Van Impe, J., Vandewalle, J., Vanrolleghem, P. A. and Verstraete, W. (1992) New trends in model-based monitoring and control of the activated sludge wastewater treatment process. Journal A (Special Issue on Environmental Control), 33(3), 19-29.
Van Impe, J., Vanrolleghem, P. A. and Iserentant, D. (1998) Advanced Instrumentation, Data Interpretation and Control of Biotechnological Processes. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands. ISBN 0-7923-4860-5. pp. 464.
Conference proceedings
Stigter, J., Vanrolleghem, P. A. and Van Impe, J. (1999) On-line estimation of parameters in a respiration model using a continuous-discrete type of recursive prediction error algorithm. In: Proceedings European Control Conference ECC'99. Karlsruhe, Germany, August 31 - September 3 1999. CD-ROM paper 1049-7.
Spanjers, H., Van Impe, J. and Vanrolleghem, P. A. (1992) Extracts from the discussions held during the workshop on modelling, monitoring and control of the activated sludge process. In: Proceedings Workshop Modelling, Monitoring and Control of the Activated Sludge Process. Med. Fac. Landbouww. Rijksuniv. Gent, 57, 2257-2276.
Vanrolleghem, P. A., Van Impe, J., Vandewalle, J. and Verstraete, W. (1992) Advanced monitoring and control of the activated sludge process: On-line estimation of crucial biological variables in a structured model with the RODTOX biosensor. In: Modeling and Control of Biotechnical Processes. Eds. Karim M.N. and Stephanopoulos J., Pergamon Press, Oxford. 355-358.
Vanrolleghem, P. A. and Van Impe, J. (1992) On the use of structured compartment models for the activated sludge biodegradation process. In: Proceedings Workshop Modelling, Monitoring and Control of the Activated Sludge Process. Med. Fac. Landbouww. Rijksuniv. Gent, 57, 2215-2228.
Van Impe, J., Vanrolleghem, P. A., Verstraete, W., De Moor, B. and Vandewalle, J. (1991) Model based monitoring and control of activated sludge wastewater treatment processes. Part II: Nonlinear control of the biotransformation and the sedimentation process. In: Modelling and Control of Water Resources Systems. Eds. Kerckhoffs E., Koppelaar H., Van der Beken A. and Vansteenkiste G., SCS, San Diego. 221-226.
Vanrolleghem, P. A., Van Impe, J., Vandewalle, J. and Verstraete, W. (1991) Model based monitoring and control of activated sludge wastewater treatment processes. Part I. On-line estimation of crucial biological parameters with the RODTOX. In: Modelling and Control of Water Resources Systems. Eds. Kerckhoffs E., Koppelaar H., Van der Beken A. and Vansteenkiste G., SCS, San Diego, 215-220.
Poster without corresponding publication
Vanrolleghem, P. A. and Van Impe, J. (1993) New applications of activated sludge structured compartment models. Poster presented at the Sixth European Conference on Biotechnology. Firenze, Italy, June 13-17 1993.
Van Impe, J., Vanrolleghem, P. A., De Moor, B. and Vandewalle, J. (1992) State estimation and control of an activated sludge wastewater treatment process using a structured model. Lecture held at the 11th BeNeLux Meeting on Systems and Control. Veldhoven, The Netherlands, March 4-6 1992.
Van Impe, J., Vanrolleghem, P. A., De Moor, B. and Vandewalle, J. (1991) Model-based control of the activated sludge wastewater treatment process. Poster presented at the Environmental Platform. Louvain, Belgium, October 2 1991.
Van Impe, J., Vanrolleghem, P. A., Verstraete, W., De Moor, B. and Vandewalle, J. (1991) Structured versus unstructered modeling of biotechnical plants: An application to activated sludge wastewater treatment process control. Seminar at CESAME. Universite Catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, November 26 1991.