treatment Plants. Med. Fac. Landbouww. Univ. Gent, 59/4a, 2037-2045.
Kong, Z., Vanrolleghem, P. A., Willems, P. and Verstraete, W. (1994) Simultaneous determination of inhibition kinetics of carbon oxidation and nitrification with the RODTOX biosensor. In: Proceedings EERO/EFB International Symposium Environmental Biotechnology ISEB2. Brighton, UK, July 4-6 1994.
Demuynck, C., Vanrolleghem, P. A., Mingneau, C., Liessens, J. and Verstraete, W. (1993) Optimal BOD use and oxygen supply in a sequencing batch reactor for nutrient removal. In: Proceedings Workshop on Modelling, Monitoring and Control of Wastewater Treatment Processes. Med. Fac. Landbouww. Univ. Gent, 58, 2039-2052.
Vanrolleghem, P. A. and Verstraete, W. (1993) On-line monitoring equipment for wastewater treatment processes: State of the art. In: Proceedings TI-KVIV Studiedag Optimalisatie van Waterzuiveringsinstallaties door Proceskontrole en -sturing. Gent, Belgium. 1-21.
Kong, Z., Vanrolleghem, P. A. and Verstraete, W. (1992) Rapid IC50 estimation and on-line toxicity monitoring with the RODTOX, an activated sludge based biosensor. In: Proceedings 2nd World Congress on Biosensors. Geneve, Switzerland, May 20-22 1992. Elsevier, Oxford. 518-525.
Top, E., Vanrolleghem, P. A., De Rore, H., Van Der Lelie, D., Mergeay, M. and Verstraete, W. (1992) The importance of retromobilization to gene dissemination and the effect of heavy metal pollution on retromobilization in soil. In: Gene Transfers and Environment. Ed. Gauthier M.J., Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg. 127-134.
Van Wassenhove, F., Vanrolleghem, P. A., Van Langenhove, H. and Verstraete, W. (1992) Olfactometric characterization of odour generation potential of piggery manure samples. In: Biotechniques for Air Pollution Abatement and Odour Control Policies. Eds. Dragt A.J. and van Ham J., Elsevier, Amsterdam. 425-430.
Vanrolleghem, P. A., Van Impe, J., Vandewalle, J. and Verstraete, W. (1992) Advanced monitoring and control of the activated sludge process: On-line estimation of crucial biological variables in a structured model with the RODTOX biosensor. In: Modeling and Control of Biotechnical Processes. Eds. Karim M.N. and Stephanopoulos J., Pergamon Press, Oxford. 355-358.
Anselme, P., Van Wassenhove, F., Vanrolleghem, P. A., Verstraete, W. and Thonart, P. (1991) Relation between olfactometric characteristics and malodorous compounds produced during maturation of piggery manure. In: Proceedings 5th Forum Applied Biotechnology. Med. Fac. Landbouww. Rijksuniv. Gent, 56, 1557-1564.
Kong, Z., Vanrolleghem, P. A. and Verstraete, W. (1991) Monitoring and control of biological sludge with the RODTOX, a biosensor for rapid determination of biological oxygen demand and toxicity. In: Proceedings DECHEMA Tagung Messung, Modellierung und Regelung in der Biotechnologie. Lahnstein, Germany, March 18-20 1991.
Van Impe, J., Vanrolleghem, P. A., Verstraete, W., De Moor, B. and Vandewalle, J. (1991) Model based monitoring and control of activated sludge wastewater treatment processes. Part II: Nonlinear control of the biotransformation and the sedimentation process. In: Modelling and Control of Water Resources Systems. Eds. Kerckhoffs E., Koppelaar H., Van der Beken A. and Vansteenkiste G., SCS, San Diego. 221-226.
Vanrolleghem, P. A., Van Impe, J., Vandewalle, J. and Verstraete, W. (1991) Model based monitoring and control of activated sludge wastewater treatment processes. Part I. On-line estimation of crucial biological parameters with the RODTOX. In: Modelling and Control of Water Resources Systems. Eds. Kerckhoffs E., Koppelaar H., Van der Beken A. and Vansteenkiste G., SCS, San Diego, 215-220.
Vanrolleghem, P. A., Anselme, P., Thonart, P. and Verstraete, W. (1991) Presence and formation of odorous compounds in piggery manure. In: Proceedings EERO/EFB International Symposium Environmental Biotechnology ISEB. Ostend, Belgium, April 22-25 1991. Part I, 381-384.
Vanrolleghem, P. A. and Verstraete, W. (1991) The RODTOX biosensor. In: Proceedings SCIbb 4th Biotechnology Event, Monitoring Biosystems. Tervuren, Belgium, December 11-12 1991.
Vanrolleghem, P. A., Anselme, P., Thonart, P. and Verstraete, W. (1990) Formation and control of odorous compounds in piggery manure. In: Proceedings 4th Forum Applied Biotechnology. Med. Fac. Landbouww. Rijksuniv. Gent, 55, 1489-1495.
Vanrolleghem, P. A., Dries, D. and Verstraete, W. (1990) RODTOX: Biosensor for rapid determination of the biochemical oxygen demand and the on-line monitoring of the toxicity of wastewaters. In: Proceedings Fifth European Congress on Biotechnology. Copenhagen, Denmark, July 8-13 1990. Vol. 1, 161-164.
Vanrolleghem, P. A., Kong, Z. and Verstraete, W. (1993) Toxicity assessment with an on-line respirographic biosensor, the RODTOX. Seminar held at the Alberta Environmental Centre. Edmonton, Canada, June 15 1993.
Vanrolleghem, P. A., De Poorter, M. and Verstraete, W. (1992) De rol van mikrobiele aktiviteit op geurvorming en -verwijdering. Lecture held during the Alltech 6th Annual European Lecture Tour. Gent, Belgium, February 26 1992.
Anselme, P., Vanrolleghem, P. A., Verstraete, W. and Thonart, P. (1991) Study and control of odour formation in piggery manure by means of automated pilots. Poster presented at the International CIGR Seminar on Environmental Challenges and Solutions in Agricultural Engineering. Aas, Norway, July 1-4 1991.
Top, E., Vanrolleghem, P. A., Van Der Lelie, D., Mergeay, M. and Verstraete, W. (1991) "Retromobilization of plasmids and the importance to gene dissemination. Poster presented at the ""80ste Najaarsvergadering Nederlandse Vereniging voor Microbiologie""." Gent, Belgium, November 29 1991.
Van Impe, J., Vanrolleghem, P. A., Verstraete, W., De Moor, B. and Vandewalle, J. (1991) Structured versus unstructered modeling of biotechnical plants: An application to activated sludge wastewater treatment process control. Seminar at CESAME. Universite Catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, November 26 1991.
Vanrolleghem, P. A. and Verstraete, W. (1991) Model-based interpretation of respirograms obtained with the RODTOX biosensor. Lecture held at the Workshop Respirometry, Julich, Germany, November 6-7 1991.
Vanrolleghem, P. A., Luyten, D. and Verstraete, W. (1991) The RODTOX as an on-line monitor of stBOD and toxicity, two important parameters in wastewater treatment process control. Poster presented at FENABIO-BIOLATINA 91, Sao Paulo, Brasil, July 6-10 1991.
De Rore, H., Vanrolleghem, P. A. and Verstraete, W. (1990) Mathematical modelling of survival and growth of populations introduced in a soil ecosystem. Poster presented at the Final Sectorial BAP meeting on Risk Assessment, Padua, Italy, December 17-21, 1990.