Plana, Q., Lessard, P. et Vanrolleghem, P. A. (2020) Dynamic grit chamber modelling: Dealing with particle settling velocity distributions. Wat. Sci. Tech. , 81, 1682-1699.
Patry, B., Lessard, P. et Vanrolleghem, P. A. (2019) Nitrification in a biofilm-enhanced highly loaded aerated lagoon. Water Environ. Res., doi:10.1002/wer.1234
Tik, S., Maruéjouls, T., Lessard, P. et Vanrolleghem, P. A. (2015) Gestion optimale de la vidange des bassins de rétention en réseau unitaire à l'aide d'un modèle intégré. La Houille Blanche, 3, 44-50. (in French).
Maruéjouls, T., Lessard, P. et Vanrolleghem, P. A. (2014) Calibration and validation of a dynamic model for water quality in combined sewer retention tanks. Urban Water J., 11, 668-677.
Vallet, B., Muschalla, D., Lessard, P. et Vanrolleghem, P. A. (2014) A new dynamic water quality model for stormwater basins as a tool for urban runoff management: Concept and validation. Urban Water J., 11, 211-220.
Rasolomanana, S. D., Lessard, P. et Vanrolleghem, P. A. (2012) Single-objective vs. multi-objective autocalibration in modelling total suspended solids and phosphorus in a small agricultural watershed with SWAT. Wat. Sci. Tech., 65(4), 643-652.
Lavallée, B., Lessard, P. et Vanrolleghem, P. A. (2011) Modeling of activated sludge transient behavior induced by regulation of carbon and nitrogen metabolism. Biotechnol. Prog., 27, 1522-1534.
Lavallée, B., Lessard, P. et Vanrolleghem, P. A. (2005) Modeling the metabolic adaptations of the biomass under rapid growth and starvation conditions in the activated sludge process. J. Environ. Eng. Sci., 4, 533-548.
Lavallée, B., Lessard, P. et Vanrolleghem, P. A. (2005) Review of procaryote metabolism in view of modeling microbial adaptation from fast growth to starvation conditions. J. Environ. Eng. Sci., 4, 517-532.
Patry, B., Ridyard, G., Boutet, E., Lessard, P. et Vanrolleghem, P. A. (2019) Particulate matter accumulation and energy recovery in highly loaded enhanced aerated lagoons. In: Proceedings 4th IWA Specialized International Conference on Ecotechnologies for Wastewater Treatment (ecoSTP18). London, Ontario, Canada, June 25-28 2018.
Patry, B., Lessard, P. et Vanrolleghem, P. A. (2019) Simultaneous organic matter removal and nitrification in a biofilm-enhanced highly loaded aerated lagoon. In: Proceedings WEF Nutrient Removal and Recovery Symposium 2019 - 21st Century Vision. Minneapolis, MN, USA, July 23-25 2019.
Patry, B., Lessard, P. et Vanrolleghem, P. A. (2019) Suivi, compréhension et modélisation d'un étang aéré à capacité augmentée avec la technologie à biofilm KAMAK. In: Proceedings 42e Symposium sur la gestion de l'eau. Montréal, Québec, Canada, October 22-23 2019. (in French).
Plana, Q., Lessard, P. et Vanrolleghem, P. A. (2019) Dynamic grit chamber modelling: Dealing with particle settling velocity distributions. In: Proceedings 10th International IWA Symposium on Systems Analysis and Integrated Assessment (WATERMATEX2019). Copenhagen, Denmark, September 1-4 2019.
Ridyard, G., Patry, B., Boutet, E., Lessard, P. et Vanrolleghem, P. A. (2017) Caractérisation des boues d'une filière de traitement des eaux usées municipales. In: Proceedings 31e Congrès de l'Est du Canada de Recherche sur la Qualité de l'Eau (ACQE) . Québec, Québec, Canada, May 19 2017. (in French).
Tik, S., Maruéjouls, T., Lessard, P. et Vanrolleghem, P. A. (2016) Estimating and minimizing both CSO and WRRF discharge impact by water quality based control. In: Proceedings WEF Collection Systems Conference 2016. Atlanta, GA, USA, May 1-4 2016.
Maruéjouls, T., Lessard, P. et Vanrolleghem, P. A. (2015) A particle settling velocity-based integrated model for dry and wet weather wastewater quality modelling. In: Proceedings WEF Collection Systems Conference 2015. Cincinnati, OH, USA, April 19-22 2015.
Tik, S., Maruéjouls, T., Lessard, P. et Vanrolleghem, P. A. (2015) Water quality-based control evaluation by means of an integrated urban wastewater model. In: Proceedings 10th International Conference on Urban Drainage Modelling (UDM2015). Mont-Sainte-Anne, Québec, Canada, September 20-23 2015. 171-175.
Maruéjouls, T., Lessard, P. et Vanrolleghem, P. A. (2014) Calibration d'un modèle intégré pour la qualité de l'eau usée en temps sec et en temps de pluie. In: Proceedings 37e Symposium sur les Eaux Usées. Québec, Québec, Canada, October 9-10 2014. (in French).
Maruéjouls, T., Lessard, P. et Vanrolleghem, P. A. (2014) Impact of particle property distribution on hydrolysis rates in integrated wastewater modelling. In: Proceedings 13th International Conference on Urban Drainage (13ICUD). Sarawak, Malaysia, September 7-12 2014.
Tik, S., Maruéjouls, T., Lessard, P. et Vanrolleghem, P. A. (2014) Gestion optimale de la vidange des bassins de rétention en réseau unitaire à l'aide d'un modèle intégré. In: Proceedings SHF Conference on Optimisation of Sewerage Systems for the Protection of Receiving Water Bodies. Bordeaux, France, March 19-20 2014. (in French).
Tik, S., Maruéjouls, T., Lessard, P. et Vanrolleghem, P. A. (2014) Optimising wastewater management during wet weather using an integrated model. In: Proceedings 13th International Conference on Urban Drainage (13ICUD). Sarawak, Malaysia, September 7-12 2014.
Bachis, G., Maruéjouls, T., Vallet, B., Lessard, P. et Vanrolleghem, P. A. (2013) Characterisation of particle settling velocity distributions in wastewater systems by the use of a single experimental protocol. In: Proceedings 5th CWWA Canadian Wastewater Management Conference & 48th CAWQ Central Canadian Symposium on Water Quality Research. Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, March 6-8 2013.
Maruéjouls, T., Lessard, P. et Vanrolleghem, P. A. (2013) Integrated urban wastewater systems: Prediction of particle settling velocity distributions along the sewer - retention tank - primary clarifier system. In: Proceedings 7th IWA International Conference on Sewer Processes and Networks (SPN7). Sheffield, United Kingdom, August 28-30 2013.
Maruéjouls, T., Lessard, P. et Vanrolleghem, P. A. (2013) Urban wastewater system modelling: Use of particle classes for a better characterisation of the settling process. In: Proceedings 5th CWWA Canadian Wastewater Management Conference & 48th CAWQ Central Canadian Symposium on Water Quality Research. Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, March 6-8 2013.
Tik, S., Alferes, J., Lessard, P. et Vanrolleghem, P. A. (2013) Practical use of online sewage turbidity data to develop control strategies in an integrated modelling framework. In: Proceedings 20th European Junior Scientist Workshop on Sewer Systems and Processes. Graz, Austria, April 9-12 2013.
Maruéjouls, T., Vanrolleghem, P. A. et Lessard, P. (2012) Modélisation d'un système d'eaux usées urbaines : Utilisation de classes de particules pour mieux caractériser les processus de sédimentation. In: Proceedings 35e Symposium sur les Eaux Usées. Laval, Québec, Canada, October 23-24 2012. (in French).
Maruéjouls, T., Vanrolleghem, P. A. et Lessard, P. (2012) Urban stormwater management: Calibration and validation of an off-line retention tank dynamic model for water quality. In: Proceedings 9th International Conference on Urban Drainage Modelling (UDM2012). Belgrade, Serbia, September 4-7 2012.
Cloutier, F., Lessard, P. et Vanrolleghem, P. A. (2011) Dynamic modelling of heavy metals behavior in whole wastewater treatment plants. In: Proceedings WEF Industrial Seminar 2011. Atlantic City, NJ, USA, May 9-10 2011. (on CD-ROM).
Vallet, B., Lessard, P., Pelletier, G. et Vanrolleghem, P. A. (2011) A dynamic population balance model for multiple stormwater basin processes. In: Proceedings 12th International Conference on Urban Drainage (12ICUD). Porto Alegre, Brazil, September 10-15 2011.
Wipliez, B., Pelletier, G., Maruéjouls, T., Vanrolleghem, P. A. et Lessard, P. (2011) Impact de la vidange des réservoirs de rétention des eaux unitaires sur l'affluent d'une station d'épuration. In: Proceedings 34e Symposium sur les Eaux Usées. Québec, Québec, Canada, September 26-27 2011. (in French).
Wipliez, B., Pelletier, G., Maruéjouls, T., Vanrolleghem, P. A. et Lessard, P. (2011) Impact of CSO retention tank emptying on Quebec City's east treatment plant. In: Proceedings 46th CAWQ Central Canadian Symposium on Water Quality Research. Burlington, Ontario, Canada, February 22-23 2011.
Maruéjouls, T., Lessard, P., Wipliez, B., Pelletier, G. et Vanrolleghem, P. A. (2010) Control of CSO retention tank emptying: Interaction with the wastewater treatment plant. In: Proceedings 6th IWA International Conference on Sewer Processes and Networks (SPN6). Surfers Paradise, Gold Coast, Australia, November 7-10 2010. (on CD-ROM).
Maruéjouls, T., Samie, G., Pelletier, G., Vanrolleghem, P. A. et Lessard, P. (2010) Urban wastewater management under wet weather conditions: Characterization of retention tanks under emptying. In: Proceedings 7th International Conference on Sustainable Techniques and Strategies in Urban Water Management (Novatech2010). Lyon, France, June 28 -July 1 2010. (in French).
Rasolomanana, S. D., Lessard, P. et Vanrolleghem, P. A. (2010) Single objective vs. multi-objective autocalibration in modelling total suspended solids and phosphorus in a small agricultural watershed with SWAT. In: Proceedings 14th IWA International Conference on Diffuse Pollution and Eutrophication (DIPCON2010). Beaupr
Vallet, B., Muschalla, D., Lessard, P. et Vanrolleghem, P. A. (2010) A new dynamic stormwater basin model as a tool for management of urban runoff. In: Proceedings 7th International Conference on Sustainable Techniques and Strategies in Urban Water Management (Novatech2010). Lyon, France, June 28 -July 1 2010.
Vallet, B., Muschalla, D., Carpenter, J., Lessard, P., Pelletier, G. et Vanrolleghem, P. A. (2010) Un nouveau mode de gestion des bassins d'orage: Amélioration de la qualité des eaux pluviales rejetées au milieu naturel. In: Proceedings 33e Symposium sur les Eaux Usées . Saint-Hyacinthe, Québec, Canada, October 26-27 2010. (in French).
Carpenter, J., Muschalla, D., Vallet, B., Pelletier, G., Lessard, P. et Vanrolleghem, P. A. (2009) Reducing pollutant discharge into urban rivers by controlling the retention time in a stormwater pond. In: Proceedings 25e Congrès de l'Est du Canada de Recherche sur la Qualité de l'Eau (ACQE). Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, October 30 2009.
Cloutier, F., Jalby, G., Lessard, P. et Vanrolleghem, P. A. (2008) Modélisation dynamique du comportement des métaux lourds dans les stations d'épuration. In: Proceedings Canadian Society of Civil Engineering 2008 Annual Conference. Québec, Canada, June 10-13 2008. (in French).
Vanrolleghem, P. A. et Lessard, P. (2008) Caractérisation de la décantabilité des eaux pluviales. In: Proceedings 31e Symposium sur les Eaux Usées. Saint-Hyacinthe, Québec, Canada, October 28-29 2008. (in French).
Lavallée, B., Lessard, P. et Vanrolleghem, P. A. (2004) Calibration of a cybernetic model used for modelling of large transient in an activated sludge process. In: Proceedings 4th IWA World Water Conference. Marrakech, Morocco, September 19-24 2004. (on CD-ROM).
Lavallée, B., Lessard, P. et Vanrolleghem, P. A. (2004) Cybernetic modeling of the metabolic adaptation of activated sludge biomass. In: Proceedings 9th IFAC Conference on Computer Applications in Biotechnology CAB9. Nancy, France, March 28-31 2004. (on CD-ROM)
Lavallée, B., Lessard, P. et Vanrolleghem, P. A. (2004) Modeling the metabolic adaptation of activated sludge biomass with a structured biomass model. In: Proceedings 6th Québec-Ontario Bioengineering Meeting. Québec, Canada, June 10-11 2004.
Lavallée, B., Lessard, P. et Vanrolleghem, P. A. (2002) Modélisation cybernétique des processus d'adaptation de la biomasse du procédé de boues activées. In: Proceedings 18e Congr
Patry, B., Lessard, P. et Vanrolleghem, P. A. (2019) Remplissage de séries temporelles d'affluent de StaRRE sur la base de données historiques. Poster presented at the 2e Journée québécoise des étudiants CentrEau. Québec, Québec, Canada, March 22 2019. (in French).
Hafhouf, A., Haboub, K., Lessard, P., Pelletier, G. et Vanrolleghem, P. A. (2018) Caractérisation du comportement des polluants particulaires dans le réseau d’assainissement unitaire en vue de modéliser la qualité de l’eau. Poster presented at the 1e Journée québécoise des étudiants CentrEau. Québec, Québec, Canada, March 22 2018. (in French).
Patry, B., Boutet, E., Lessard, P. et Vanrolleghem, P. A. (2018) kamEAU : Étude d’une technologie émergente de réacteur à biofilm pour l’augmentation de la capacité des étangs aérés. Poster presented at the 1e Journée québécoise des étudiants CentrEau. Québec, Québec, Canada, March 22 2018. (in French).
Maruéjouls, T., Lessard, P., Wipliez, B., Pelletier, G. et Vanrolleghem, P. A. (2011) Comportement des polluants dans un bassin de rétention pour l'amélioration de la prévision de la qualité d'un affluent d'usine de traitement. Lecture held at the 2ème Rendez-vous International sur la Gestion Intégrée de l'Eau - Des Outils pour Agir. Sherbrooke, Québec, Canada, October 23-25 2011. (in French).
Vallet, B., Lessard, P. et Vanrolleghem, P. A. (2011) Integrated systems modelling to support decision-making on sustainable infrastructures. Lecture held at the WEAO Specialty Seminar on Collection and Conveyance Systems: Sustainability and Affordability.Milton, Ontario, Canada, September 15 2011. (Invited Lecture).
Vallet, B., Lessard, P., Pelletier, G. et Vanrolleghem, P. A. (2011) Modélisation d'un bassin d'orage en vue de l'amélioration de la qualité des rivières par la gestion en temps réel. Lecture held at the 2ème Rendez-vous International sur la Gestion Intégrée de l'Eau - Des Outils pour Agir. Sherbrooke, Québec, Canada, October 23-25 2011. (in French).
Rasolomanana, S. D., Lessard, P. et Vanrolleghem, P. A. (2009) Évaluation de l'impact des pratiques agricoles sur la qualité de l'eau des riviéres avec le modéle SWAT. Lecture held at the Rendez-vous International sur la Gestion Intégrée de l'Eau - Des Outils pour Agir. Sherbrooke, Québec, Canada, June 1-3 2009. (in French).
Vallet, B., Muschalla, D., Vanrolleghem, P. A. et Lessard, P. (2009) Stormwater pond modeling to improve quality of the receiving water body. Lecture held at the 10th CAWQ Western Canadian Symposium on Water Quality Research. Penticton, British Columbia, Canada, April 25-29 2009.
Présentation sans publication
Hafhouf, A., Haboub, K., Lessard, P., Pelletier, G. et Vanrolleghem, P. A. (2018) Characterization of particles behaviour in combined sewers. In: Proceedings 53rd CAWQ Central Canadian Symposium on Water Quality Research . Toronto, Ontario, Canada, February 22 2018.
Cloutier, F., Jalby, G., Clouzot, L., Lessard, P. et Vanrolleghem, P. A. (2011) Modelling the fate of heavy metals in integrated urban wastewater systems. Poster presented at Connecting Water Resources - Bringing Research to Life 2011. Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, February 28 - March 3 2011.
Faculté des sciences et de génie - Université Laval Peter Vanrolleghem - Département de génie civil et génie des eaux - Pavillon Adrien-Pouliot - 1065 avenue de la Médecine Bureau 2974 Québec (Québec) - Canada - G1V 0A6 - Téléphone : +1-418-656-5085 Courriel :