Tik, S. et Vanrolleghem, P. A. (2017) Chemically enhancing primary clarifiers: Model-based development of a dosing controller and full-scale implementation. Wat. Sci. Tech. , 75, 1185-1193.
Tik, S., Maruéjouls, T., Lessard, P. et Vanrolleghem, P. A. (2015) Gestion optimale de la vidange des bassins de rétention en réseau unitaire à l'aide d'un modèle intégré. La Houille Blanche, 3, 44-50. (in French).
Alferes, J., Tik, S., Copp, J. et Vanrolleghem, P. A. (2013) Advanced monitoring of water systems using in situ measurement stations: Data validation and fault detection. Wat. Sci. Tech., 68(5), 1022-1030.
Compte-rendu de conférence
Ledergerber, J., Tik, S., Maruéjouls, T. et Vanrolleghem, P. A. (2019) A validated conceptual sewer water quality model based on the particle settling velocity distribution. In: Proceedings 9th IWA International Conference on Sewer Processes and Networks (SPN9). Aalborg, Denmark, August 27-30 2019.
Guo, L., Tik, S., Ledergerber, J., Santoro, D., Elbeshbishy, E. et Vanrolleghem, P. A. (2018) Conceptualizing the sewage collection system for integrated sewer-WWTP modelling and optimization. In: Proceedings 11th International Conference on Urban Drainage Modelling (UDM2018) . Palermo, Italy, September 23-26 2018.
Ledergerber, J., Maruéjouls, T., Aaron, C., Alferes, J., Plana, Q., Tik, S. et Vanrolleghem, P. A. (2017) Validation of an online water quality monitoring methodology for sewer systems of mid-size cities. In: Proceedings 23rd European Junior Scientist Workshop (EJSW2017) - Monitoring Urban Drainage Systems . Chichilianne, France, May 15-20 2017.
Tik, S. et Vanrolleghem, P. A. (2016) A turbidity-based CEPT controller for primary clarifiers: Model-based development and full-scale implementation. In: Proceedings 89th Annual WEF Technical Exhibition and Conference (WEFTEC2016). New Orleans, LA, USA, September 24-28 2016.
Tik, S. et Vanrolleghem, P. A. (2016) Chemically enhancing primary clarifiers: Model-based development of a dosing controller and full-scale implementation. In: Proceedings IWA Particle Separation Conference (PS 2016). Oslo, Norway, June 22-24 2016. 278-286.
Tik, S., Maruéjouls, T., Lessard, P. et Vanrolleghem, P. A. (2016) Estimating and minimizing both CSO and WRRF discharge impact by water quality based control. In: Proceedings WEF Collection Systems Conference 2016. Atlanta, GA, USA, May 1-4 2016.
Tik, S., Maruéjouls, T., Lessard, P. et Vanrolleghem, P. A. (2015) Water quality-based control evaluation by means of an integrated urban wastewater model. In: Proceedings 10th International Conference on Urban Drainage Modelling (UDM2015). Mont-Sainte-Anne, Québec, Canada, September 20-23 2015. 171-175.
Tik, S., Langlois, S. et Vanrolleghem, P. A. (2013) Establishement of control strategies for chemically enhanced primary treatment based on online turbidity data. In: Proceedings 11th IWA Conference on Instrumentation, Control and Automation (ICA2013). Narbonne, France, September 18-20 2013.
Tik, S., Alferes, J., Lessard, P. et Vanrolleghem, P. A. (2013) Practical use of online sewage turbidity data to develop control strategies in an integrated modelling framework. In: Proceedings 20th European Junior Scientist Workshop on Sewer Systems and Processes. Graz, Austria, April 9-12 2013.
Tik, S. et Vanrolleghem, P. A. (2012) Gestion des eaux usées en temps de pluie - De l'alun en périodes critiques à la Ville de Québec. Vecteur Environnement (Septembre 2012), 32-33. (in French).
Affiche sans publication correspondante
Vanrolleghem, P. A., Benedetti, L., Lamaire Chad, C. et Tik, S. (2014) Evaluation of wet weather operation alternatives using innovative WRRF models. Lecture held at the 87th Annual WEF Technical Exhibition and Conference (WEFTEC2014). New Orleans, USA, September 27 - October 1 2014.
Présentation sans publication
Tik, S. et Vanrolleghem, P. A. (2016) Implantation d'un contrôleur d'injection d'alun à la décantation primaire basé sur la qualité des eaux. Lecture held at the Salon des Technologies Environnementales du Québec (STEQ2016). Québec, Québec, Canada, March 15-16 2016. (in French).
Tik, S., Alferes, J. et Vanrolleghem, P. A. (2013) Water quality measurements and data quality evaluation. Lecture held at the 8th International Workshop on Real Time Control of Sewer Systems at the 8th International Conference on Planning and Technologies for Sustainable Urban Water Management (Novatech2013). Lyon, France, June 23-27 2013.
Faculté des sciences et de génie - Université Laval Peter Vanrolleghem - Département de génie civil et génie des eaux - Pavillon Adrien-Pouliot - 1065 avenue de la Médecine Bureau 2974 Québec (Québec) - Canada - G1V 0A6 - Téléphone : +1-418-656-5085 Courriel : peter.vanrolleghem@gci.ulaval.ca