Plósz, B., De Clercq, J., Nopens, I., Benedetti, L. et Vanrolleghem, P. A. (2011) Shall we upgrade one-dimensional secondary settler models used in WWTP simulators? - An assessment of model structure uncertainty and its propagation. Wat. Sci. Tech., 63(8), 1726-1738.
Benedetti, L., De Keyser, W., Nopens, I. et Vanrolleghem, P. A. (2010) Probabilistic modelling and evaluation of wastewater treatment plant upgrades in a water quality based evaluation context. J. Hydroinformatics, 12, 380-395.
De Clercq, J., Nopens, I., Defrancq, J. et Vanrolleghem, P. A. (2008) Extending and calibrating a mechanistic hindered and compression settling model for activated sludge using in-depth batch experiments. Wat. Res., 42, 781-791.
Nopens, I., Nere, N., Vanrolleghem, P. A. et Ramkrishna, D. (2007) Solving the inverse problem for aggregation in activated sludge flocculation using a population balance framework. Wat. Sci. Tech., 56(6), 95-103.
Insel, G., Sin, G., Lee, D., Nopens, I. et Vanrolleghem, P. A. (2006) A calibration methodology and model-based systems analysis for SBRs removing nutrients under limited aeration conditions. J. Chem. Technol. Biotechnol., 81, 679-687.
Lee, D., Sin, G., Insel, G., Nopens, I. et Vanrolleghem, P. A. (2006) Model-based optimization of a sequencing batch reactor for advanced biological wastewater treatment. Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis, 159, 165-168.
Nopens, I. et Vanrolleghem, P. A. (2006) Comparison of discretization methods to solve a population balance model of activated sludge flocculation including aggregation and breakage. Math. Comp. Modell. of Dyn. Sys., 12, 441-454.
Nopens, I., Beheydt, D. et Vanrolleghem, P. A. (2005) Comparison and pitfalls of different discretised solution methods for population balance models: A simulation study. Computers Chem. Eng., 29, 367-377.
Gernaey, K., Petersen, B., Nopens, I., Comeau, Y. et Vanrolleghem, P. A. (2002) Modelling aerobic carbon source degradation processes using titrimetric data and combined respirometric-titrimetric data: Experimental data and model structure. Biotechnol. Bioeng., 79, 741-753.
Nopens, I., Hopkins, L. et Vanrolleghem, P. A. (2001) An overview of the posters presented at Watermatex 2000. III: Model selection and calibration / Optimal experimental design. Wat. Sci. Tech., 43(7), 387-389.
Garneau, C., Diehl, S., Torfs, E., Bürger, R., Claeys, F., Nopens, I. et Vanrolleghem, P. A. (2015) The Bürger-Diehl model: The right integrator for the right model. In: Proceedings 9th International IWA Symposium on Systems Analysis and Integrated Assessment (WATERMATEX2015). Gold Coast, Australia, June 14-17 2015.
Nopens, I., Torfs, E., Ducoste, J., Vanrolleghem, P. A. et Gernaey, K. (2014) Population balance models: A useful complementary modelling framework for future WWTP modelling. In: Proceedings 4th IWA/WEF Wastewater Treatment Modelling Seminar (WWTmod2014). Spa, Belgium, March 30 - April 2 2014. 129-138.
Vanrolleghem, P. A. et Nopens, I. (2014) Wastewater Treatment. In: Urban Hydroinformatics - Data, Models and Decision Support for Integrated Urban Water Management. Eds. Price R.K. and Vojinovic Z., IWA Publishing, London, UK. 371-421.
Rehman, U., Vesvikar, M., Maere, T., Guo, L., Vanrolleghem, P. A. et Nopens, I. (2013) Effect of sensor location on controller performance in a wastewater treatment plant. In: Proceedings 11th IWA Conference on Instrumentation, Control and Automation (ICA2013). Narbonne, France, September 18-20 2013.
Guo, L., Martin, C., Nopens, I. et Vanrolleghem, P. A. (2012) Climate change and WWTPs: Controlling greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and impacts of increased wet weather disturbances. In: Proceedings IWA Nutrient Removal and Recovery 2012: Trends in NRR. Harbin, China, September 23-25 2012.
Guo, L., Amerlinck, Y., Nopens, I., Porro, J. et Vanrolleghem, P. A. (2012) Greenhouse gases from and impact of climate change on wastewater treatment plants. In: Proceedings 47th CAWQ Central Canadian Symposium on Water Quality Research. Burlington, Ontario, Canada, February 21-22 2012.
Benedetti, L., Batstone, D., De Baets, B., Nopens, I. et Vanrolleghem, P. A. (2008) Global sensitivity analysis of biochemical, design and operational parameters of the Benchmark Simulation Model no. 2. In: Proceedings International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software (iEMSs2008). Barcelona, Spain, July 7-10 2008. Vol. 2, 1322-1330.
Benedetti, L., Nopens, I. et Vanrolleghem, P. A. (2008) Global sensitivity analysis of design and operational parameters of the Benchmark Simulation Model nr. 2. In: Proceedings International Symposium on Sanitary and Environmental Engineering (SIDISA.08). Florence, Italy, June 24-27 2008. (on CD-ROM).
Benedetti, L., De Baets, B., Nopens, I. et Vanrolleghem, P. A. (2008) Uncertainty analysis of control strategies and plant design scenarios with the Benchmark Simulation Model no. 2. In: Proceedings International Symposium on Sanitary and Environmental Engineering (SIDISA.08). Florence, Italy, June 24-27 2008. (on CD-ROM).
Rios, N., Nopens, I. et Vanrolleghem, P. A. (2008) Hydrodynamic CFD simulation of a two-phase flow in an ultrafiltration membrane tube for a side-stream membrane bioreactor. In: Proceedings 5th International Conference on Transport Phenomena in Multiphase Systems (HEAT 2008). Bialystok, Poland, June 30 - July 3 2008.
Rios, N., Nopens, I. et Vanrolleghem, P. A. (2008) Mass transfer coefficient determination of a two-phase flow for an UF membrane in a side-stream MBR. In: Proceedings 5th International Conference on Transport Phenomena in Multiphase Systems (HEAT 2008). Bialystok, Poland, June 30 - July 3 2008.
Rios, N., Nopens, I. et Vanrolleghem, P. A. (2008) Two-phase slug flow CFD model for an ultrafiltration side-stream MBR. In: Proceedings Engineering with Membranes 2008 (EWM2008). Vale de Lobo, Algarve, Portugal, May 25-28 2008.
Rios, N., Nopens, I. et Vanrolleghem, P. A. (2008) Using a two-phase hydrodynamic model to control fouling in an ultrafiltration side-stream MBR. In: Proceedings Membrane Technology 2008. Atlanta, Georgia, USA, January 27-30 2008. (on CR-ROM).
Nopens, I., Nere, N., Vanrolleghem, P. A. et Ramkrishna, D. (2007) On the formulation of effective mechanistic aggregation kernels for the flocculation process with concurrent mechanisms using inverse problem solution. In: Proceedings AIChE Annual Meeting 2007. Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, November 4-9 2007.
Nopens, I., Nere, N., Vanrolleghem, P. A. et Ramkrishna, D. (2007) Solving the inverse problem for aggregation in activated sludge flocculation. In: Proceedings 3rd International Conference on Population Balance Modeling (PBM2007). Québec, Québec, Canada, September 19-21 2007. (on CD-ROM).
Rios, N., Nopens, I., De Schepper, V., Jiang, T., Verstraete, W. et Vanrolleghem, P. A. (2007) A rheological model for activated sludge in a side-stream MBR. In: Proceedings 4th IWA International Membranes Conference - Membranes for Water and Wastewater Treatment. Harrogate, United Kingdom, May 15-17 2007.
Sin, G., Niville, K., Bachis, G., Jiang, T., Nopens, I., Van Hulle, S. et Vanrolleghem, P. A. (2007) Nitrite effect on the phosphorus uptake activity of phosphate accumulating organisms (PAO) in pilot-scale SBR and MBR reactors. In: Proceedings WEF/IWA International Conference on Nutrient Removal 2007: The State of the Art (BNR2007). Baltimore, USA, March 4-7 2007. (on CD-ROM).
Claeys, F., De Pauw, D., Benedetti, L., Nopens, I. et Vanrolleghem, P. A. (2006) Tornado: A versatile and efficient modelling & virtual experimentation kernel for water quality systems. In: Proceedings Summit on Environmental Modelling and Software (iEMSs2006). Burlington, Vermont, USA, July 9-12 2006. (on CD-ROM).
Nopens, I., Koegst, T. et Vanrolleghem, P. A. (2004) Comparison of different aggregation and breakage kernels for PBMs of the activated sludge occulation process. In: Proceedings 2nd International Conference on Population Balance Modelling. Valencia, Spain, May 5-7 2004. (in Press)
Nopens, I., Beheydt, D. et Vanrolleghem, P. A. (2004) Comparison of discretisation techniques to solve PBMs including aggregation and/or breakage: A simulation study. In: Proceedings 2nd International Conference on Population Balance Modelling. Valencia, Spain, May 5-7 2004. (in Press)
Nopens, I. et Vanrolleghem, P. A. (2004) Integratie van investerings- en werkingskosten voor waterzuivering met behulp van modelsimulaties. In: Proceedings Facultaire Thema Namiddag FBW. Gent, December 3 2004. pp. 21.
Nopens, I., Koegst, T., Mahieu, K. et Vanrolleghem, P. A. (2004) PBM and activated sludge flocculation: From experimental data to a calibrated model. In: Proceedings 9th IFAC Conference on Computer Applications in Biotechnology CAB9. Nancy, France, March 28-31 2004. (on CD-ROM)
Nopens, I. et Vanrolleghem, P. A. (2003) Comparison of discretisation methods to solve a population balance model of activated sludge flocculation including aggregation and breakage. In: Proceedings IMACS 4th MATHMOD Conference. Vienna, Austria, February 5-7 2003.
Govoreanu, R., Nopens, I., De Clercq, B., Saveyn, H., Van Der Meeren, P. et Vanrolleghem, P. A. (2001) Influence of experimental parameters for on-line determination of floc size distribution. In: Proceedings 12th Romanian International Conference on Chemistry and Chemical Engineering. Bucharest, Romania, September 13-15 2001. (on CD-ROM).
Van Vooren, L., Van De Steene, M., Nopens, I., Ottoy, J. P. et Vanrolleghem, P. A. (2000) Buffer capacity based multipurpose hard- and software sensor for environmental applications. In: Proceedings 7th International Conference on Chemometrics in Analytical Chemistry (CAC2000). Antwerp, Belgium, October 16-20 2000.
Vanrolleghem, P. A. et Nopens, I. (2012) 3rd IWA/WEF Seminar on Wastewater Treatment Modelling - Een mooi voorbeeld van samenwerking tussen grote professionele organisaties. WT-Afvalwater, 12(3), 234-236. (in Dutch).
De Clercq, J., Nopens, I., Defrancq, J. et Vanrolleghem, P. A. (2009) Uitbreiding en calibratie van mechanistisch model voor gehinderde en compressiebezinking voor actief slib met behulp van doorgedreven experimenten. Afvalwaterwetenschap, 8(1), 29-40. (in Dutch).
Nopens, I., Van Hulle, S. et Vanrolleghem, P. A. (2008) Verslag van de 3rd International IWA Conference on Automation in Water Quality Monitoring (AutMoNet2007) in Gent 2007. Afvalwaterwetenschap, 7(1), 59-60. (in Dutch).
Sin, G., De Pauw, D., Weijers, S., Vanrolleghem, P. A. et Nopens, I. (2007) Ontwikkeling van een structurele aanpak voor het continue gebruik van actief slibmodellen in het dagelijks beheer van RWZI's. Afvalwaterwetenschap, 6(3), 150-159. (in Dutch).
Affiche sans publication correspondante
Porro, J., Comas, J., Rodríguez-Roda, I., Vanrolleghem, P. A. et Nopens, I. (2014) Qualitative modelling of N2O production from WWTPs: A knowledge-based approach for decision support. Lecture held at the Total Nitrogen Modelling Workshop at the 4th IWA/WEF Wastewater Treatment Modelling Seminar (WWTmod2014). Spa, Belgium, March 30 - April 2 2014.
Vanrolleghem, P. A., Guo, L., Porro, J., Amerlinck, Y., Shaw, A. et Nopens, I. (2011) Mitigating wastewater utility greenhouse gas footprints - Development of a benchmark simulation model. Lecture held at the First International Symposium on Microbial Resource Management in Biotechnology: Concepts & Applications. Ghent, Belgium, June 30 - July 1 2011.
Vanrolleghem, P. A., Nopens, I., Jiang, T., Kennedy, M. et Amy, G. (2008) Modelling SMPs in MBRs. Lecture held at the 1st IWA/WEF Wastewater Treatment Modelling Seminar (WWTmod2008). Mont-Sainte-Anne, Québec, Canada, June 1-3 2008.
Foubert, I., Sichien, M., Nopens, I., Vanrolleghem, P. A. et Dewettinck, K. (2007) Modelling the temperature dependency of crystallization parameters in view of describing the non-isothermal crystallization process. Lecture held at the 5th Euro Fed Lipid Congress. Gothenburg, Sweden, September 16-19 2007.
De Schepper, V., Jiang, T., Daneels, R., Nopens, I. et Vanrolleghem, P. A. (2006) Modeling the performance (effluent quality and membrane fouling) of a membrane bioreactor. Lecture held at the EUROMBRA Workshop on Bio-fouling in Membrane Systems. Trondheim, Norway, July 11-12 2006.
Govoreanu, R., Nopens, I., Seghers, D. et Vanrolleghem, P. A. (2003) Investigation of the influence of physico-chemical parameters on the activated sludge (de)flocculation dynamics. Lecture held at the EuroConference on the Role of Colloids and Particles in Water Technology. Acquafredda di Maratea, Italy, October 4-9, 2003.
De Pauw, D., Carvalho, G., Nopens, I., Verdonck, F., Meirlaen, J. et Vanrolleghem, P. A. (2002) WEST, a general tool for dynamic modelling and simulation (e.g. biodegradation processes). Poster presented at the 12th Annual Meeting of SETAC-Europe (Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry). Vienna, Austria, May 12-16 2002.
Nopens, I., Verbrugge, T., Seghers, D. et Vanrolleghem, P. A. (2001) OECD criteria for ready biodegradability: Environmental interpretation and study of alternatives. In: COST-624 Working Group Meeting on Biological Processes. Rome, Italy, November 29-32 2001. pp. 32.
Vanrolleghem, P. A., De Clercq, B. et Nopens, I. (2001) PC data logging (with LabView): Data-acquisition and signal filtering. In: PhD Programme Course Trends in Research & Development Faculty of Agricultural and Applied Biological Sciences, Ghent University. January 2001.
Rapport technique
Nopens, I., Capalozza, C. et Vanrolleghem, P. A. (2001) Stability analysis of a synthetic municipal wastewater. BIOMATH Technical Report. Ghent University, Belgium. pp. 22.
Faculté des sciences et de génie - Université Laval Peter Vanrolleghem - Département de génie civil et génie des eaux - Pavillon Adrien-Pouliot - 1065 avenue de la Médecine Bureau 2974 Québec (Québec) - Canada - G1V 0A6 - Téléphone : +1-418-656-5085 Courriel :