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Vanrolleghem's Papers in Proceedings

Publications in books and conference proceedings

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  1. Bellandi G., De Mulder C., Van Hoey S., Rehman U., Amerlinck Y., Guo L., Vanrolleghem P.A., Weijers S., Gori R. and Nopens I. (2018) Tanks in series versus compartmental model configuration: Considering hydrodynamics helps in parameter estimation for an N2O model. In: Proceedings 6th IWA/WEF Water Resource Recovery Modelling Seminar (WRRmod2018). Lac Beauport, Québec, Canada, March 10-14 2018. [PVR1288]

  2. Bernier J., Cornut C., Hicks A., Azimi S., Vanrolleghem P.A. and Rocher V. (2018) Qualification des données acquises en temps réel dans les réseaux d’assainissement et les STEP : Un maillon essentiel pour construire l'usine intelligente. In: Proceedings 23e Journées Information Eaux (JIE). Poitiers, France, October 9-11 2018. (in French). [PVR1289]

  3. Garneau C. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2018) Neural network for tuning-friendly automatic outlier detection in water quality time series. In: Proceedings International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software (iEMSs2018). Fort Collins, CO, USA, June 24-28 2018. [PVR1291]

  4. Guo L., Scott Z., Walton J., Tik S., Sharmae K.R., Yuan Z., Vanrolleghem P.A., Boiocchia R., Elbeshbishy E., Santoro D. (2018) Model-based management and control of the bioreactions in a collection system. In: Proceedings 91st Annual WEF Technical Exhibition and Conference (WEFTEC2018). New Orleans, LA, USA, September 29 - October 3 2018. [PVR1292]

  5. Guo L., Tik S., Ledergerber J.M., Santoro D., Elbeshbishy E. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2018) Conceptualizing the sewage collection system for integrated sewer-WWTP modelling and optimization. In: Proceedings 11th International Conference on Urban Drainage Modelling (UDM2018). Palermo, Italy, September 23-26 2018. [PVR1293]

  6. Hafhouf A., Haboub K., Lessard P., Pelletier G. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2018) Characterization of particles behaviour in combined sewers. In: Proceedings 53rd CAWQ Central Canadian Symposium on Water Quality Research. Toronto, Ontario, Canada, February 22 2018. [PVR1294]

  7. Ledergerber J.M., Maruéjouls T. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2018) Experimental design to support water quality modelling of sewer systems. In: Proceedings 11th International Conference on Urban Drainage Modelling (UDM2018). Palermo, Italy, September 23-26 2018. [PVR1296]

  8. Lizarralde I., Fernández-Arévalo T., Ayesa E., Flores-Alsina X., Jeppsson U., Solon K., Vanrolleghem P.A., Vaneeckhaute C., Ikumi D., Kazadi Mbamba C., Batstone D. and Grau P. (2018) From WWTP to WRRF: A new modelling framework. In: Proceedings 6th IWA/WEF Water Resource Recovery Modelling Seminar (WRRmod2018). Lac Beauport, Québec, Canada, March 10-14 2018. 149-157. [PVR1297]

  9. Philippe R., Garneau C., Torfs E. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2018) Integrating fault detection methods in monitoring wastewater quality. In: Proceedings 32e Congrès de l'Est du Canada de Recherche sur la Qualité de l'Eau (ACQE). Sherbrooke, Québec, Canada, May 4 2018. [PVR1298]

  10. Plana Q., Carpentier J., Gagnon L., Pauléat A., Gadbois A., Lessard P. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2018) Study of the settleability of grit particles. In: Proceedings 32e Congrès de l'Est du Canada de Recherche sur la Qualité de l'Eau (ACQE). Sherbrooke, Québec, Canada, May 4 2018. [PVR1300]

  11. Plana Q., Carpentier J., Gagnon L., Pauléat A., Gadbois A., Lessard P. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2018) Grit particle characterization: Study of the settleability. In: Proceedings 91st Annual WEF Technical Exhibition and Conference (WEFTEC2018). New Orleans, LA, USA, September 29 - October 3 2018. [PVR1301]

  12. Zhu J., Bernier J., Pauss A., Vanrolleghem P.A. and Rocher V. (2018) Modélisation de la station seine aval - vers une optimisation en temps réel des coûts d'exploitation et environnementaux. In: Proceedings 23e Journées Information Eaux (JIE). Poitiers, France, October 9-11 2018. (in French). [PVR1312]


  13. Alferes J., Copp J., Weijers S.R., Cussonneau G., Fay G., Dembele A. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2017) Validating data quality for water quality monitoring: Objective comparison of different data quality assessment approaches. In: Proceedings 12th IWA Conference on Instrumentation, Control and Automation (ICA2017). Québec, Québec, Canada, June 11-14 2017. [PVR1266]

  14. Garneau C. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2017) Development of a beach water quality model: Dealing with uncertainty. In: Proceedings 18th International Conference on Diffuse Pollution and Eutrophication (DIPCON2018). Los Angeles, CA, USA, August 13-17 2017. [PVR1290]

  15. Ledergerber J., Leray É., Maruéjouls T. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2017) Optimization of installation and maintenance of water quality sensors in combined sewers. In: Proceedings 14th International Conference on Urban Drainage (14ICUD). Prague, Czech Republic, September 10-15 2017. [PVR1295]

  16. Ledergerber J.M., Maruéjouls T., Aaron C., Alferes J., Plana Q., Tik S. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2017) Validation of an online water quality monitoring methodology for sewer systems of mid-size cities. In: Proceedings 23rd European Junior Scientist Workshop (EJSW2017) - Monitoring Urban Drainage Systems. Chichilianne, France, May 15-20 2017. [PVR1268]

  17. Pieper L., Ledergerber J., Comeau A. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2017) An efficient and structured procedure to build the catchment and sewer models of Integrated Urban Wastewater System Models. In: Proceedings 14th International Conference on Urban Drainage (14ICUD). Prague, Czech Republic, September 10-15 2017. [PVR1299]

  18. Plana Q., Alferes J., Fuks K., Kraft T., Maruéjouls T., Torfs E. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2017) datEAUbase: Water quality database for raw and validated data with emphasis on structured metadata. In: Proceedings 12th IWA Conference on Instrumentation, Control and Automation (ICA2017). Québec, Québec, Canada, June 11-14 2017. [PVR1269]

  19. Plana Q., Carpentier J., Tardif F., Pauléat A., Gadbois A., Lessard P. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2017) Influence of sample pretreatment on grit characteristics. In: Proceedings 31e Congrès de l'Est du Canada de Recherche sur la Qualité de l'Eau (ACQE). Québec, Québec, Canada, May 19 2017. [PVR1270]

  20. Plana Q., Carpentier J., Tardif F., Pauléat A., Gadbois A., Lessard P. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2017) Influence of sample pretreatment and weather conditions on grit characteristics. In: Proceedings 90th Annual WEF Technical Exhibition and Conference (WEFTEC2017). Chicago, IL, USA, September 30 - October 4 2017. [PVR1302]

  21. Plana Q., Carpentier J., Tardif F., Pauléat A., Gadbois A., Lessard P. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2017) Grit particle characterization: Influence of sampling and characterization methods. In: Proceedings IWA Water and Development Congress & Exhibition. Buenos Aires, Argentina, November 13-16 2017. [PVR1303]

  22. Porro J., Bellandi G., Rodriguez-Roda I., Deeke A., Weijers S., Vanrolleghem P.A., Comas J. and Nopens I. (2017) Developing an artificial intelligence-based WRRF nitrous oxide mitigation road map: The Eindhoven N2O mitigation case study. In: Proceedings 90th Annual WEF Technical Exhibition and Conference (WEFTEC2017). Chicago, IL, USA, September 30 - October 4 2017. [PVR1304]

  23. Ridyard G., Patry B., Boutet E., Lessard P. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2017) Caractérisation des boues d'une filière de traitement des eaux usées municipales. In: Proceedings 31e Congrès de l'Est du Canada de Recherche sur la Qualité de l'Eau (ACQE). Québec, Québec, Canada, May 19 2017. (in French). [PVR1271]

  24. Therrien J.-D. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2017) Pilot-scale emulation of differently-sized sewer network effluents. In: Proceedings 31e Congrès de l'Est du Canada de Recherche sur la Qualité de l'Eau (ACQE). Québec, Québec, Canada, May 19 2017. [PVR1272]

  25. Torfs E., Doucet J., Santoro D., Ho D., Gupta M., Nakhla G. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2017) Characterization of cellulose biodegradation kinetics in wastewater in view of increasing a WRRF’s capacity by a pre-treatment sieve step. In: Proceedings 90th Annual WEF Technical Exhibition and Conference (WEFTEC2017). Chicago, IL, USA, September 30 - October 4 2017. [PVR1305]

  26. Vaneeckhaute C., Belia E. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2017) Economic optimization of an integrated nutrient and energy recovery treatment train using a new model library: A pig manure case study. In: Proceedings 2nd International Resource Recovery Conference (IRRC2017). New York, NY, USA, August 5-9 2017. [PVR1306]

  27. Vaneeckhaute C., Belia E., Copp J., Meers E., Tack F.M.G. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2017) Roadmap for setting up optimal treatment trains for nutrient recovery at WRRFs. In: Proceedings WEF Nutrient Symposium 2017. Fort Lauderdale, FL, USA, June 12-14 2017. [PVR1273]

  28. Vaneeckhaute C., Belia E., Meers E., Tack F.M.G. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2017) Integration and optimization of sustainable phosphate recovery from waste(water) flows. In: Proceedings Phosphates 2017. Tampa, FL, USA, March 13-15 2017. [PVR1308]

  29. Vaneeckhaute C., Belia E., Meers E., Tack F.M.G. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2017) Récupération de bio-engrais à partir des matières résiduelles (digérées) : Feuille de route pour la mise en place d’une chaîne de traitement optimale. Lecture held at Americana 2017. Montréal, Québec, Canada, March 21-23 2017. (in French). [PVR1310]

  30. Vaneeckhaute C., Belia E., Meers E., Tack F.M.G. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2017) Roadmap for setting up an optimal treatment train configuration for nutrient recovery from (digested) residuals. In: Proceedings WEF Residuals and Biosolids Conference 2017. Seattle, WA, USA, April 8-11 2017. [PVR1275]

  31. Vaneeckhaute C., Belia E., Meers E., Tack F.M.G. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2017) Roadmap for implementation of optimal nutrient recovery treatment trains at WRRFs. In: Proceedings European Biosolids and Organic Resources Conference (EBOR2017). Leeds, UK, November 20-21 2017. [PVR1309]

  32. Vanrolleghem P.A. (2017) ViCAs equipment for particle settling characterization – an example of open hardware for monitoring the urban storm and wastewater system. In: Proceedings 14th International Conference on Urban Drainage (14ICUD). Prague, Czech Republic, September 10-15 2017. [PVR1311]


  33. Baalbaki Z., Maere T., Torfs E., Vanrolleghem P.A. and Yargeau V. (2016) Removal of contaminants of emerging concern (CECs) during primary, secondary and tertiary wastewater treatment steps. In: Proceedings 26th Annual meeting of SETAC Europe (Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry). Nantes, France, May 22-26 2016. [PVR1244]

  34. Carpentier J., Plana Q., Pelletier G. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2016) Flushing consolidated sewer sediments: Characterization of settled flushwater returned to the sewer systems. In: Proceedings 30e Congrès de l'Est du Canada de Recherche sur la Qualité de l'Eau (ACQE). Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, May 27 2016. [PVR1245]

  35. Carpentier J., Plana Q., Tardif F., Pauléat A., Gadbois A., Lessard P. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2016) Caractérisation des particules retenues par les unités de dessablage. In: Proceedings 39e Symposium sur la gestion de l'eau. Laval, Québec, Canada, November 9 2016. (in French). [PVR1267]

  36. Jimenez J., Charnier C., Latrille E., Torrijos M., Harmand J., Patureau D., Spérandio M., Morgenroth E., Béline F., Ekama G., Vanrolleghem P.A., Robles A., Seco A., Batstone D.J. and Steyer J.-P. (2016) Modelling hydrolysis: Simultaneous versus sequential biodegradation of the hydrolysable fractions. In: Proceedings 5th IWA/WEF Wastewater Treatment Modelling Seminar (WWTmod2016). Annecy, France, April 2-6 2016. 27-37. [PVR1226]

  37. Maere T., Neethling J.B., Clark D., Pramanik A. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2016) Wastewater treatment nutrient regulations: An international perspective with focus on innovation. In: Proceedings WEF/IWA Nutrient Removal and Recovery 2016. Denver, CO, USA, July 10-13 2016. [PVR1246]

  38. Plana Q., Kraft T., Alferes J., Maruéjouls T. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2016) datEAUbase: A powerful large capacity database for raw and validated water quality data with emphasis on their metadata. In: Proceedings 10th National Monitoring Conference (NWQMC) - Working Together for Clean Water. Tampa, FL, USA, May 2-6 2016. [PVR1227]

  39. Spanjers H. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2016) Respirometry. In: Experimental Methods in Wastewater Treatment. Eds. van Loosdrecht M.C.M., Nielsen P.H., Lopez-Vazquez C.M. and Brdjanovic D., IWA Publishing, London, UK. 133-178. [PVR1228]

  40. Tik S. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2016) Chemically enhancing primary clarifiers: Model-based development of a dosing controller and full-scale implementation. In: Proceedings IWA Particle Separation Conference (PS 2016). Oslo, Norway, June 22-24 2016. 278-286. [PVR1247]

  41. Tik S. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2016) A turbidity-based CEPT controller for primary clarifiers: Model-based development and full-scale implementation. In: Proceedings 89th Annual WEF Technical Exhibition and Conference (WEFTEC2016). New Orleans, LA, USA, September 24-28 2016. [PVR1248]

  42. Tik S., Bachis G., Maruéjouls T., Charette S., Lessard P. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2016) A CEPT model based on particle settling velocity distributions. In: Proceedings IWA Particle Separation Conference (PS 2016). Oslo, Norway, June 22-24 2016. 256-260. [PVR1249]

  43. Tik S., Maruéjouls T., Lessard P. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2016) Estimating and minimizing both CSO and WRRF discharge impact by water quality based control. In: Proceedings WEF Collection Systems Conference 2016. Atlanta, GA, USA, May 1-4 2016. [PVR1229]

  44. Torfs E., Locatelli F., Balemans S., Laurent J., Vanrolleghem P.A., Bürger R., Diehl S., François P., Mosse R. and Nopens I. (2016) Concentration-driven models revisited: Towards a unified framework to model settling tanks in WWTPs. In: Proceedings 5th IWA/WEF Wastewater Treatment Modelling Seminar (WWTmod2016). Annecy, France, April 2-6 2016. 109-118. [PVR1230]

  45. Torfs E., Nopens I., Winkler M., Vanrolleghem P.A., Balemans S. and Smets I. (2016) Settling tests. In: Experimental Methods in Wastewater Treatment. Eds. van Loosdrecht M.C.M., Nielsen P.H., Lopez-Vazquez C.M. and Brdjanovic D., IWA Publishing, London, UK. 236-262. [PVR1231]

  46. Vaneeckhaute C., Belia E., Meers E., Tack F.M.G. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2016) Récupération de bio-engrais à partir de digestat et d'eau usée: Comment configurer la chaîne de traitement? In: Proceedings 39e Symposium sur la gestion de l'eau. Laval, Québec, Canada, November 9 2016. (in French). [PVR1274]

  47. Vaneeckhaute C., Belia E., Meers E., Tack F.M.G. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2016) Optimization of nutrient recovery treatment trains using a new nutrient recovery model (NRM) library. In: Proceedings European Biosolids and Organic Resources Conference (EBOR2016). Edinburgh, Scotland, November 15-16 2016. [PVR1307]

  48. Vaneeckhaute C., Meers E., Tack F.M.G., Belia E. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2016) Modelling and optimization of nutrient recovery systems: Advances and limitations. In: The Recovery and Use of Mineral Nutrients from Organic Residues. Eds. Meers E. and Velthof G., Wiley, West Sussex, UK. [PVR1250]


  49. Alferes J., Copp J.B., Weijers S. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2015) Validating data quality for water quality monitoring: Objective comparison of three data quality assessment approaches. In: Proceedings New Developments in IT & Water Conference. Rotterdam, The Netherlands, February 8-10 2015. [PVR1187]

  50. Garneau C., Claeys F.H.A. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2015) Automatic generation of a symbolic Jacobian of non-linear equations. In: Proceedings 9th International IWA Symposium on Systems Analysis and Integrated Assessment (WATERMATEX2015). Gold Coast, Australia, June 14-17 2015. [PVR1193]

  51. Garneau C., Diehl S., Torfs E., Bürger R., Claeys F.H.A., Nopens I. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2015) The Bürger-Diehl model: The right integrator for the right model. In: Proceedings 9th International IWA Symposium on Systems Analysis and Integrated Assessment (WATERMATEX2015). Gold Coast, Australia, June 14-17 2015. [PVR1194]

  52. Maruéjouls T., Lessard P. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2015) A particle settling velocity-based integrated model for dry and wet weather wastewater quality modelling. In: Proceedings WEF Collection Systems Conference 2015. Cincinnati, OH, USA, April 19-22 2015. [PVR1195]

  53. Porro J., Guo L., Rodriguez-Roda I., Poch M., Deeke A., Weijers S., Vanrolleghem P.A., Nopens I. and Comas J. (2015) Use of AI for online control of nitrous oxide production in water resource recovery facilities. In: Proceedings 9th International IWA Symposium on Systems Analysis and Integrated Assessment (WATERMATEX2015). Gold Coast, Australia, June 14-17 2015. [PVR1196]

  54. Regneri M., Klepiszewski K., Muschalla D. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2015) Integrated multi-criteria optimal model predictive control of a sewer network in a rural catchment. In: Proceedings 10th International Conference on Urban Drainage Modelling (UDM2015). Mont-Sainte-Anne, Québec, Canada, September 20-23 2015. 177-185. [PVR1197]

  55. Spindler A. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2015) Continuous measurement quality control of WRRF operational data. In: Proceedings 88th Annual WEF Technical Exhibition and Conference (WEFTEC2015). Chicago, IL, USA, September 26-30 2015. [PVR1198]

  56. Talebizadeh M., Belia E. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2015) Probabilistic design of wastewater treatment plants. In: Proceedings 88th Annual WEF Technical Exhibition and Conference (WEFTEC2015). Chicago, IL, USA, September 26-30 2015. [PVR1199]

  57. Tik S., Maruéjouls T., Lessard P. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2015) Water quality-based control evaluation by means of an integrated urban wastewater model. In: Proceedings 10th International Conference on Urban Drainage Modelling (UDM2015). Mont-Sainte-Anne, Québec, Canada, September 20-23 2015. 171-175. [PVR1200]

  58. Vaneeckhaute C., Claeys F.H.A., Belia E., Meers E., Tack F.M.G. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2015) Nutrient recovery treatment train set-up using a new model library and global sensitivity analysis. In: Proceedings 9th International IWA Symposium on Systems Analysis and Integrated Assessment (WATERMATEX2015). Gold Coast, Australia, June 14-17 2015. [PVR1201]

  59. Vaneeckhaute C., Claeys F.H.A., Belia E., Meers E., Tack F.M.G. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2015) Nutrient recovery treatment train set-up using a new model library and global sensitivity analysis. In: Proceedings 1st IWA Resource Recovery Conference. Ghent, Belgium, August 30 - September 2 2015. [PVR1202]

  60. Vaneeckhaute C., Claeys F.H.A., Meers E., Tack F.M.G., Belia E. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2015) Nutrient recovery treatment train configuration and optimization using a new model library and global sensitivity analysis. In: Proceedings 88th Annual WEF Technical Exhibition and Conference (WEFTEC2015). Chicago, IL, USA, September 26-30 2015. [PVR1203]

  61. Villez K., Vanrolleghem P.A. and Corominas Ll. (2015) Sensor placement by means of deterministic global optimization. In: Proceedings New Developments in IT & Water Conference. Rotterdam, The Netherlands, February 8-10 2015. [PVR1186]

  62. Villez K., Vanrolleghem P.A. and Corominas Ll. (2015) Optimizing observability and redundancy by means of globally optimal measurement selection. In: Proceedings 9th International IWA Symposium on Systems Analysis and Integrated Assessment (WATERMATEX2015). Gold Coast, Australia, June 14-17 2015. [PVR1204]


  63. Alferes J. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2014) Automated data quality assessment: Dealing with faulty on-line water quality sensors. In: Proceedings 7th International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software (iEMSs2014). San Diego, CA, USA, June 15-19 2014. [PVR1137]

  64. Alferes J., Copp J.B. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2014) Forecasting techniques applied to water quality time series in view of water quality assessment. In: Proceedings 11th International Conference on Hydroinformatics (HIC 2014). New York, NY, USA, August 17-21 2014. [PVR1168]

  65. Alferes J., Copp J., Weijers S. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2014) Innovative water quality monitoring: Automation of data collection and data assessment in practical scenarios. In: Proceedings IWA World Water Congress 2014. Lisbon, Portugal, September 21-26 2014. [PVR1138]

  66. Alferes J., Lamaire-Chad C., Chhetri R.K., Thirsing C., Sharma A.K., Mikkelsen P.S. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2014) Advanced monitoring of wastewater quality: Data collection and data quality assurance. In: Proceedings 13th International Conference on Urban Drainage (13ICUD). Sarawak, Malaysia, September 7-12 2014. [PVR1139]

  67. Baalbaki Z., Cloutier F., Vanrolleghem P.A. and Yargeau V. (2014) Hydraulic calibration of wastewater treatment plants as a key tool for the evaluation and comparison of the removal efficiencies of contaminants of emerging concern. In: Proceedings 29e Congrès de l'Est du Canada de Recherche sur la Qualité de l'Eau (ACQE). Montréal, Québec, Canada, October 17 2014. [PVR1140]

  68. Bachis G., Maruéjouls T., Tik S., Amerlinck Y., Melcer H., Nopens I., Lessard P. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2014) Modelling and characterisation of primary settlers in view of whole plant and resource recovery modelling. In: Proceedings 4th IWA/WEF Wastewater Treatment Modelling Seminar (WWTmod2014). Spa, Belgium, March 30 - April 2 2014. 139-150. [PVR1141]

  69. Benedetti L. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2014) Wet-weather modelling - Why and how should we tame the beast? In: Proceedings 4th IWA/WEF Wastewater Treatment Modelling Seminar (WWTmod2014). Spa, Belgium, March 30 - April 2 2014. 32-34. [PVR1142]

  70. Blumensaat F., Krebs P. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2014) Model structure sensitivity of river water quality models for urban drainage impact assessment. In: Proceedings 7th International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software (iEMSs2014). San Diego, CA, USA, June 15-19 2014. [PVR1143]

  71. Cloutier F., Rodayan A., Yargeau V. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2014) Modelling the fate of drugs of abuse in a wastewater treatment plant using in-process measurements. In: Proceedings 35th Annual meeting of SETAC North America (Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry). Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, November 9-13 2014. [PVR1188]

  72. Clouzot L., Paterson M., Dupuis A., Blanchfield P., Rennie M., Kidd K. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2014) A calibrated ecosystem model to assess the ecotoxicological risk of endocrine disrupters in aquatic environments. In: Proceedings 24th Annual Meeting of SETAC-Europe (Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry). Basel, Switzerland, May 11-15 2014. [PVR1146]

  73. Clouzot L., Paterson M., Dupuis A., Blanchfield P., Rennie M., Kidd K. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2014) Ecosystem-level risk of chemicals: From experimental data to a calibrated ecosystem model. In: Proceedings 35th Annual meeting of SETAC North America (Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry). Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, November 9-13 2014. [PVR1189]

  74. Copp J.B., Alferes J. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2014) High quality monitoring of water systems using in situ automatic measurement stations that incorporate real-time data quality analysis tools. In: Proceedings 9th National Monitoring Conference (NWQMC) - Working Together for Clean Water. Cincinatti, OH, USA, April 28 - May 2 2014. [PVR1147]

  75. Flores-Alsina X., Ort C., Martin C., Benedetti L., Belia E., Snip L., Saagi R., Talebizadeh M., Vanrolleghem P.A., Jeppsson U. and Gernaey K.V. (2014) Generation of (synthetic) influent data for performing wastewater treatment modelling studies. In: Proceedings 4th IWA/WEF Wastewater Treatment Modelling Seminar (WWTmod2014). Spa, Belgium, March 30 - April 2 2014. 334-338. [PVR1148]

  76. Ikumi D.S., Vanrolleghem P.A., Brouckaert C.J., Neumann M.B. and Ekama G.A. (2014) Towards calibration of phosphorus (P) removal plant-wide models. In: Proceedings 4th IWA/WEF Wastewater Treatment Modelling Seminar (WWTmod2014). Spa, Belgium, March 30 - April 2 2014. 197-206. [PVR1149]

  77. Lamaire-Chad C. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2014) Stratégies de contrôle des STEPs en temps de pluie en vue de l'adaptation aux changements climatiques: Les résultats d'un compromis. In: Proceedings 37e Symposium sur les Eaux Usées. Québec, Québec, Canada, October 9-10 2014. (in French). [PVR1150]

  78. Lizarralde I., Brouckaert C.J., Vanrolleghem P.A., Ikumi D.S., Ekama G.A., Ayesa E. and Grau P. (2014) Incorporating aquatic chemistry into wastewater treatment process models: A critical review of different approaches. In: Proceedings 4th IWA/WEF Wastewater Treatment Modelling Seminar (WWTmod2014). Spa, Belgium, March 30 - April 2 2014. 227-232. [PVR1151]

  79. Mannina G., Cosenza A., Randrianantoandro M., Anctil F., Neumann M.B. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2014) Global sensitivity analysis in environmental water quality modelling: Where do we stand? In: Proceedings 7th International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software (iEMSs2014). San Diego, CA, USA, June 15-19 2014. [PVR1152]

  80. Maruéjouls T., Lessard P. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2014) Impact of particle property distribution on hydrolysis rates in integrated wastewater modelling. In: Proceedings 13th International Conference on Urban Drainage (13ICUD). Sarawak, Malaysia, September 7-12 2014. [PVR1153]

  81. Maruéjouls T., Lessard P. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2014) Calibration d'un modèle intégré pour la qualité de l'eau usée en temps sec et en temps de pluie. In: Proceedings 37e Symposium sur les Eaux Usées. Québec, Québec, Canada, October 9-10 2014. (in French). [PVR1154]

  82. Nopens I., Torfs E., Ducoste J., Vanrolleghem P.A. and Gernaey K.V. (2014) Population balance models: A useful complementary modelling framework for future WWTP modelling. In: Proceedings 4th IWA/WEF Wastewater Treatment Modelling Seminar (WWTmod2014). Spa, Belgium, March 30 - April 2 2014. 129-138. [PVR1155]

  83. Porro J., Kampschreur M.J., Pijuan M., Volcke E.I.P., Daelman M., Guo L., Nopens I., Vanrolleghem P.A., Yuan Z., Chandran K. and Murthy S. (2014) Measuring nitrous oxide emissions from biological wastewater treatment, art or science? In: Proceedings IWA Specialist Conference on Global Challenges for Sustainable Wastewater Treatment and Resource Recovery. Kathmandu, Nepal, October 26-30 2014. [PVR1156]

  84. Porro J., Milleri C., Comas J., Rodriguez-Roda I., Pijuan M., Corominas Ll., Guo L., Daelman M., Volcke E., van Loosdrecht M., Vanrolleghem P.A. and Nopens I. (2014) Risk assessment modelling of N2O production in activated sludge systems: Quality not quantity. In: Proceedings 4th IWA/WEF Wastewater Treatment Modelling Seminar (WWTmod2014). Spa, Belgium, March 30 - April 2 2014. 351-357. [PVR1157]

  85. Spérandio M., Pocquet M., Guo L., Vanrolleghem P.A., Ni B.-J. and Yuan Z. (2014) Calibration of nitrous oxide production models with continuous long-term process data. In: Proceedings 4th IWA/WEF Wastewater Treatment Modelling Seminar (WWTmod2014). Spa, Belgium, March 30 - April 2 2014. 99-121. [PVR1158]

  86. Talebizadeh M., Belia E. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2014) Influent generator for probabilistic modeling of nutrient removal wastewater treatment plants. In: Proceedings 4th IWA/WEF Wastewater Treatment Modelling Seminar (WWTmod2014). Spa, Belgium, March 30 - April 2 2014. 47-62. [PVR1159]

  87. Talebizadeh M., Belia E. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2014) Probability-based design of wastewater treatment plants. In: Proceedings 7th International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software (iEMSs2014). San Diego, CA, USA, June 15-19 2014. [PVR1160]

  88. Talebizadeh M., Belia E. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2014) Considering the effect of uncertainty and variability in the synthetic generation of influent wastewater time series. In: Proceedings 11th International Conference on Hydroinformatics (HIC 2014). New York, NY, USA, August 17-21 2014. [PVR1169]

  89. Tik S., Maruéjouls T., Lessard P. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2014) Gestion optimale de la vidange des bassins de rétention en réseau unitaire à l'aide d'un modèle intégré. In: Proceedings SHF Conference on Optimisation of Sewerage Systems for the Protection of Receiving Water Bodies. Bordeaux, France, March 19-20 2014. (in French). [PVR1161]

  90. Tik S., Maruéjouls T., Lessard P. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2014) Optimising wastewater management during wet weather using an integrated model. In: Proceedings 13th International Conference on Urban Drainage (13ICUD). Sarawak, Malaysia, September 7-12 2014. [PVR1162]

  91. Vaneeckhaute C., Ghekiere G., Michels E., Vanrolleghem P.A., Tack F.M.G. and Meers E. (2014) The use of digestates and recovered ammonium sulfate from NH3-scrubbing as sustainable substitutes for chemical fertilizers: A field-scale assessment. In: Proceedings IWA Specialist Conference on Global Challenges for Sustainable Wastewater Treatment and Resource Recovery. Kathmandu, Nepal, October 26-30 2014. [PVR1163]

  92. Vaneeckhaute C., Vanrolleghem P.A., Belia E., Tack F. and Meers E. (2014) Development, implementation and use of a generic nutrient recovery model (NRM) library. In: Proceedings 29e Congrès de l'Est du Canada de Recherche sur la Qualité de l'Eau (ACQE). Montréal, Québec, Canada, October 17 2014. [PVR1164]

  93. Vanrolleghem P.A. (2014) Les StaRREs - Stations de récupération des ressources de l'eau - Défis de modélisation. In: Proceedings 29e Congrès de l'Est du Canada de Recherche sur la Qualité de l'Eau (ACQE). Montréal, Québec, Canada, October 17 2014. (Invited Keynote Lecture). [PVR1165]

  94. Vanrolleghem P.A. and Nopens I. (2014) Wastewater Treatment. In: Urban Hydroinformatics - Data, Models and Decision Support for Integrated Urban Water Management. Eds. Price R.K. and Vojinovic Z., IWA Publishing, London, UK. 371-421. [PVR1235]

  95. Vanrolleghem P.A. and Vaneeckhaute C. (2014) Resource recovery from wastewater and sludge: Modelling and control challenges. In: Proceedings IWA Specialist Conference on Global Challenges for Sustainable Wastewater Treatment and Resource Recovery. Kathmandu, Nepal, October 26-30 2014. [PVR1166]

  96. Vanrolleghem P.A., Flores-Alsina X., Guo L., Solon K., Ikumi D., Batstone D., Brouckaert C., Takács I., Grau P., Ekama G., Jeppsson U. and Gernaey K.V. (2014) Towards BSM2-GPS-X: A plant-wide benchmark simulation model not only for carbon and nitrogen, but also for greenhouse gases (G), phosphorus (P), sulphur (S) and micropollutants (X), all within the fence of WWTPs/WRRFs. In: Proceedings 4th IWA/WEF Wastewater Treatment Modelling Seminar (WWTmod2014). Spa, Belgium, March 30 - April 2 2014. 123-128. [PVR1167]


  97. Alferes J., Copp J.B. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2013) High quality monitoring of water systems using in situ automatic measurement stations. In: Proceedings 5th CWWA Canadian Wastewater Management Conference & 48th CAWQ Central Canadian Symposium on Water Quality Research. Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, March 6-8 2013. [PVR1067]

  98. Alferes J., Lynggaard-Jensen A., Munk-Nielsen T., Tik S., Vezzaro L., Sharma A.K., Mikkelsen P.S. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2013) Validating data quality during wet weather monitoring of wastewater treatment influents. In: Proceedings 86th Annual WEF Technical Exhibition and Conference (WEFTEC2013). Chicago, IL, USA, October 5-9 2013. [PVR1098]

  99. Bachis G., Maruéjouls T., Vallet B., Lessard P. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2013) Characterisation of particle settling velocity distributions in wastewater systems by the use of a single experimental protocol. In: Proceedings 5th CWWA Canadian Wastewater Management Conference & 48th CAWQ Central Canadian Symposium on Water Quality Research. Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, March 6-8 2013. [PVR1068]

  100. Brockmann D., Boltz J.P., Morgenroth E., Daigger G.T., Henze M., Rittmann B.E., Sørensen K.H., Takács I., Vanrolleghem P.A. and van Loosdrecht M.C.M. (2013) Applying a framework for calibrating a biofilm-reactor model: A full-scale moving-bed biofilm reactor active in nitrification. In: Proceedings 9th International Conference on Biofilm Reactors. Paris, France, May 28-31 2013. [PVR1085]

  101. Cloutier F., Clouzot L. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2013) Predicting the fate of micropollutants in wastewater treatment plants. In: Proceedings 8th IWA Specialized Conference on Assessment and Control of Micropollutants and Hazardous Substances in Water (MICROPOL & ECOHAZARD 2013). Zurich, Switzerland, June 16-20 2013. [PVR1086]

  102. Cloutier F., Clouzot L. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2013) Predicting the fate of emerging contaminants in different wastewater treatment configurations - Varying the importance of different removal pathways. In: Proceedings 34th Annual meeting of SETAC North America (Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry). Nashville, TN, USA, November 17-21 2013. [PVR1144]

  103. Clouzot L., Paterson M., Dupuis A., Blanchfield P., Rennie M., Kidd K. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2013) Impacts of endocrine disrupters on aquatic ecosystems: A whole ecosystem model of an impacted lake. In: Proceedings 5th CWWA Canadian Wastewater Management Conference & 48th CAWQ Central Canadian Symposium on Water Quality Research. Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, March 6-8 2013. [PVR1070]

  104. Clouzot L., Paterson M., Dupuis A., Blanchfield P., Rennie M., Kidd K. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2013) Predicting the impact of endocrine disrupters on the environmental health: An ecosystem model. In: Proceedings 23rd Annual Meeting of SETAC-Europe (Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry). Glasgow, Scotland, May 12-16 2013. [PVR1099]

  105. Clouzot L., Paterson M., Dupuis A., Blanchfield P., Rennie M., Kidd K. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2013) An ecosystem model to assess the ecotoxicological impacts of endocrine disrupters released by wastewater treatment plants. In: Proceedings 34th Annual meeting of SETAC North America (Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry). Nashville, TN, USA, November 17-21 2013. [PVR1145]

  106. Gaborit E., Anctil F., Vanrolleghem P.A. and Pelletier G. (2013) Implementation of reactive and predictive real-time control strategies to optimize dry stormwater detention ponds. In: Proceedings European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2013 (EGU2013). Vienna, Austria, April 7-12 2013. [PVR1071]

  107. Gernaey K.V., Copp J.B., Vanrolleghem P.A. and Jeppsson U. (2013) Lessons learned from the WWTP benchmarking exercise. In: Proceedings 11th IWA Conference on Instrumentation, Control and Automation (ICA2013). Narbonne, France, September 18-20 2013. [PVR1100]

  108. Guo L., Lamaire-Chad C., Bellandi G., Daelman M., Amerlinck Y., Maere T., Nous J., Flameling T., Weijers S., van Loosdrecht M.C.M., Volcke E.I.P., Nopens I. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2013) High-frequency field measurement of nitrous oxide (N2O) gas emissions and influencing factors at WWTPs under dry and wet weather conditions. In: Proceedings WEF/IWA Nutrient Removal and Recovery 2013: Trends in Resource Recovery and Use. Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, July 28-31 2013. [PVR1087]

  109. Lamaire-Chad C. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2013) Control strategies for climate change adaptation of WWTPs during wet weather. In: Proceedings 28th CAWQ Eastern Canadian Symposium on Water Quality Research. Kingston, Ontario, Canada, October 26 2013. [PVR1108]

  110. Maruéjouls T., Lessard P. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2013) Integrated urban wastewater systems: Prediction of particle settling velocity distributions along the sewer - retention tank - primary clarifier system. In: Proceedings 7th IWA International Conference on Sewer Processes and Networks (SPN7). Sheffield, United Kingdom, August 28-30 2013. [PVR1101]

  111. Maruéjouls T., Lessard P. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2013) Urban wastewater system modelling: Use of particle classes for a better characterisation of the settling process. In: Proceedings 5th CWWA Canadian Wastewater Management Conference & 48th CAWQ Central Canadian Symposium on Water Quality Research. Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, March 6-8 2013. [PVR1072]

  112. Olsson G., Carlsson B., Comas J., Copp J., Gernaey K.V., Ingildsen P., Jeppsson U., Kim C., Rieger L., Rodríguez-Roda I., Steyer J.-P., Takács I., Vanrolleghem P.A., Vargas Casillas A., Yuan Z. and Åmand L. (2013) Instrumentation, Control and Automation in wastewater - From London 1973 to Narbonne 2013. In: Proceedings 11th IWA Conference on Instrumentation, Control and Automation (ICA2013). Narbonne, France, September 18-20 2013. [PVR1102]

  113. Rehman U., Vesvikar M., Maere T., Guo L., Vanrolleghem P.A. and Nopens I. (2013) Effect of sensor location on controller performance in a wastewater treatment plant. In: Proceedings 11th IWA Conference on Instrumentation, Control and Automation (ICA2013). Narbonne, France, September 18-20 2013. [PVR1103]

  114. Rieger L., Gillot S. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2013) Overview of available modeling and simulation protocols. In: Wastewater Treatment Process Modeling. Eds. Shaw A.R. and Johnson B.R., WEFpress, Alexandria, VA, USA. 187-205. [PVR1114]

  115. Sharma A.K., Alferes J., Vezzaro L., Lamaire-Chad C., Thirsing C., Vanrolleghem P.A. and Mikkelsen P.S. (2013) Effect of on/off pumping strategy on sewer sediment behaviour elucidated by high frequency monitoring at the treatment plant inlet. In: Proceedings 7th IWA International Conference on Sewer Processes and Networks (SPN7). Sheffield, United Kingdom, August 28-30 2013. [PVR1104]

  116. Tik S., Alferes J., Lessard P. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2013) Practical use of online sewage turbidity data to develop control strategies in an integrated modelling framework. In: Proceedings 20th European Junior Scientist Workshop on Sewer Systems and Processes. Graz, Austria, April 9-12 2013. [PVR1074]

  117. Tik S., Langlois S. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2013) Establishment of control strategies for chemically enhanced primary treatment based on online turbidity data. In: Proceedings 11th IWA Conference on Instrumentation, Control and Automation (ICA2013). Narbonne, France, September 18-20 2013. [PVR1105]

  118. Vaneeckhaute C., Meers E., Tack F., Belia E. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2013) Critical comparison of nutrient (N, P, K) recovery techniques from sludge, biosolids and manure. In: Proceedings 36e Symposium sur les Eaux Usées. Boucherville, Québec, Canada, October 23-24 2013. [PVR1109]

  119. Vanrolleghem P.A. and Rieger L. (2013) Dedicated experiments and tools. In: Wastewater Treatment Process Modeling. Eds. Shaw A.R. and Johnson B.R., WEFpress, Alexandria, VA, USA. 137-185. [PVR1115]

  120. Villez K., Vanrolleghem P.A. and Corominas Ll. (2013) Sensor fault detection and diagnosis based on bilinear mass balances in wastewater treatment systems. In: Proceedings 11th IWA Conference on Instrumentation, Control and Automation (ICA2013). Narbonne, France, September 18-20 2013. [PVR1106]

  121. Wang R., Vanrolleghem P.A., Li Y. and Wang W. (2013) Effect of high orthophosphate concentrations on methane production during mesophilic anaerobic digestion. In: Proceedings WEF/IWA Nutrient Removal and Recovery 2013: Trends in Resource Recovery and Use. Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, July 28-31 2013. [PVR1088]


  122. Alferes J., Poirier P. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2012) Efficient data quality evaluation in automated water quality measurement stations. In: Proceedings International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software (iEMSs2012). Leipzig, Germany, July 1-5 2012. [PVR1029]

  123. Alferes J., Tik S., Copp J. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2012) Advanced monitoring of water systems using in situ measurement stations: Data validation and fault detection. In: Proceedings New Developments in IT & Water Conference. Amsterdam, The Netherlands, November 4-6 2012. [PVR1043]

  124. Alferes J., Vanrolleghem P.A. and Irizar I. (2012) Design procedure for anaerobic digestion controllers aimed at feasible full-scale application. In: Proceedings IWA World Water Congress 2012. Busan, South Korea, September 16-21 2012. [PVR1044]

  125. Bachis G., Vallet B., Maruejouls T., Clouzot L., Lessard P. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2012) Particle classes-based model for sedimentation in urban wastewater systems. In: Proceedings IWA Particle Separation Conference. Berlin, Germany, June 18-20 2012. [PVR1020]

  126. Boltz J.P., Morgenroth E., Brockmann D., Daigger G.T., Henze M., Rittmann B., Sørensen K.H., Takàcs I., Vanrolleghem P.A. and van Loosdrecht M. (2012) Framework for biofilm model calibration protocol. In: Proceedings 3rd IWA/WEF Wastewater Treatment Modelling Seminar (WWTmod2012). Mont-Sainte-Anne, Québec, Canada, February 26-28 2012. 143-146. [PVR984]

  127. Cloutier F., Clouzot L. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2012) Predicting the fate of emerging contaminants in wastewater treatment plants. In: Proceedings 85th Annual WEF Technical Exhibition and Conference (WEFTEC2012). New Orleans, USA, September 29 - October 3 2012. [PVR1045]

  128. Clouzot L., Cloutier F. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2012) Modeling 17alpha-ethinylestradiol removal in membrane bioreactors. In: Proceedings 3rd IWA/WEF Wastewater Treatment Modelling Seminar (WWTmod2012). Mont-Sainte-Anne, Québec, Canada, February 26-28 2012. 165-171. [PVR985]

  129. Clouzot L., Paterson M., Dupuis A., Blanchfield P., Rennie M., Kidd K. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2012) An ecosystem model for risk assessment of aquatic environments impacted by endocrine disrupters. In: Proceedings 22nd Annual Meeting of SETAC-Europe (Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry). Berlin, Germany, May 20-24 2012. [PVR1069]

  130. Clouzot L., Paterson M., Dupuis A., Blanchfield P., Rennie M., Kidd K. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2012) A simplified AQUATOX ecosystem model for endocrine disruption. In: Proceedings 33rd Annual meeting of SETAC North America (Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry). Long Beach, CA, USA, November 11-15 2012. [PVR1056]

  131. Flores-Alsina X., Arnell M., Amerlinck Y., Corominas Ll., Gernaey K.V., Guo L., Lindblom E., Nopens I., Porro J., Shaw A., Snip L., Vanrolleghem P.A. and Jeppsson U. (2012) Balancing effluent quality, economical cost and greenhouse gas emissions during the evaluation of plant-wide wastewater treatment control strategies. In: Proceedings IWA Nutrient Removal and Recovery 2012: Trends in NRR. Harbin, China, September 23-25 2012. [PVR1046]

  132. Flores-Alsina X., Arnell M., Amerlinck Y., Corominas Ll., Gernaey K.V., Guo L., Lindblom E., Nopens I., Porro J., Shaw A., Vanrolleghem P.A. and Jeppsson U. (2012) A dynamic modelling approach to evaluate GHG emissions from wastewater treatment plants. In: Proceedings of the IWA World Congress on Water, Climate and Energy. Dublin, Ireland, May 13-18 2012. [PVR1021]

  133. Guo L., Amerlinck Y., Nopens I., Porro J. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2012) Greenhouse gases from and impact of climate change on wastewater treatment plants. In: Proceedings 47th CAWQ Central Canadian Symposium on Water Quality Research. Burlington, Ontario, Canada, February 21-22 2012. [PVR987]

  134. Guo L., Martin C., Nopens I. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2012) Climate change and WWTPs: Controlling greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and impacts of increased wet weather disturbances. In: Proceedings IWA Nutrient Removal and Recovery 2012: Trends in NRR. Harbin, China, September 23-25 2012. [PVR1047]

  135. Mannina G., Cosenza A., Viviani G., Vanrolleghem P.A. and Neumann M.B. (2012) Global sensitivity analysis for urban water quality modelling: Comparison of different methods. In: Proceedings 9th International Conference on Urban Drainage Modelling (UDM2012). Belgrade, Serbia, September 4-7 2012. [PVR1048]

  136. Martin C., Neumann M.B., Altimir J. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2012) A tool for optimum design of WWTPs under uncertainty: Estimating the probability of compliance In: Proceedings International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software (iEMSs2012). Leipzig, Germany, July 1-5 2012. [PVR1030]

  137. Martin C., Neumann M.B., Vanrolleghem P.A. and Ayesa E. (2012) Bayesian calibration of a RWQM1-based river water quality model. In: Proceedings 10th International Conference on Hydroinformatics (HIC 2012). Hamburg, Germany, July 14-18 2012. [PVR1031]

  138. Maruejouls T., Berrouard E., Vallet B., Wipliez B., Lessard P. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2012) Particle settling velocity distribution based wastewater characterisation: Generalisation of a single protocol. In: Proceedings IWA Particle Separation Conference. Berlin, Germany, June 18-20 2012. [PVR1022]

  139. Maruejouls T., Vanrolleghem P.A. and Lessard P. (2012) Urban stormwater management: Calibration and validation of an off-line retention tank dynamic model for water quality. In: Proceedings 9th International Conference on Urban Drainage Modelling (UDM2012). Belgrade, Serbia, September 4-7 2012. [PVR1050]

  140. Maruejouls T., Vanrolleghem P.A. and Lessard P. (2012) Modélisation d'un système d'eaux usées urbaines : Utilisation de classes de particules pour mieux caractériser les processus de sédimentation. In: Proceedings 35e Symposium sur les Eaux Usées. Laval, Québec, Canada, October 23-24 2012. (in French). [PVR1049]

  141. Neumann M.B., Vanrolleghem P.A., Benedetti L., Weijers S., Murthy S., Johnson B. and Belia E. (2012) How can we currently include uncertainty and variability in model-based projects? In: Proceedings 3rd IWA/WEF Wastewater Treatment Modelling Seminar (WWTmod2012). Mont-Sainte-Anne, Québec, Canada, February 26-28 2012. 191-193. [PVR991]

  142. Ni B.-J., Yuan Z., Chandran K., Vanrolleghem P.A. and Murthy S. (2012) Evaluating mathematical models for N2O production by ammonia-oxidizing bacteria: Towards a unified model. In: Proceedings 3rd IWA/WEF Wastewater Treatment Modelling Seminar (WWTmod2012). Mont-Sainte-Anne, Québec, Canada, February 26-28 2012. 63-76. [PVR992]

  143. Philippe N., Racault Y., Stricker A.-E., Husson A., Spérandio M. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2012) Analyse dynamique et statistique des évolutions de perméabilité sur un bioréacteur à membranes à pleine échelle. In: Proceedings of the Journées Information Eaux. Poitiers, France, September 25-27 2012. (in French). [PVR1051]

  144. Plósz B.G., Nopens I., Rieger L., Griborio A., De Clercq J., Vanrolleghem P.A., Daigger G.T., Takàcs I., Wicks J. and Ekama G.A. (2012) A critical review of clarifier modelling: State-of-the-art and engineering practices. In: Proceedings 3rd IWA/WEF Wastewater Treatment Modelling Seminar (WWTmod2012). Mont-Sainte-Anne, Québec, Canada, February 26-28 2012. 27-30. [PVR993]

  145. Pocquet M., Filali A., Bessiere Y., Guo L., Queinnec I., Vanrolleghem P.A. and Spérandio M. (2012) Analysis and modelling of process conditions influencing N2O emission by aerobic granular sludge processes for N/DN treatment. In: Proceedings IWA Nutrient Removal and Recovery 2012: Trends in NRR. Harbin, China, September 23-25 2012. [PVR1052]

  146. Pocquet M., Filali A., Bessiere Y., Guo L., Queinnec I., Vanrolleghem P.A. and Spérandio M. (2012) Modélisation de la production de protoxyde d'azote pendant les processus de nitrification/dénitrification : Application à un réacteur granulaire aérobie. In: Proceedings 9ème Congres International - L'eau, objectif 2025 : Ressources, usages, solutions (GRUTTEE2012). Aix en Provence, France, October 29-31 2012. (in French). [PVR1073]

  147. Regneri M., Klepiszewski K., Seiffert S., Vanrolleghem P.A. and Ostrowski M. (2012) Transport sewer model calibration by experimental generation of discrete discharges from individual CSO structures. In: Proceedings International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software (iEMSs2012). Leipzig, Germany, July 1-5 2012. [PVR1032]

  148. Talebizadeh M., Martin C., Neumann M.B. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2012) Global sensitivity analysis of the ATV design guideline: Which are the most important inputs for a WWTP design? In: Proceedings 85th Annual WEF Technical Exhibition and Conference (WEFTEC2012). New Orleans, USA, September 29 - October 3 2012. [PVR1054]

  149. Tik S. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2012) Modelling and control of a full-scale chemically enhanced primary treatment. In: Proceedings IWA Particle Separation Conference. Berlin, Germany, June 18-20 2012. [PVR1023]

  150. Tik S. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2012) Modélisation et contrôle en temps réel d'un traitement primaire physico-chimique à l'échelle réelle. In: Proceedings 27e Congrès de l'Est du Canada de Recherche sur la Qualité de l'Eau (ACQE). Sherbrooke, Québec, Canada, October 26 2012. (in French). [PVR1057]

  151. Tik S., Langlois S. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2012) Modélisation et contrôle en temps réel d'un système d'amélioration de la décantation primaire par traitement chimique ponctuel. In: Proceedings 35e Symposium sur les Eaux Usées. Laval, Québec, Canada, October 23-24 2012. (in French). [PVR1055]


  152. Cloutier F., Lessard P. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2011) Dynamic modelling of heavy metals behavior in whole wastewater treatment plants. In: Proceedings WEF Industrial Seminar 2011. Atlantic City, NJ, USA, May 9-10 2011. (on CD-ROM). [PVR963]

  153. Clouzot L., Metcalfe C., Kidd K. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2011) Modelling the impact of endocrine disruptions on aquatic ecosystems: An experimental lake study. In: Proceedings 21st Annual Meeting of SETAC-Europe (Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry). Milan, Italy, May 15-19 2011. [PVR964]

  154. Cosenza A., Mannina G., Neumann M.B., Viviani G. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2011) Modelling biological nitrogen and phosphorus removal with soluble microbial products (SMP) production-degradation processes. In: Proceedings 8th International IWA Symposium on Systems Analysis and Integrated Assessment in Water Management (WATERMATEX2011). San Sebastian, Spain, June 20-22 2011. 66-75. [PVR965]

  155. Cosenza A., Mannina G., Vanrolleghem P.A., Viviani G. and Neumann M.B. (2011) Global sensitivity analysis in ASM applications: Comparison of the SRC and Extended-FAST method for a UCT-MBR model. In: Proceedings 8th International IWA Symposium on Systems Analysis and Integrated Assessment in Water Management (WATERMATEX2011). San Sebastian, Spain, June 20-22 2011. 543-552. [PVR966]

  156. Godin D., Bouchard C. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2011) LCA of wastewater treatment systems: Introducing a net environmental benefit approach. In: Proceedings 8th International IWA Symposium on Systems Analysis and Integrated Assessment in Water Management (WATERMATEX2011). San Sebastian, Spain, June 20-22 2011. 159-167. [PVR967]

  157. Godin D., Bouchard C. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2011) Analyse de cycle de vie de systèmes de traitement des eaux usées: Introduction du concept de bénéfice environnemental net. In: Proceedings 26e Congrès de l'Est du Canada de Recherche sur la Qualité de l'Eau (ACQE). Québec, Québec, Canada, October 7 2011. (in French). [PVR986]

  158. Hauduc H., Neumann M.B., Muschalla D., Gamerith V., Gillot S. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2011) Towards quantitative quality criteria to evaluate simulation results in wastewater treatment - A critical review. In: Proceedings 8th International IWA Symposium on Systems Analysis and Integrated Assessment in Water Management (WATERMATEX2011). San Sebastian, Spain, June 20-22 2011. 36-46. [PVR968]

  159. Jeppsson U., Alex J., Batstone D., Benedetti L., Comas J., Copp J.B., Corominas L., Flores-Alsina X., Gernaey K.V., Nopens I., Pons M.-N., Rodriguez-Roda I., Rosen C., Steyer J.-P., Vanrolleghem P.A., Volcke E.I.P. and Vrecko D. (2011) Quo vadis benchmark simulation models? In: Proceedings 8th International IWA Symposium on Systems Analysis and Integrated Assessment in Water Management (WATERMATEX2011). San Sebastian, Spain, June 20-22 2011. 493-506. [PVR969]

  160. Majewsky M., Gallé T., Bayerle M., Goel R., Fischer K. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2011) Xenobiotic removal efficiencies in wastewater treatment plants: Residence time distribution as a guiding principle for sampling strategies. In: Proceedings 21st Annual Meeting of SETAC-Europe (Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry). Milan, Italy, May 15-19 2011. [PVR970]

  161. Majewsky M., Gallé T., Bayerle M., Goel R., Fischer K. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2011) Xenobiotic removal efficiencies in wastewater treatment plants: Residence time distribution as a guiding principle for sampling strategies. In: Proceedings 2nd IWA BeNeLux Young Water Professionals Regional Conference. Leuven, Belgium, September 20-22 2011. [PVR988]

  162. Maruejouls T., Lessard P., Wipliez B., Pelletier G. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2011) Retention tank modeling using settling velocity distribution. In: Proceedings 12th International Conference on Urban Drainage (12ICUD). Porto Alegre, Brazil, September 10-15 2011. [PVR989]

  163. Neumann M.B. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2011) Use of variance decomposition in the early stages of WWTP design. In: Proceedings 11th IWA Specialised Conference on Design, Operation and Economics of Large Wastewater Treatment Plants (LWWTP11). Budapest, Hungary, September 4-8 2011. 437-440. [PVR990]

  164. Porro J., Guo L., Sharma K., Benedetti L., Van Hulle S., Vanrolleghem P.A., Amerlinck Y., Yuan Z., Shaw A. and Nopens I. (2011) Towards a benchmarking tool for minimizing wastewater utility greenhouse gas footprints. In: Proceedings 8th International IWA Symposium on Systems Analysis and Integrated Assessment in Water Management (WATERMATEX2011). San Sebastian, Spain, June 20-22 2011. 507-517. [PVR971]

  165. Spindler A. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2011) Advanced mass balancing for WWT data quality control using CUSUM charts. In: Proceedings 8th International IWA Symposium on Systems Analysis and Integrated Assessment in Water Management (WATERMATEX2011). San Sebastian, Spain, June 20-22 2011. 341-348. [PVR972]

  166. Vallet B., Lessard P., Pelletier G. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2011) A dynamic population balance model for multiple stormwater basin processes. In: Proceedings 12th International Conference on Urban Drainage (12ICUD). Porto Alegre, Brazil, September 10-15 2011. [PVR994]

  167. Vanrolleghem P.A. (2011) Meta-tools: Helping engineers select adequate modelling tools. In: Proceedings 8th International IWA Symposium on Systems Analysis and Integrated Assessment in Water Management (WATERMATEX2011). San Sebastian, Spain, June 20-22 2011. (Invited Keynote Lecture). 1-2. [PVR973]

  168. Vanrolleghem P.A., Bertrand-Krajewski J.L., Brown R., Croke B., Kapelan Z., Kleidorfer M., Kuczera G., Mc Carthy D., Mikkelsen P.S., Rauch W., Refsgaard J.C. and Deletic A. (2011) Uncertainties in water system models - Breaking down the water discipline silos. In: Proceedings 8th International IWA Symposium on Systems Analysis and Integrated Assessment in Water Management (WATERMATEX2011). San Sebastian, Spain, June 20-22 2011. 81-84. [PVR974]

  169. Wipliez B., Pelletier G., Maruejouls T., Vanrolleghem P.A. and Lessard P. (2011) Impact of CSO retention tank emptying on Quebec City's east treatment plant. In: Proceedings 46th CAWQ Central Canadian Symposium on Water Quality Research. Burlington, Ontario, Canada, February 22-23 2011. [PVR943]

  170. Wipliez B., Pelletier G., Maruejouls T., Vanrolleghem P.A. and Lessard P. (2011) Impact de la vidange des réservoirs de rétention des eaux unitaires sur l'affluent d'une station d'épuration. In: Proceedings 34e Symposium sur les Eaux Usées. Québec, Québec, Canada, September 26-27 2011. (in French). [PVR995]


  171. Batstone D.J., Amerlinck Y., Ekama G., Goel R., Grau P., Johnson B., Kaya I., Steyer J.-P., Takács I., Vanrolleghem P.A. and Volcke E. (2010) Towards a generalized physicochemical framework: WWTmod workshop position paper. In: Proceedings 83rd Annual WEF Technical Exhibition and Conference (WEFTEC2010). New Orleans, USA, October 2-6 2010. 1054-1071. [PVR924]

  172. Benedetti L., Siegrist H., Ort C., Vanrolleghem P.A., Monteith H., Parker W., Plosz B., Joss A., Mikkelsen P.S., Verdonck F., Ternes T., Seth R. and Larsen H.F. (2010) Modelling micropollutants fate: Status and challenges. In: Proceedings 2nd IWA/WEF Wastewater Treatment Modelling Seminar (WWTmod2010). Mont-Sainte-Anne, Québec, Canada, March 28-30 2010. 293-296. [PVR879]

  173. Boltz J.P., Morgenroth E., Brockmann D., Bott C., Gellner W.J. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2010) Critical components of biofilm models for engineering practice. In: Proceedings 2nd IWA/WEF Wastewater Treatment Modelling Seminar (WWTmod2010). Mont-Sainte-Anne, Québec, Canada, March 28-30 2010. 329-361. [PVR875]

  174. Boltz J.P., Morgenroth E., Brockmann D., Bott C., Gellner W.J. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2010) Critical components of biofilm models for engineering practice. In: Proceedings 83rd Annual WEF Technical Exhibition and Conference (WEFTEC2010). New Orleans, USA, October 2-6 2010. 1072-1098. [PVR925]

  175. Copp J.B., Belia E., Hübner C., Thron M., Vanrolleghem P.A. and Rieger L. (2010) Towards the automation of water quality monitoring networks. In: Proceedings 6th IEEE Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE 2010). Toronto, Ontario, Canada, August 21-24 2010. [PVR911]

  176. Corominas Ll., Flores-Alsina X., Muschalla D., Neumann M.B. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2010) Verification of WWTP design guidelines with activated sludge process models. In: Proceedings 83rd Annual WEF Technical Exhibition and Conference (WEFTEC2010). New Orleans, USA, October 2-6 2010. 137-146. [PVR926]

  177. Corominas Ll., Flores-Alsina X., Snip L. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2010) Minimising overall greenhouse gas emissions from wastewater treatment plants by implementing automatic control. In: Proceedings 7th IWA Leading-Edge Conference on Water and Wastewater Technologies. Phoenix, AZ, USA, June 2-4 2010. [PVR912]

  178. Corominas Ll., Rieger L., Takács I., Ekama G., Hauduc H., Vanrolleghem P.A., Oehmen A., Gernaey K.V., van Loosdrecht M.C.M. and Comeau Y. (2010) New framework for standardized notation in wastewater treatment modelling. In: Proceedings 2nd IWA/WEF Wastewater Treatment Modelling Seminar (WWTmod2010). Mont-Sainte-Anne, Québec, Canada, March 28-30 2010. 33-51. [PVR876]

  179. Flores-Alsina X., Corominas Ll. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2010) Multi-criteria evaluation of control strategies in WWTP removing organic carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus. In: Proceedings International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software (iEMSs2010). Modelling for Environment's Sake - Fifth Biennial Meeting. Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, July 5-8 2010. [PVR1225]

  180. Flores-Alsina X., Corominas Ll., Muschalla D., Neumann M.B. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2010) How do initial design assumptions determine plant sizing? Assessing activated sludge process design using Monte-Carlo simulation and global sensitivity analysis. In: Proceedings IWA World Water Congress 2010. Montréal, Québec, Canada, September 19-24 2010. (on CD-ROM). [PVR927]

  181. Gernaey K.V., Benedetti L., Corominas Ll., Langergraber G., Jeppsson U., Flores-Alsina X., Rosen C. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2010) Wastewater treatment plant influent disturbance models. In: Proceedings 2nd IWA/WEF Wastewater Treatment Modelling Seminar (WWTmod2010). Mont-Sainte-Anne, Québec, Canada, March 28-30 2010. 283-287. [PVR877] (Poster)

  182. Hauduc H., Rieger L., Ohtsuki T., Shaw A., Takács I., Winkler S., Héduit A., Vanrolleghem P.A. and Gillot S. (2010) Activated sludge modelling: Development and potential use of a practical applications database. In: Proceedings 2nd IWA/WEF Wastewater Treatment Modelling Seminar (WWTmod2010). Mont-Sainte-Anne, Québec, Canada, March 28-30 2010. 15-32. [PVR878]

  183. Hübner C., Thron M., Copp J.B., Rieger L. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2010) Engineering challenges and approaches in water quality monitoring networks. In: Proceedings 2nd IFAC Symposium on Telematics Applications (TA 2010). Timisoara, Romania, October 5-8 2010. (on CD-ROM). [PVR928]

  184. Kinnear D., Nopens I., Pellegrin M.-L., Maere T., Nolasco D., Glassen R., Insel G., Amerlinck Y., Bailey E., Belia E., Takacs I., Houweling D., Causey P., Giardina R., Murthy S., Vanrolleghem P.A., Barnard J., Melcer H., Krauth P., Reardon R. and Neethling J.B. (2010) Membrane bioreactor life-cycle cost assessment simulation: Digital game-based learning. In: Proceedings 83rd Annual WEF Technical Exhibition and Conference (WEFTEC2010). New Orleans, USA, October 2-6 2010. 4336-4345. [PVR929]

  185. Maruejouls T., Lessard P., Wipliez B., Pelletier G. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2010) Control of CSO retention tank emptying: Interaction with the wastewater treatment plant. In: Proceedings 6th IWA International Conference on Sewer Processes and Networks (SPN6). Surfers Paradise, Gold Coast, Australia, November 7-10 2010. (on CD-ROM). [PVR940]

  186. Maruejouls T., Samie G., Pelletier G., Vanrolleghem P.A. and Lessard P. (2010) Urban wastewater management under wet weather conditions: Characterization of retention tanks under emptying. In: Proceedings 7th International Conference on Sustainable Techniques and Strategies in Urban Water Management (Novatech2010). Lyon, France, June 28 -July 1 2010. (in French). [PVR915]

  187. Plósz B.G., Nopens I., De Clercq J., Benedetti L. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2010) Shall we upgrade one-dimensional secondary settler models using in WWTP simulators? Yes. In: Proceedings IWA World Water Congress 2010. Montréal, Québec, Canada, September 19-24 2010. (on CD-ROM). [PVR930]

  188. Rasolomanana S.D., Lessard P. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2010) Single objective vs. multi-objective autocalibration in modelling total suspended solids and phosphorus in a small agricultural watershed with SWAT. In: Proceedings 14th IWA International Conference on Diffuse Pollution and Eutrophication (DIPCON2010). Beaupré, Québec, Canada, September 12-17 2010. 96-104. [PVR931]

  189. Regneri M., Klepiszewski K., Ostrowski M. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2010) Fuzzy decision making for multi-criteria optimization in integrated wastewater system management. In: Proceedings 6th IWA International Conference on Sewer Processes and Networks (SPN6). Surfers Paradise, Gold Coast, Australia, November 7-10 2010. (on CD-ROM). [PVR941]

  190. Scholes L., Revitt M., Ellis B. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2010) Selecting stormwater BMPs to reduce emissions of priority pollutants from industrial and commercial estates to receiving waters. In: Proceedings 14th IWA International Conference on Diffuse Pollution and Eutrophication (DIPCON2010). Beaupré, Québec, Canada, September 12-17 2010. 184. [PVR932]

  191. Vallet B., Muschalla D., Berrouard É., Carpenter J.-F., Lessard P., Pelletier G. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2010) Un nouveau mode de gestion des bassins d'orage: Amélioration de la qualité des eaux pluviales rejetées au milieu naturel. In: Proceedings 33e Symposium sur les Eaux Usées. Saint-Hyacinthe, Québec, Canada, October 26-27 2010. (in French). [PVR933]

  192. Vallet B., Muschalla D., Lessard P. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2010) A new dynamic stormwater basin model as a tool for management of urban runoff. In: Proceedings 7th International Conference on Sustainable Techniques and Strategies in Urban Water Management (Novatech2010). Lyon, France, June 28 -July 1 2010. [PVR916]

  193. Vanrolleghem P.A., Corominas Ll. and Flores-Alsina X. (2010) Real-time control and effluent ammonia violations induced by return liquor overloads. In: Proceedings 83rd Annual WEF Technical Exhibition and Conference (WEFTEC2010). New Orleans, USA, October 2-6 2010. 7101-7108. [PVR934]

  194. Vanrolleghem P.A., Corominas Ll., Muschalla D., Flores-Alsina X. and Neumann M. (2010) Comment les hypothèses de conception déterminent-elles le dimensionnement d'une station d'épuration? In: Proceedings 33e Symposium sur les Eaux Usées. Saint-Hyacinthe, Québec, Canada, October 26-27 2010. (in French). [PVR935]

  195. Vergeynst L., Vallet B. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2010) Modeling pathogen fate in stormwaters by a particle-pathogen interaction model using population balances. In: Proceedings 6th IWA International Conference on Sewer Processes and Networks (SPN6). Surfers Paradise, Gold Coast, Australia, November 7-10 2010. (on CD-ROM). [PVR942]

  196. Zaher U., Stockle C.O., Chen S. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2010) Continuity constrained modeling of multi-molecular transformations for integrated multi-scale assessment of the environment. In: Proceedings Joint 65th Northwest/22nd Rocky Mountain Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society (NORM/RMRM 2010). Pullman, WA, USA, June 20-23 2010. [PVR917]


  197. Benedetti L. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2009) Probabilistic WWTP design and upgrade in a water quality based regulation context. In: Proceedings WEF Specialty Conference Nutrient Removal 2009. Washington, DC, USA, June 28 - July 1 2009. (on CD-ROM). [PVR854]

  198. Benedetti L., Vezzaro L., Gevaert V., De Keyser W., Verdonck F., De Baets B., Nopens I., Vanrolleghem P.A. and Mikkelsen P.-S. (2009) Dynamic transport and fate models for micro-pollutants in integrated urban wastewater systems. In: Proceedings 82nd Annual WEF Technical Exhibition and Conference (WEFTEC2009). Orlando, USA, October 10-14 2009. (on CD-ROM). [PVR865]

  199. Carpenter J.F., Muschalla D., Vallet B., Berrouard É., Pelletier G., Lessard P. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2009) Reducing pollutant discharge into urban rivers by controlling the retention time in a stormwater pond. In: Proceedings 25e Congrès de l'Est du Canada de Recherche sur la Qualité de l'Eau (ACQE). Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, October 30 2009. [PVR888]

  200. Chtepen M., Claeys F.H.A., Dhoedt B., De Turck F., Vanrolleghem P.A. and Demeester P. (2009) Performance evaluation and optimization of an adaptive scheduling approach for dependent grid jobs with unknown execution time. In: Proceedings International Congress on Modelling and Simulation (MODSIM2009). Cairns, Australia, July 13-17 2009. (on CD-ROM). [PVR855]

  201. Chtepen M., Dhoedt B., De Turck F., Demeester P., Claeys F.H.A. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2009) Adaptive checkpointing in dynamic grids for uncertain job durations. In: Proceedings 31st International Conference on Information Technology Interfaces (ITI2009). Cavtat/Dubrovnik, Croatia, June 22-25 2009. [PVR856]

  202. Claeys F.H.A. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2009) Hierarchical modeling of complex systems: A hybrid approach combining the best of flattening and component-based modeling. In: Proceedings International Congress on Modelling and Simulation (MODSIM2009). Cairns, Australia, July 13-17 2009. (on CD-ROM). [PVR857]

  203. Corominas Ll., Subiranas J., Comas J., Vanrolleghem P.A., Rieger L. and Poch M. (2009) Using modeling to optimize a full-scale WWTP for energy reduction and increased biological nitrogen removal. In: Proceedings WEF Specialty Conference Nutrient Removal 2009. Washington, DC, USA, June 28 - July 1 2009. (on CD-ROM). [PVR858]

  204. Corominas Ll., Villez K., Aguado D., Rieger L., Rosén C. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2009) Evaluation of fault-detection strategies performance in wastewater treatment processes. In: Proceedings 10th IWA Conference on Instrumentation, Control and Automation (ICA2009). Cairns, Australia, June 14-17 2009. (on CD-ROM). [PVR859]

  205. De Keyser W., Gevaert V., Verdonck F., Nopens I., De Baets B., Vanrolleghem P.A., Mikkelsen P.S. and Benedetti L. (2009) Combining multimedia models with integrated urban water system models for micropollutants. In: Proceedings 8th International Conference on Urban Drainage Modelling (8UDM). Tokyo, Japan, September 7-11 2009 (on CD-ROM). [PVR860]

  206. Garneau C., Batstone D., Claeys F. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2009) Stiffness reduction of complex non-linear models and procedure to maintain solution quality. In: Proceedings International Congress on Modelling and Simulation (MODSIM2009). Cairns, Australia, July 13-17 2009. (on CD-ROM). [PVR861]

  207. Muschalla D., Pelletier G., Berrouard É., Carpenter J.-F., Vallet B. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2009) Ecohydraulic-driven real-time control of stormwater basins. In: Proceedings 8th International Conference on Urban Drainage Modelling (8UDM). Tokyo, Japan, September 7-11 2009. (on CD-ROM). [PVR862]

  208. Vallet B., Muschalla D., Berrouard É., Carpenter J.-F., Lessard P., Pelletier G. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2009) Eco-hydraulique: Un objectif de contrôle en temps réel pour les bassins d'orages. In: Proceedings 32e Symposium sur les Eaux Usées. Lévis, Québec, Canada, October 27-28 2009. (in French). [PVR880]

  209. Vanrolleghem P.A., Kamradt B., Solvi A.-M. and Muschalla D. (2009) Making the best of two hydrological flow routing models: Nonlinear outflow-volume relationships and backwater effects model. In: Proceedings 8th International Conference on Urban Drainage Modelling (8UDM). Tokyo, Japan, September 7-11 2009. (on CD-ROM). [PVR874]

  210. Vezzaro L., Gevaert V., Benedetti L., Verdonck F., De Keyser W., Vanrolleghem P.A. and Mikkelsen P.S. (2009) Modelling the removal of priority pollutants in the urban water cycle. In: Proceedings International Conference on Xenobiotics in the Urban Water Cycle (XENOWAC 2009). Paphos, Cyprus, March 11-13 2009. [PVR836]


  211. Belia E., Amerlinck Y., Johnson B., Benedetti L., Vanrolleghem P.A. and Sin G. (2008) Modelling accuracy: Dealing with uncertainties. In: Proceedings 1st IWA/WEF Wastewater Treatment Modelling Seminar (WWTmod2008). Mont-Sainte-Anne, Québec, Canada, June 1-3 2008. 203-205. [PVR835]

  212. Benedetti L., Batstone D.J., De Baets B., Nopens I. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2008) Global sensitivity analysis of biochemical, design and operational parameters of the Benchmark Simulation Model no. 2. In: Proceedings International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software (iEMSs2008). Barcelona, Spain, July 7-10 2008. Vol. 2, 1322-1330. [PVR788]

  213. Benedetti L., De Baets B., Nopens I. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2008) Uncertainty analysis of control strategies and plant design scenarios with the Benchmark Simulation Model no. 2. In: Proceedings International Symposium on Sanitary and Environmental Engineering (SIDISA.08). Florence, Italy, June 24-27 2008. (on CD-ROM). [PVR789]

  214. Benedetti L., Nopens I. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2008) Global sensitivity analysis of design and operational parameters of the Benchmark Simulation Model nr. 2. In: Proceedings International Symposium on Sanitary and Environmental Engineering (SIDISA.08). Florence, Italy, June 24-27 2008. (on CD-ROM). [PVR790]

  215. Berrouard E., Vanrolleghem P.A. and Lessard P. (2008) Caractérisation de la décantabilité des eaux pluviales. In: Proceedings 31e Symposium sur les Eaux Usées. Saint-Hyacinthe, Québec, Canada, October 28-29 2008. (in French). [PVR820]

  216. Carpenter J.F., Paré-Bourque M., Pelletier G. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2008) Reducing pollutant discharge into urban rivers by real-time control of a stormwater pond. In: Proceedings 24e Congrès de l'Est du Canada de Recherche sur la Qualité de l'Eau (ACQE). Montreal, Québec, Canada, November 7 2008. [PVR821]

  217. Chtepen M., Claeys F.H.A., Dhoedt B., De Turck F., Vanrolleghem P.A. and Demeester P. (2008) Scheduling of dependent grid jobs in absence of exact job length information. In: Proceedings 4th International Week on Management of Networks and Services (Manweek 2008). Samos Island, Greece, September 22-26 2008. [PVR819]

  218. Cloutier F., Jalby G., Lessard P. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2008) Modélisation dynamique du comportement des métaux lourds dans les stations d'épuration. In: Proceedings Canadian Society of Civil Engineering 2008 Annual Conference. Québec, Canada, June 10-13 2008. (in French). [PVR792]

  219. Copp J.B., Jeppsson U. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2008) The benchmark simulation models - A valuable collection of modelling tools. In: Proceedings International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software (iEMSs2008). Barcelona, Spain, July 7-10 2008. Vol. 2, 1314-1321. [PVR794]

  220. Copp J.B., Jeppsson U., Pons M.-N., Nopens I., Alex J., Gernaey K.V., Rosen C., Steyer J.-P. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2008) Benchmark Simulation Model No 2 - General protocol and advances in modelling application. In: Proceedings 1st IWA/WEF Wastewater Treatment Modelling Seminar (WWTmod2008). Mont-Sainte-Anne, Québec, Canada, June 1-3 2008. 35-42. [PVR795]

  221. Corominas Ll., Sin G., Puig S., Balaguer M.D., Vanrolleghem P.A. and Colprim J. (2008) Model-based evaluation of operational flexibility of a nitrogen removing SBR. In: Proceedings 4th Sequencing Batch Reactor Conference. Rome, Italy, April 7-10 2008. (on CD-ROM). [PVR796]

  222. Dochain D. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2008) Identification of bioprocess models. In: Bioprocess Control. D. Dochain (ed.), Control Systems, Robotics and Manufacturing Series (CAM), John Wiley, Hoboken, USA. pp. 47-78. [PVR797]

  223. Heijnen J.J., Baart G.J.E., Maertens J., Beauprez J., Foulquie Moreno M., Bhagwat A., Donckels B., Taymaz Nikerel H., Lequeux G., de Mey M., Waegeman H., Van Horen E., De Pauw D., Van Gulik W., Vanrolleghem P.A., van Dam J., De Baets B., Cunin R., Charlier D., Soetaert W. and Vandamme E.J. (2008) Metabolic engineering and metabolic modelling of Escherichia coli for the production of chemicals from renewable resources (MEMORE). In: Proceedings Metabolic Engineering VII - Health and Sustainability. Puerto Vallarte, Mexico, September 14-18 2008. [PVR953]

  224. Nopens I., Benedetti L., Jeppsson U., Pons M.-N., Alex J., Copp J.B., Gernaey K.V., Rosen C., Steyer J.-P. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2008) Benchmark Simulation Model No 2 - Finalisation of plant layout and default control strategy. In: Proceedings IWA World Water Congress 2008. Vienna, Austria, September 7-12 2008. (on CD-ROM). [PVR802]

  225. Rios N., Nopens I. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2008) Using a two-phase hydrodynamic model to control fouling in an ultrafiltration side-stream MBR. In: Proceedings Membrane Technology 2008. Atlanta, Georgia, USA, January 27-30 2008. (on CR-ROM). [PVR806]

  226. Rios N., Nopens I. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2008) Two-phase slug flow CFD model for an ultrafiltration side-stream MBR. In: Proceedings Engineering with Membranes 2008 (EWM2008). Vale de Lobo, Algarve, Portugal, May 25-28 2008. [PVR807]

  227. Rios N., Nopens I. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2008) Hydrodynamic CFD simulation of a two-phase flow in an ultrafiltration membrane tube for a side-stream membrane bioreactor. In: Proceedings 5th International Conference on Transport Phenomena in Multiphase Systems (HEAT 2008). Bialystok, Poland, June 30 - July 3 2008. [PVR808]

  228. Rios N., Nopens I. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2008) Mass transfer coefficient determination of a two-phase flow for an UF membrane in a side-stream MBR. In: Proceedings 5th International Conference on Transport Phenomena in Multiphase Systems (HEAT 2008). Bialystok, Poland, June 30 - July 3 2008. [PVR809]

  229. Rosen C., Aguado D., Comas J., Alex J., Copp J.B., Gernaey K.V., Jeppsson U., Pons M.-N., Steyer J.-P. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2008) Inhibition and toxicity modelling with the long term control benchmark model (BSM1_LT) framework. In: Proceedings IWA World Water Congress 2008. Vienna, Austria, September 7-12 2008. (on CD-ROM). [PVR810]

  230. Seuntjens P., Holvoet K. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2008) Monitoring and modelling pesticide dynamics in surface water. In: Dangerous Pollutants (Xenobiotics) in Urban Water Cycle. Eds. Hlavinek P. et al., Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany. 181-190. [PVR769]

  231. Solvi A.-M., Schosseler P.M. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2008) Combined immission-emission based evaluation of integrated urban wastewater system scenarios. In: Proceedings 11th International Conference on Urban Drainage (11ICUD). Edinburgh, UK, August 31 - September 5 2008. (on CD-ROM). [PVR822]

  232. Vanrolleghem P.A. (2008) On the fate of micropollutants in the environment: Dynamic modelling of Bisphenol A and heavy metals in wastewater treatment plants. In: Proceedings International Symposium on Sanitary and Environmental Engineering (SIDISA.08). Florence, Italy, June 24-27 2008. (Invited Lecture). [PVR812]

  233. Vanrolleghem P.A., Beaupré M., Boudreault M.-C. and Rieger L. (2008) Comparing on-line sensors: Application and critical review of the ISO standard 15839. In: Proceedings 6th National Monitoring Conference (NWQMC) - Monitoring: Key to Understanding Our Waters. Atlantic City, New Jersey, USA, May 18-22 2008. [PVR813]

  234. Vanrolleghem P.A., Jalby G. and Cloutier F. (2008) Comportement de micropolluants dans l'environnement: Modélisation dynamique du Bisphenol A et des métaux lourds dans les stations d'épuration. In: Proceedings 76e Congrès de l'Association francophone pour le savoir (ACFAS). Québec, Québec, Canada, May 5-9 2008. (in French). [PVR814]


  235. Benedetti L. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2007) Immission-based probabilistic evaluation of WWTP upgrades. In: Proceedings 7th International IWA Symposium on Systems Analysis and Integrated Assessment in Water Management (WATERMATEX2007). Washington DC, USA, May 7-9 2007. (on CD-ROM). [PVR730]

  236. Chtepen M., Claeys F., Dhoedt B., De Turck F., Vanrolleghem P.A. and Demeester P. (2007) Providing fault-tolerance in unreliable grid systems through adaptive checkpointing and replication. In: Proceedings International Conference on Computational Science 2007 (ICCS2007). Beijing, China, May 27-30 2007. 454-461. [PVR761]

  237. Claeys P., De Baets B. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2007) Towards automatic numerical solver selection using a repository of pre-run simulations. In: Proceedings 7th International IWA Symposium on Systems Analysis and Integrated Assessment in Water Management (WATERMATEX2007). Washington DC, USA, May 7-9 2007. (on CD-ROM). [PVR732]

  238. Cloutier F., Lindblom E., Press-Kristensen K., Henze M., Mikkelsen P.S. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2007) Modélisation dynamique du comportement de composés organiques xénobiotiques dans des stations d'épuration. In: Proceedings 30e Symposium sur les Eaux Usées. Saint-Hyacinthe, Québec, Canada, October 16-17 2007. (in French). [PVR793]

  239. De Laender F., De Schamphelaere K.A.C., Vanrolleghem P.A. and Janssen C.R. (2007) Do we have to incorporate ecological interactions in the sensitivity assessment of ecosystems? In: Proceedings 17th Annual Meeting of SETAC-Europe (Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry). Porto, Portugal, May 21 2007. [PVR913]

  240. De Laender F., De Schamphelaere K.A.C., Vanrolleghem P.A. and Janssen C.R. (2007) Validation of ecosystem modelling as a tool for ecological effect assessments. In: Proceedings 17th Annual Meeting of SETAC-Europe (Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry). Porto, Portugal, May 21 2007. [PVR914]

  241. Gevaert V., van Griensven A., Holvoet K., Seuntjens P. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2007) Modelling mitigation measures for pesticide pollution control using SWAT. In: Proceedings 4th International SWAT Conference (SWAT2007). Delft, The Netherlands, July 3-6 2007. [PVR762]

  242. Holvoet K., Seuntjens P., van Griensven A. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2007) Monitoring and modeling pesticide dynamics in surface water at the catchment-scale: A review. In: Proceedings 13th Symposium in Pesticide Chemistry. Piacenza, Italy, September 3-6 2007. [PVR763]

  243. Insel G., Sin G., Lee D.S., De Pauw D.J.W., Weijers S. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2007) Long-term prediction capability of dynamic model calibration for an intermittently aerated carousel type activated sludge plant. In: Proceedings 10th IWA Specialised Conference on Design, Operation and Economics of Large Wastewater Treatment Plants (LWWTP07). Vienna, Austria, September 9-13 2007. (on CD-ROM). [PVR800]

  244. Lévesque É., Beauchamp N., van Griensven A., Vanrolleghem P.A. and Anctil F. (2007) Toward an improvement of the hydrological performance of the SWAT model under snow cover and during snowmelt. In: Proceedings 4th International SWAT Conference (SWAT2007). Delft, The Netherlands, July 3-6 2007. [PVR764]

  245. Nopens I., Nere N., Vanrolleghem P.A. and Ramkrishna D. (2007) Solving the inverse problem for aggregation in activated sludge flocculation. In: Proceedings 3rd International Conference on Population Balance Modeling (PBM2007). Québec, Québec, Canada, September 19-21 2007. (on CD-ROM). [PVR803]

  246. Nopens I., Nere N., Vanrolleghem P.A. and Ramkrishna D. (2007) On the formulation of effective mechanistic aggregation kernels for the flocculation process with concurrent mechanisms using inverse problem solution. In: Proceedings AIChE Annual Meeting 2007. Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, November 4-9 2007. [PVR804]

  247. Rasolomanana S.D., Lessard P. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2007) Evaluation du modèle SWAT pour la simulation des matières en suspension. In: Proceedings 23e Congrès de l'Est du Canada de Recherche sur la Qualité de l'Eau (ACQE). Sherbrooke, Québec, Canada, October 26 2007. (in French). [PVR805]

  248. Rios N., Nopens I., De Schepper V., Jiang T., Verstraete W. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2007) A rheological model for activated sludge in a side-stream MBR. In: Proceedings 4th IWA International Membranes Conference - Membranes for Water and Wastewater Treatment. Harrogate, United Kingdom, May 15-17 2007. [PVR767]

  249. Seuntjens P., Holvoet K. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2007) Monitoring and modelling pesticide dynamics in surface water. In: Proceedings NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Dangerous Pollutants (Xenobiotics) in Urban Water Cycle. Lednice, Czech Republic, May 2-6 2007. 159-173. [PVR769]

  250. Sin G., Niville K., Bachis G., Jiang T., Nopens I., Van Hulle S. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2007) Nitrite effect on the phosphorus uptake activity of phosphate accumulating organisms (PAO) in pilot-scale SBR and MBR reactors. In: Proceedings WEF/IWA International Conference on Nutrient Removal 2007: The State of the Art (BNR2007). Baltimore, USA, March 4-7 2007. (on CD-ROM). [PVR773]

  251. Vandenberghe V., Holvoet K., van Griensven A., Seuntjens P. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2007) Use of catchment models for pesticide risk assessment: Application of SWAT in the Nil catchment. In: Proceedings 4th International SWAT Conference (SWAT2007). Delft, The Netherlands, July 3-6 2007. [PVR770]

  252. Vanrolleghem P.A. (2007) On the problem of identifying overparameterised wastewater treatment models with prior information regarding a subset of the parameters. In: Proceedings International Workshop on Advances in Hydroinformatics 2007 (HIW07). Niagara Falls, Canada, June 4-7 2007. (on CD-ROM). [PVR735]

  253. Volcke E.I.P., van Loosdrecht M.C.M. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2007) The SHARON-Anammox process for reject water treatment: The most economic plant-wide solution? In: Proceedings CLONIC 2007. Barcelona, Spain, April 19-20 2007. 104-112. [PVR738]


  254. Baert K., De Meulenaer B., Verdonck F., Huybrechts I., De Henauw S., Vanrolleghem P.A. and Devlieghere F. (2006) Probabilistic exposure assessment of patulin in apple juice for preschool children in Flanders. Comm. Appl. Biol. Sci., 71/1, 11-14. [PVR725]

  255. Benedetti L., Bixio D., Claeys F. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2006) Tools to support a model-based methodology for benefit/cost/risk analysis of wastewater treatment systems. In: Proceedings Summit on Environmental Modelling and Software (iEMSs2006). Burlington, Vermont, USA, July 9-12 2006. (on CD-ROM). [PVR665]

  256. Chtepen M., Claeys F.H.A., Dhoedt B., De Turck F., Vanrolleghem P.A. and Demeester P. (2006) Evaluation of replication and rescheduling heuristics for grid systems with varying resource availability. In: Proceedings 18th IASTED International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems (PDCS 2006). Dallas, USA, November 13-15 2006. [PVR726]

  257. Chtepen M., Dhoedt B., De Turck F., Demeester P., Claeys F.H.A. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2006) Dynamic scheduling of computationally intensive applications on unreliable infrastructures. In: Proceedings European Modeling and Simulation Symposium (EMSS2006). Barcelona, Spain, October 4-6 2006. [PVR705]

  258. Claeys F.H.A., Chtepen M., Benedetti L., De Keyser W., Fritzson P. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2006) Towards transparent distributed execution in the Tornado framework. In: Proceedings Environmental Applications and Distributed Computing (EADC2006). Bratislava, Slovakia, October 16-18 2006. [PVR707]

  259. Claeys F., De Pauw D.J.W., Benedetti L., Nopens I. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2006) Tornado: A versatile and efficient modelling & virtual experimentation kernel for water quality systems. In: Proceedings Summit on Environmental Modelling and Software (iEMSs2006). Burlington, Vermont, USA, July 9-12 2006. (on CD-ROM). [PVR666]

  260. Claeys F.H.A., Fritzson P. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2006) Using Modelica models for complex virtual experimentation with the Tornado kernel. In: Proceedings 5th International Modelica Conference. Vienna, Austria, September 4-5 2006. [PVR791]

  261. Claeys F.H.A., Vanrolleghem P.A. and Fritzson P. (2006) A generalized framework for abstraction and dynamic loading of numerical solvers. In: Proceedings European Modeling and Simulation Symposium (EMSS2006). Barcelona, Spain, October 4-6 2006. [PVR727]

  262. Claeys F.H.A., Vanrolleghem P.A. and Fritzson P. (2006) Boosting the efficiency of compound virtual experiments through a priori exploration of the solver setting space. In: Proceedings European Modeling and Simulation Symposium (EMSS2006). Barcelona, Spain, October 4-6 2006. [PVR706]

  263. Claeys P., Claeys F., De Baets B. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2006) Intelligent configuration of numerical solvers of environmental ODE/DAE models using machine learning techniques. In: Proceedings Summit on Environmental Modelling and Software (iEMSs2006). Burlington, Vermont, USA, July 9-12 2006. (on CD-ROM). [PVR667]

  264. De Laender F., De Schamphelaere K.A., Vanrolleghem P.A. and Janssen C.R. (2006) Can ecosystem models improve ecological risk assessment and water quality criteria setting? In: Proceedings 27th Annual meeting of SETAC North America (Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry). Montreal, Canada, November 5-9 2006. [PVR708]

  265. De Pauw D.J.W. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2006) Avoiding the finite difference sensitivity analysis deathtrap by using the complex-step derivative approximation technique. In: Proceedings Summit on Environmental Modelling and Software (iEMSs2006). Burlington, Vermont, USA, July 9-12 2006. (on CD-ROM). [PVR668]

  266. De Pauw D.J.W. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2006) Nesting genetic algorithms to solve a robust optimal experimental design problem. In: Proceedings Summit on Environmental Modelling and Software (iEMSs2006). Burlington, Vermont, USA, July 9-12 2006. (on CD-ROM). [PVR669]

  267. De Schepper V., Jiang T., Nopens I. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2006) Modeling the performance of a membrane bioreactor controlled by air sparging. Comm. Appl. Biol. Sci., 71/1, 111-113. [PVR728]

  268. Holvoet K., De Schepper V., Benedetti L., Seuntjens P. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2006) Modelling the fate of pesticides in a highly dynamic water-sediment system. In: Proceedings SCI Conference on Pesticide Behaviour in Soils, Water and Air. Coventry, United Kingdom, March 27-29 2006. [PVR670]

  269. Holvoet K., van Griensven A., Seuntjens P. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2006) The importance of a measuring campaign for model development: Modifications to SWAT for pesticides. In: Proceedings European Geosciences Union General Assembly (EGU2006). Vienna, Austria, April 2-7 2006. [PVR710]

  270. Jiang T., De Schepper V., Kennedy M.D., Futselaar H., van der Meer W., Amy G.L. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2006) Simulating the soluble microbial products in a membrane bioreactor system and their impact on membrane fouling. In: Proceedings IWA World Water Congress 2006. Beijing, China, September 10-14 2006. (on CD-ROM). [PVR671]

  271. Rousseau D.P.L., Story A., Lesage E., Vanrolleghem P.A. and De Pauw N. (2006) Best management practices of constructed wetland operation for water reclamation. In: Proceedings International Conference on Integrated Concepts for Reuse of Upgraded Wastewater. Barcelona, Spain, February 1-3 2006. [PVR711]

  272. Ruiz M., Villez K., Sin G., Colomer J. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2006) Influence of scaling and unfolding in PCA based monitoring of nutrient removing batch process. In: Proceedings 6th IFAC Symposium on Fault Detection, Supervision and Safety of Technical Processes (Safeprocess2006). Beijing, China, August 29-September 1 2006. (on CD-ROM). [PVR712]

  273. Solvi A.-M., Benedetti L., Vandenberghe V., Gillé S., Schosseler P., Weidenhaupt A. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2006) Construction and calibration of an integrated model for catchment, sewer, treatment plant and river. In: Proceedings 7th International Conference on Hydroinformatics (HIC 2006). Nice, France, September 4-8 2006. [PVR713]

  274. Solvi A.-M., Benedetti L., Vandenberghe V., Gillé S., Schosseler P., Weidenhaupt A. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2006) Implementation of an integrated model for optimised urban wastewater management in view of better river water quality: A case study. In: Proceedings IWA World Water Congress 2006. Beijing, China, September 10-14 2006. (on CD-ROM). [PVR672]

  275. Takács I. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2006) Elemental balances in activated sludge modelling. In: Proceedings IWA World Water Congress 2006. Beijing, China, September 10-14 2006. (on CD-ROM). [PVR673]

  276. van Griensven A., Flindt-Jørgensen L., Vandenberghe V., Sonnenborg A. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2006) Joint use of modelling and monitoring for implementing the Water Framework Directive. In: Proceedings European Geosciences Union General Assembly (EGU2006). Vienna, Austria, April 2-7 2006. [PVR714]

  277. Villez K., Lee D.S., Rosen C. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2006) Comparison of linear and non-linear PLS methods for soft-sensing of an SBR for nutrient removal. In: Proceedings Summit on Environmental Modelling and Software (iEMSs2006). Burlington, Vermont, USA, July 9-12 2006. (on CD-ROM). [PVR674]


  278. Blind M.W., Borgvang S.A., George D.G., Froebrich J., Zsuffa I., Vanrolleghem P.A., Jørgensen L.F. and de Lange W.J. (2005) Current results of the EC-sponsored catchment modelling (CatchMod) cluster: Part 2: “Water topics and synthesis” In: Proceedings 10th International Specialist Conference on Watershed and River Basin Management. Calgary, Canada, September 13-15 2005. (on CD-ROM) [PVR621]

  279. Blind M.W., Moore R.V., Scholten H.M., Refsgaard J.C., Borowski I., Giupponi C., Estrela M. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2005) Current results of the EC-sponsored catchment modelling (CatchMod) cluster: Part 1: “Cross-cutting issues” In: Proceedings 10th International Specialist Conference on Watershed and River Basin Management. Calgary, Canada, September 13-15 2005. (on CD-ROM) [PVR622]

  280. Blind M.W., Moore R.V., Scholten H.M., Refsgaard J.-C., Borgvang S.A., Giupponi C., Borowski I., Estrela M., George D.G., Froebrich J., Zsuffa I., Vanrolleghem P.A. and de Lange W.J. (2005) Current results of the EC-sponsored catchment modelling (CatchMod) cluster. In: Proceedings International Congress on Modelling and Simulation (MODSIM2005). Eds. Zerger A.and Argent R.M., Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand. Melbourne, Australia, December 12-15 2005. 170-176. ISBN:0-9758400-2-9. [PVR623]

  281. Chtepen M., Claeys F., Dhoedt B., Vanrolleghem P.A. and Demeester P. (2005) Computational complexity and distributed execution in water quality management. In: Proceedings International Conference on Computational Science 2005 (ICCS2005). Atlanta, USA, May 22-25 2005. 1116-1119. [PVR624]

  282. Corominas L., Sin G., Balaguer M., Colprim J. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2005) Calibration and validation of a N-removing SBR only using on-line measurements of DO and historical off-line data. In: Proceedings IWA Specialised Conference on Nutrient Management in Wastewater Treatment Processes and Recycle Streams. Krakow, Poland, September 19-21 2005. [PVR625]

  283. De Laender F., De Schamphelaere K.A.C., Schaefers C., Vanrolleghem P.A. and Janssen C.R. (2005) Understanding copper effects on the functioning of aquatic ecosystems: A modelling approach. In: Proceedings 15th Annual Meeting of SETAC-Europe (Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry). Lille, France, May 22-26 2005. [PVR626]

  284. De Laender F., Goethals P.L.M., Vanrolleghem P.A. and Janssen C.R. (2005) Ecological effect assessment through the combination of mechanistic and data driven models. In: Proceedings Final Conference COST-626 European Aquatic Modelling Network. Silkeborg, Denmark, May 19-20 2005. [PVR627]

  285. De Pauw D.J.W. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2005) Using the complex-step derivative approximation method to calculate local sensitivity functions of highly nonlinear bioprocess models. In: Proceedings 17th IMACS World Congress on Scientific Computation, Applied Mathematics and Simulation (IMACS 2005). Paris, France, July 11-15 2005. (on CD-ROM) [PVR628]

  286. Foubert I., Vanrolleghem P.A., Thas O. and Dewettinck K. (2005) How chemical composition influences cocoa butter crystallization. In: Proceedings 96th American Oil Chemists’ Society Annual Meeting and Expo. Salt Lake City, United States, May 1-4 2005. [PVR629]

  287. Holvoet K., De Schepper V., Seuntjens P. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2005) Extension of the River Water Quality Model N°1 with the fate of pesticides. In: Proceedings 15th Annual Meeting of SETAC-Europe (Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry). Lille, France, May 22-26 2005. [PVR630]

  288. Holvoet K., van Griensven A., Seuntjens P. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2005) Dynamic modeling of pesticide fluxes to surface waters using SWAT. In: Proceedings 3rd International SWAT Conference (SWAT2005). Zurich, Switzerland, July 11-15 2005. [PVR709]

  289. Holvoet K., van Griensven A., Seuntjens P. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2005) Sensitivity analysis as a tool supporting river basin management. In: Proceedings 10th International Specialist Conference on Watershed and River Basin Management. Calgary, Canada, September 13-15 2005. (on CD-ROM) [PVR631]

  290. Mahieu K., De Visscher A., Vanrolleghem P.A. and Van Cleemput O. (2005) Modelling of stable isotope fractionation by methane oxidation and diffusion in landfill cover soils. In: Proceedings 6th Benelux IRMS User Group Meeting (BIG2005). Gent, Belgium, March 10-11 2005. 37-38. [PVR632]

  291. Mahieu K., De Visscher A., Vanrolleghem P.A. and Van Cleemput O. (2005) Improved quantification of methane oxidation in landfill cover soils by numerical modeling of stable isotope fractionation. In: Proceedings 10th International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium. Cagliari, Italy, October 3-7 2005. [PVR633]

  292. Matamoros D., Guzman E., Bonini J. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2005) AGNPS and SWAT model calibration for hydrologic modelling of an Ecuadorian river basin under data scarcity. In: River Basin Restoration and Management. A. Ostfeld and J.M. Tyson (eds.), Water and Environment Management Series (WEMS), IWA Publishing, London, pp. 71-78. [PVR543]

  293. Ruiz G., Molina F., Steyer J.-P., Vanrolleghem P.A., Zaher U., Roca E. and Lema J.M. (2005) Industrial-scale validation of a new titrimetric sensor for anaerobic digestion process: Comparison of methodologies. In: Proceedings 2nd IWA Conference on Instrumentation, Control and Automation (ICA2005). Busan, Korea, May 29 - June 2 2005. [PVR634]

  294. Sin G. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2005) Model-aided methodology for systematic exploration of the optimal operational domain of nutrient removing SBR systems. In: Proceedings 78th Annual WEF Technical Exhibition and Conference (WEFTEC2005). Washington DC, USA, October 29-November 2 2005. (on CD-ROM). [PVR635]

  295. Solvi A.-M., Benedetti L., Gillé S., Schosseler P., Weidenhaupt A. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2005) Integrated urban catchment modelling for a sewer-treatment-river system. In: Proceedings 10th International Conference on Urban Drainage. Copenhagen, Denmark, August 21-26 2005. [PVR637]

  296. Vandenberghe V. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2005) Cost-effectiveness of in-stream aeration to improve river water quality. In: Proceedings 10th International Conference on Urban Drainage. Copenhagen, Denmark, August 21-26 2005. [PVR640]

  297. Vandenberghe V., van Griensven A., Bauwens W. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2005) Optimal experimental design in river water quality modelling. In: Proceedings 3rd International SWAT Conference (SWAT2005). Zurich, Switzerland, July 11-15 2005. 88-97. [PVR641]

  298. Vandenberghe V., van Griensven A., Vanrolleghem P.A., Goethals P.L.M. and De Pauw N. (2005) Coupling water quality and fish habitat models for river management: simulation of restoration scenario’s in the Dender basin. In: Proceedings Final Conference COST-626 European Aquatic Modelling Network. Silkeborg, Denmark, May 19-20 2005. [PVR643]

  299. van Griensven A., Vandenberghe V. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2005) Evaluation of river water quality model concepts used for river basin management. In: Proceedings European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2005 (EGU2005). Vienna, Austria, April 24-29 2005. [PVR638]

  300. Verdonck F., van Asselt M., Van Sprang P. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2005) Uncertainty and precaution under current and future EU chemical risk assessment. In: Proceedings 15th Annual Meeting of SETAC-Europe (Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry). Lille, France, May 22-26 2005. [PVR644]

  301. Villez K., Rosén C., Van Hulle S., Yoo C.K. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2005) On-line dynamic monitoring of the SHARON process for sustainable nitrogen removal from wastewater. In: Proceedings 15th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering (ESCAPE15). Barcelona, Spain, May 29 - June 1 2005. 1297-1302. [PVR741]

  302. Villez K., Rosen C., Volcke E., Yoo C.K. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2005) PLS-based supervisory control of the Single Reactor High Activity Ammonia Removal Over Nitritre (SHARON) process. In: Proceedings 2nd IWA Conference on Instrumentation, Control and Automation (ICA2005). Busan, Korea, May 29 - June 2 2005. [PVR645]

  303. Yoo C.K., Vanrolleghem P.A. and Lee I.-B. (2005) Application of non-gaussian batch monitoring to a biological treatment process. In: Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Advanced Control of Industrial Processes. Seoul, South-Korea, August 23 2005. 370-374. [PVR896]


  304. Abdel-Halim H.S., Abdalla K.Z., Zaher U. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2004) Dynamic modeling of the activated sludge process for real time monitoring and control. Water Intelligence Online, August 2004. [PVR553]

  305. Benedetti L., Blumensaat F., Bönisch G., Krebs P. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2004) Systems analysis of urban wastewater systems - Two systematic approaches to analyse a complex system. In: Proceedings 19th European Junior Scientist Workshop on Process Data and Integrated Urban Water Modelling (EJSW2003). Meaux-la-Montagne, France, March 11-14 2004. pp. 8. [PVR496]

  306. Benedetti L., Krebs P. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2004) Cost-effective development of urban wastewater systems for Water Framework Directive compliance - the CD4WC EU project. In: Proceedings WaPUG International Conference. London, United Kingdom, September 16-17 2004. [PVR545]

  307. Benedetti L., Meirlaen J., Sforzi F., Facchi A., Gandolfi C. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2004) Dynamic integrated modelling: A case study on the river Lambro. In: Proceedings 5th International Conference on Sustainable Techniques and Strategies in Urban Water Management (Novatech'2004). Lyon, France, June 6-10 2004. 1559-1566. [PVR486]

  308. Benedetti L., Meirlaen J. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2004) Model connectors for integrated simulations of urban wastewater systems. In: Sewer Networks and Processes within Urban Water Systems. J.-L. Bertrand-Krajewski, M. Almeida, J. Matos and S. Abdul-Talib (eds.), Water and Environment Management Series (WEMS), IWA Publishing, London, pp. 13-21. [PVR466]

  309. Bernard O., Chachuat B., Hélias A., Le Dantec B., Sialve B., Steyer J.-P., Lardon L., Neveu P., Lambert S., Ratini P., Frattesi S., Lema J., Roca E., Ruiz G., Rodriguez J., Franco A., Vanrolleghem P.A., Zaher U., De Pauw D.J.W., De Neve K., Lievens K., Dochain D., Schoefs O., Fibrianto H., Farina R., Alcaraz Gonzalez V., Gonzalez Alvarez V., Lemaire P., Martinez J.A., Duclaud O. and Lavigne J.F. (2004) TELEMAC: An integrated system to remotely monitor and control anaerobic wastewater treatment plants through the Internet. In: Proceedings 3rd International Congress on Sustainable Winery Wastes Management. Barcelona, Spain, May 24-26 2004. (on CD-ROM). [PVR544]

  310. De Clercq B., Van Hulle S. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2004) Does rheology restrict the secondary clarifier capacity? In: Proceedings 77th Annual WEF Technical Exhibition and Conference (WEFTEC2004). New Orleans, USA, October 2-6 2004. (on CD-ROM). [PVR549]

  311. Deksissa T. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2004) Effect of nutrient dynamics on organic contaminant fate in rivers: a microcosm study. In: Proceedings 2nd IWA Young Researchers Conference. Wageningen, The Netherlands, May 3-4 2004. (in Press) [PVR506]

  312. Deksissa T. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2004) Integrated modelling of eutrophication and organic contaminant fate in rivers. In: Environmental Biotechnology: Advancement in Water and Wastewater Application in the Tropics. Z. Ujang and M. Henze (eds.), Water and Environment Management Series (WEMS), IWA Publishing, London, pp. 241-248. [PVR470]

  313. De Neve K., Lievens K., Steyer J.-P. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2004) Development of an on-line titrimetric analyser for the determination of volatile fatty acids, bicarbonate, and alkalinity. In: Proceedings 10th World Congress on Anaerobic Digestion (AD10). Montreal, Canada, August 29 - September 2 2004. (in Press) [PVR514]

  314. De Pauw D.J.W., Zaher U. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2004) Protocol and optimal experimental design to set up a monitoring and control system at an anaerobic digester. In: Proceedings 10th World Congress on Anaerobic Digestion (AD10). Montreal, Canada, August 29 - September 2 2004. (in Press) [PVR513]

  315. Dewettinck K., Agache E., Foubert I. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2004) Use of quenchcooling to block the crystallization properties of chocolate. In: Proceedings 95th American Oil Chemists’ Society Annual Meeting and Expo. Cincinnati, United States, May 9-12 2004. [PVR509]

  316. Foubert I., Agache E., Vanrolleghem P.A. and Dewettinck K. (2004) Prediction of migration fat bloom on chocolate. In: Proceedings 95th American Oil Chemists’ Society Annual Meeting and Expo. Cincinnati, United States, May 9-12 2004. [PVR510]

  317. Foubert I., Dewettinck K., Janssen G. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2004) Modelling multi-step processes in fat crystallization. In: Proceedings 3rd Euro Fed Lipid Congress. Edinburgh, United Kingdom, September 5-8 2004. [PVR572]

  318. Foubert I., Vanrolleghem P.A. and Dewettinck K. (2004) Comparison of models to describe crystallization kinetics of fats. In: Modelling and Simulation 2004 (FOODSIM2004). C. Bobeanu (ed.), Eurosis, Gent, Belgium. 333-337. [PVR576]

  319. Foubert I., Vanrolleghem P.A., Thas O. and Dewettinck K. (2004) Influence of chemical composition on the isothermal cocoa butter crystallization. In: Proceedings Lipid Structural Properties Symposium 2004. Northampton, England, November 17-18 2004. p.17-20. [PVR587]

  320. Govoreanu R. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2004) Activated sludge floc size and size distribution measurements: From reality to sizing techniques. In: Proceedings First Workshop on Recent Advances in Activated Sludge Flocculation (RAASF2004). Gent, Belgium, September 27-28 2004. pp. 32. [PVR575]

  321. Holvoet K., Seuntjens P. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2004) Dynamic modelling of pesticide fluxes to surface waters using SWAT. In: Proceedings European Geosciences Union Conference (EGU2004). Nice, France, April 25-30 2004. (in Press) [PVR501]

  322. Holvoet K., Seuntjens P., Vanermen G. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2004) Preliminary study on the partitioning of pesticides in surface waters. In: Proceedings 2nd IWA Young Researchers Conference. Wageningen, The Netherlands, May 3-4 2004. [PVR505]

  323. Holvoet K., van Griensven A., Seuntjens P. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2004) Hydrodynamic modelling with SWAT for predicting dynamic behaviour of pesticides. In: Young Researchers 2004. P. Lens and R. Stuetz (eds.), Water and Environment Management Series (WEMS), IWA Publishing, London, pp. 211-218. [PVR504]

  324. Insel G., Sin G., Lee D.S. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2004) A calibration methodology and model-based systems analysis for SBR’s removing nutrients under limited aeration conditions. In: Proceedings 3rd IWA Specialised Conference on Sequencing Batch Reactor Technology. Noosa, Australia, February 22-26 2004. (on CD-ROM) [PVR479]

  325. Lavallee B., Lessard P. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2004) Cybernetic modeling of the metabolic adaptation of activated sludge biomass. In: Proceedings 9th IFAC Conference on Computer Applications in Biotechnology CAB9. Nancy, France, March 28-31 2004. (on CD-ROM) [PVR480]

  326. Lavallée B., Lessard P. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2004) Modeling the metabolic adaptation of activated sludge biomass with a structured biomass model. In: Proceedings 6th Québec-Ontario Bioengineering Meeting. Québec, Canada, June 10-11 2004. [PVR583]

  327. Lavallée B., Lessard P. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2004) Calibration of a cybernetic model used for modelling of large transient in an activated sludge process. In: Proceedings 4th IWA World Water Conference. Marrakech, Morocco, September 19-24 2004. (on CD-ROM). [PVR531]

  328. Lee J.-M., Yoo C.K., Lee I.-B. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2004) Multivariate statistical monitoring of nonlinear biological processes using kernel PCA. In: Proceedings 9th IFAC Conference on Computer Applications in Biotechnology CAB9. Nancy, France, March 28-31 2004. (on CD-ROM) [PVR483]

  329. Lequeux G., Van der Heijden R., Van Den Broeck S. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2004) Computational methods to determine conserved moieties and parallel pathways in metabolic network models. In: Proceedings 9th IFAC Conference on Computer Applications in Biotechnology CAB9. Nancy, France, March 28-31 2004. (on CD-ROM) [PVR481]

  330. Lindblom E., Rosen C., Vanrolleghem P.A. Olsson L.-E. and Jeppsson U. (2004) Modelling a nutrient deficient wastewater treatment process. In: Proceedings 4th IWA World Water Conference. Marrakech, Morocco, September 19-24 2004. (on CD-ROM). [PVR532]

  331. Mahieu K., De Visscher A., Vanrolleghem P.A. and Van Cleemput O. (2004) Isotope fractionation by microbial methane oxidation: Improved determination. In: Proceedings 3rd Intercontinental Landfill Research Symposium. Toya, Japan, November 29 - December 2 2004. 79-81. [PVR556]

  332. Nopens I., Beheydt D. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2004) Comparison of discretisation techniques to solve PBMs including aggregation and/or breakage: A simulation study. In: Proceedings 2nd International Conference on Population Balance Modelling. Valencia, Spain, May 5-7 2004. (in Press) [PVR508]

  333. Nopens I., Govoreanu R., De Clercq B., Malisse K., De Pauw D., De Clercq J. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2004) The Sedifloc project. In: Proceedings First Workshop on Recent Advances in Activated Sludge Flocculation (RAASF2004). Gent, Belgium, September 27-28 2004. pp. 45. [PVR574]

  334. Nopens I., Koegst T. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2004) Comparison of different aggregation and breakage kernels for PBMs of the activated sludge occulation process. In: Proceedings 2nd International Conference on Population Balance Modelling. Valencia, Spain, May 5-7 2004. (in Press) [PVR507]

  335. Nopens I., Koegst T., Mahieu K. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2004) PBM and activated sludge flocculation: From experimental data to a calibrated model. In: Proceedings 9th IFAC Conference on Computer Applications in Biotechnology CAB9. Nancy, France, March 28-31 2004. (on CD-ROM) [PVR482]

  336. Nopens I. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2004) Integratie van investerings- en werkingskosten voor waterzuivering met behulp van modelsimulaties. In: Proceedings Facultaire Thema Namiddag FBW. Gent, December 3 2004. pp. 21. [PVR558]

  337. Olsson G., Ingildsen P., Jeppsson U., Kim C.-W., Lynggaard-Jensen A., Nielsen M., Rosen C., Spanjers H., Vanrolleghem P.A., Yuan Z. (2004) Instrumentation, control and automation : Hidden technologies in water and wastewater treatment. In: Proceedings 2nd IWA Leading-edge Conference on Water and Wastewater Treatment Technologies. Prague, Czech Republic, June 1-4 2004. (on CD-ROM) [PVR511]

  338. Ragaert P., Devlieghere F., Loos S., Dewulf J., Van Langenhove H., Foubert I., Vanrolleghem P.A. and Debevere J. (2004) Microbiological and physiological processes affecting odor quality of strawberries during storage. Comm. Appl. Biol. Sci., 69/2, 227-230. [PVR1053]

  339. Rousseau D.P.L., Vanrolleghem P.A. and De Pauw N. (2004) Natuurlijke systemen voor afvalwaterzuivering in Vlaanderen: Fictie en feiten. In: Proceedings Winter Symposium of the Dutch-Flemish Association on Ecology (NecoV). Gent, Belgium, Januari 14-15 2004. [PVR568]

  340. Solvi A.-M., Benedetti L., Gillé S., Schosseler P., Weidenhaupt A. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2004) Modélisation d'un basin versant urbain avec sa rivière en vue de la Directive Cadre Eau. In: Proceedings 1ères Journées Doctorales en Hydrologie Urbaine (JDHU2004). Lyon, France, Octobre 25-26 2004. [PVR551]

  341. Vandenberghe V., Bauwens W. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2004) The evaluation of uncertainty propagation into river water quality predictions to guide future monitoring campaigns. In: Proceedings International Conference on Complexity and Integrated Resources Management (iEMSs2004). Osnabruck, Germany, June 14-17 2004. Vol. 2, 1087-1092. [PVR579]

  342. Vandenberghe V., Bauwens W. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2004) Sensitivity analysis to identify 'soft data' for the evaluation of a river water quality model. In: Proceedings 2004 AGU Fall Meeting (AGU2004). San Francisco, California, December 13-17 2004. [PVR559]

  343. Vandenberghe V., Benedetti L. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2004) Synergetic use of the degrees of freedom to improve the urban waste water system. In: Proceedings 4th IWA World Water Conference. Marrakech, Morocco, September 19-24 2004. (on CD-ROM). [PVR534]

  344. Vandenberghe V. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2004) Effecten van overstorten op het milieu: Wat kunnen geïntegreerde modellen ons vertellen? In: Proceedings TI-KVIV Studiedag Milieu-impact van Wateroverlast en Overstromingen. Antwerp, Belgium, November 17 2004. [PVR552]

  345. Van Hulle S.W.H., Dapena-Mora A., Campos J.L., Mendez R., Jetten M.S.M. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2004) Modelling start-up and operation of an ANAMMOX sequencing batch reactor. In: Proceedings IcoN Symposium on Anammox: New sustainable N-removal from Waste Water. Gent, Belgium, January 21-23 2004. [PVR577]

  346. Van Hulle S.W.H., Maertens J., De Pauw D.J.W. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2004) Using parameter sensitivity analysis of the CANON biofilm process: What to measure, where to measure and under which conditions? In: Young Researchers 2004. P. Lens and R. Stuetz (eds.), Water and Environment Management Series (WEMS), IWA Publishing, London, pp. 59-66. [PVR503]

  347. Van Hulle S.W.H., Volcke E.I.P., Lopez Teruel J., Donckels B., van Loosdrecht M.C.M. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2004) Influence of temperature and pH on the kinetics of the SHARON nitritation process. In: Proceedings 4th IWA World Water Conference. Marrakech, Morocco, September 19-24 2004. (on CD-ROM). [PVR535]

  348. Van Hulle S.W.H., Volcke E.I.P., Lopez Teruel J., Donckels B., van Loosdrecht M.C.M. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2004) The effect of temperature and pH on the kinetics of a partial nitritation process. Comm. Appl. Biol. Sci., 69/2, 11-14. [PVR582]

  349. Van Hulle S.W.H., Volcke E.I.P. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2004) Simulation of start up and operation of autotrophic nitrogen removal processes. In: Proceedings IWA Conference on Upgrading of Wastewater Treatment Plants (Aquatech2004). Amsterdam, The Netherlands, September 30 - October 1 2004. [PVR548]

  350. Vanrolleghem P.A., Van Hulle S.W.H., Volcke E. and Sin G. (2004) Modelling, control and optimization of autotrophic nitrogen removal. In: Proceedings IcoN Symposium on Anammox: New sustainable N-removal from Waste Water. Gent, Belgium, January 21-23 2004. [PVR495]

  351. Verdonck F.A.M., van Griensven A., Deksissa T., Holvoet K., Seuntjens P. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2004) Harmonising chemical fate and basic water quality modelling at the catchment scale. In: Proceedings 14th Annual Meeting of SETAC-Europe (Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry). Prague, Czech Republic, April 18-22 2004. [PVR566]

  352. Verdonck F. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2004) Probabilistic models in food and nutrition reseaerch. In: Proceedings Symposium Methodologische Aspecten in Voedingsonderzoek. Gent, Belgium, December 3 2004. pp. 25. [PVR557]

  353. Volcke E.I.P., Loccufier M., Vanrolleghem P.A. and Noldus E.J.L. (2004) Existence, uniqueness and stability of the equilibrium points of a SHARON bioreactor model. In: Proceedings 23rd Benelux Meeting on Systems and Control. Helvoirt, The Netherlands, March 17-19 2004. [PVR497]

  354. Volcke E.I.P., Van Hulle S.W.H., van Loosdrecht M.C.M. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2004) Generation of an Anammox-optimal nitrite:ammonium ratio with the SHARON process: Usefulness of process control? In: Proceedings IcoN Symposium on Anammox: New sustainable N-removal from Waste Water. Gent, Belgium, January 21-23 2004. [PVR578]

  355. Yoo C.K. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2004) Multivariate analysis and monitoring of sequencing batch reactor using multiway independent component analysis. In: Proceedings 14th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering (ESCAPE14). Lisbon, Portugal, May 16-19 2004. (on CD-ROM) [PVR484]

  356. Yoo C.K. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2004) Interpreting patterns and analysis of acute leukemia gene expression data by multivariate statistical analysis. In: Proceedings 14th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering (ESCAPE14). Lisbon, Portugal, May 16-19 2004. (on CD-ROM) [PVR485]

  357. Yoo C.K. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2004) On-line nonlinear process monitoring of a pilot-scale sequencing batch reactor. In: Proceedings 5th International Symposium on Advanced Environmental Monitoring. Seoul, Korea, April 27-30 2004. (on CD-ROM) [PVR502]

  358. Yoo C.K., Villez K., Lee C., Lee I. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2004) Nonlinear multivariate statistical monitoring of a sequencing batch reactor (SBR). In: Proceedings 6th International Symposium on Systems Analysis and Integrated Assessment in Water Management (WATERMATEX2004). Beijing, China, November 3-5 2004. 233-243. [PVR541]

  359. Zaher U., Bouvier J.C., Steyer J.-P. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2004) Titrimetric monitoring of anaerobic digestion: VFA, alkalinities and more. In: Proceedings 10th World Congress on Anaerobic Digestion (AD10). Montreal, Canada, August 29 - September 2 2004. (in Press) [PVR516]

  360. Zaher U., Rodríguez J., Franco A. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2004) Application of the IWA ADM1 model to simulate anaerobic digester dynamics using a concise set of practical measurements. In: Environmental Biotechnology: Advancement in Water and Wastewater Application in the Tropics. Z. Ujang and M. Henze (eds.), Water and Environment Management Series (WEMS), IWA Publishing, London, pp. 249-258. [PVR471]


  361. Abdel-Halim H.S., Abdalla K.Z., Zaher U. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2003) Dynamic modeling of the activated sludge process for real time monitoring and control. In: Proceedings 9th IWA Specialised Conference on Design, Operation and Economics of Large Wastewater Treatment Plants. Prague, Czech Republik, September 1-4 2003. 87-90. [PVR449]

  362. Clement L., Thas O., Vanrolleghem P.A. and Ottoy J.-P. (2003) Statistical validation of water quality data. In: Proceedings VIth Conference on Statistics in Public Resources and Utilities and in Care of the Environment (SPRUCE VI). Lund, Sweden, June 15-19 2003. [PVR444]

  363. Deksissa T. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2003) Integrated modelling of eutrophication and organic contaminant fate in rivers. In: Proceedings of the 13th Annual Meeting of SETAC-Europe (Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry). Hamburg, Germany, April 27-May 1 2003. [PVR437]

  364. Deksissa T. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2003) Effect of nutrient dynamics on organic contaminant fate in rivers: A microcosm study. Comm. Appl. Biol. Sci., 68/3, 111-114. [PVR454]

  365. De Pauw D.J.W. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2003) Optimal experimental design for model calibration: General procedure. Comm. Appl. Biol. Sci., 68/3, 95-98. [PVR455]

  366. De Pauw D.J.W. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2003) Practical aspects of sensitivity analysis for dynamic models. In: Proceedings IMACS 4th MATHMOD Conference. Vienna, Austria, February 5-7 2003. [PVR417]

  367. Deschamphelaere K.A.C., Verdonck F.A.M., Heijerick D.G., Van Sprang P.A., Vanrolleghem P.A. and Janssen C.R. (2003) Geography-referenced bioavailability modeling in risk assessment: A case study of copper in Swedish surface waters. In: Proceedings 7th International Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements (7th ICOBTE). Uppsala, Sweden, June 15-19 2003. [PVR442]

  368. Foubert I., Vanrolleghem P.A. and Dewettinck K. (2003) A new mathematical model to describe the crystallization kinetics of fats: Temperature dependence of the parameters. In: Proceedings 94th American Oil Chemists’ Society Annual Meeting and Expo. Kansas, United States, May 4-7 2003. [PVR420]

  369. Holvoet K., Seuntjens P. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2003) Development and evaluation of a dynamic exposure model for surface waters: An outline. Comm. Appl. Biol. Sci., 68/3, 151-155. [PVR456]

  370. Insel G., Russell D., Beck B. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2003) Evaluation of nutrient removal performance for an orbal plant using the ASM2d model. In: Proceedings 76th Annual WEF Conference and Exposition. Los Angeles, USA, October 11-15, 2003. (on CD-ROM). [PVR462]

  371. Jiang T., Kennedy M.D., van der Meer W.G.J., Vanrolleghem P.A. and Schippers J.C. (2003) Controlling membrane pore blocking and filter cake build-up in side-stream MBR systems. In: Proceedings 5th International Membrane Science & Technology Conference (IMSTEC'03). Sydney, Australia, November 10-14 2003. [PVR467]

  372. Kinnear D.J., De Clercq B. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2003) Secondary clarifier optimization: Tools and techniques. In: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference and Exhibition Wastewater 2003. Olomouc, Czech Republic, May 13-15 2003. [PVR428]

  373. Lavallée B., Lessard P. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2003) Modélisation du procédé de boues activées à l'aide d'un modèle cybernétique. In: Proceedings 19e Congrès de l'Est du Canada de Recherche sur la Qualité de l'Eau (ACQE). Sherbrooke, Canada, Octobre 23 2003. pp. 20. [PVR464]

  374. Lee D.S., Vanrolleghem P.A. and Park J.M. (2003) Parallel hybrid modelling methods for a full-scale cokes wastewater treatment plant. In: Proceedings IWA Conference on Environmental Biotechnology. Advancement on Water and Wastewater Applications in the Tropics. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, December 9-10 2003. (on CD-ROM) [PVR472]

  375. Mahieu K., De Visscher A., Vanrolleghem P.A. and Van Cleemput O. (2003) Isotope fractionation by microbial methane oxidation: Improved determination. Comm. Appl. Biol. Sci., 68/3, 193-196. [PVR457]

  376. Matamoros D., Van Biesen L. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2003) Development of a geographical information system for pesticide assessment on an Ecuadorian watershed. In: Proceedings XVII IMEKO World Congress - Metrology in the 3rd Millennium. Dubrovnik, Croatia, June 22-27, 2003. [PVR443]

  377. Nopens I. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2003) Comparison of discretisation methods to solve a population balance model of activated sludge flocculation including aggregation and breakage. In: Proceedings IMACS 4th MATHMOD Conference. Vienna, Austria, February 5-7 2003. [PVR418]

  378. Petersen B., Gernaey K., Henze M. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2003) Calibration of activated sludge models: A critical review of experimental designs. In: Biotechnology for the Environment: Wastewater Treatment and Modeling, Waste Gas Handling. Eds. Agathos S.N. and Reineke W., Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands. 101-186. [PVR263]

  379. Rousseau D.P.L., De Pauw N., Geenens D., Griffin P. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2003) Do constructed wetlands contribute to a better river water quality? In: Proceedings Second World Wide Workshop for Junior Environmental Scientists (WWW-YES). Vitry-sur-Seine, France, May 14-17 2003. 61-71. [PVR441]

  380. Rousseau D.P.L., Griffin P., Vanrolleghem P.A. and De Pauw N. (2003) Model study of secondary treatment reed beds. Publicationes Instituti Geographici Universitatis Tartuensis, 94, 179-183. [PVR440]

  381. Rousseau D.P.L., Vanrolleghem P.A. and De Pauw N. (2003) Constructed wetlands in Flanders: 17 years of experience. In: Proceedings 8th International Symposium on Biogeochemistry of Wetlands. Gent, Belgium, September 14-17 2003. [PVR581]

  382. Schuetze M., Campisano A., Colas H., Vanrolleghem P.A. and Schilling W. (2003) Real-time control of urban water systems. In: Pumps, Electromechanical Devices and Systems Applied to Urban Water Management. Eds. Cabrera E. and Cabrera Jr.E., A.A. Balkema Publishers, Lisse, The Netherlands. ISBN 90 5809 5606. Vol. 2., 807-824. [PVR419]

  383. Van Hulle S.W.H. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2003) Integrated model-based optimisation of wastewater treatment plants with WEST. In: Proceedings 2èmes Séminaires ISIM Sciences et Technologies de l'Eau. Montpellier, France, February 3-5 2003. [PVR416]

  384. Van Hulle S., Dapena-Mora A., Campos J.L., Mendez R., Jetten M.S.M. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2003) Modelling start-up and operation of an ANAMMOX sequencing batch reactor. Comm. Appl. Biol. Sci., 68/3, 295-298. [PVR458]

  385. Van Hulle S., Maertens J. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2003). Performance of a CANON and an Anammox biofilm under different hydrodynamic conditions. In: Proceedings IWA Biofilm symposium. Cape Town, South Africa, September 14-18 2003. [PVR450]

  386. Van Hulle S., Van Den Broeck S., Maertens J., Villez K., Schelstraete G., Volcke E. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2003) Practical experiences with start-up and operation of a continuously aerated lab-scale SHARON reactor. In: Proceedings 16th Forum Applied Biotechnology. Comm. Agri. Appl. Biol. Sci., 68/2(a), 77-84. [PVR445]

  387. Vanrolleghem P.A. (2003) Models in advanced wastewater treatment plant control. In: Proceedings Colloque Automatique et Agronomie. Montpellier, France, January 22-24 2003. pp. 26. [PVR415]

  388. Vanrolleghem P.A., Insel G., Petersen B., Sin G., De Pauw D., Nopens I., Doverman H., Weijers S. and Gernaey K. (2003) A comprehensive model calibration procedure for activated sludge models. In: Proceedings 76th Annual WEF Conference and Exposition. Los Angeles, USA, October 11-15, 2003. (on CD-ROM). [PVR461]

  389. Verdonck F.A.M., Deksissa T., De Laender F., De Schamphelaere K.A.C., Matamoros D., Vandenberghe V., Vincke S., Janssen C.J. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2003) Uncertainty and variability in spatio-temporal probabilistic risk modelling. In: Proceedings of the 13th Annual Meeting of SETAC-Europe (Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry). Hamburg, Germany, April 27-May 1 2003. [PVR436]

  390. Verdonck F.A.M., Rousseau D., Bixio D., Thoeye C. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2003) Added value of concentration-duration-frequency curves of wastewater treatment effluent quality. In: Proceedings International Congress on Modelling and Simulation (MODSIM2003). Townsville, Australia, July 13-17 2003. 338-343. [PVR421]

  391. Volcke E.I.P., Van Hulle S.W.H., van Loosdrecht M.C.M. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2003) Generation of Anammox-optimal nitrite:ammonium ratio with SHARON process: Usefulness of process control? In: Proceedings 9th IWA Specialised Conference on Design, Operation and Economics of Large Wastewater Treatment Plants. Prague, Czech Republik, September 1-4 2003. 55-58. [PVR448]


  392. De Clercq B. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2002) Computational fluid dynamics in wastewater treatment. Med. Fac. Landbouww. Univ. Gent, 67/4, 15-18. [PVR397]

  393. De Clercq B., Brannock M., Lant P. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2002) In situ particle size characterization on a circular clarifier of a wastewater treatment plant. In: Proceedings 2002 World Congress on Particle Technology. Sydney, Australia, July 21-25 2002. (on CD-ROM, ISBN 085-825-7947). [PVR362]

  394. De Clercq B., Kinnear D.J. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2002) Hydraulic characterization of a wastewater treatment clarifier by an acoustic doppler current profiler. In: Advances in Fluid Mechanics IV. Eds. Rahman M., Verhoeven R. and Brebbia C.A., WIT Press, Southampton, United Kingdom. ISBN 1-85312-910-0. 451-462. [PVR360]

  395. De Clercq B., Kinnear D.J. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2002) On-line dynamic fluid velocity profiling in secondary clarifiers. In: Proceedings International IWA Conference on Automation in Water Quality Monitoring (AutMoNet2002). Vienna, Austria, May 21-22 2002. 281-288. [PVR371]

  396. De Clercq B., Lant P.A. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2002) On-line particle size measurements in secondary clarifiers. In: Proceedings International IWA Conference on Automation in Water Quality Monitoring (AutMoNet2002). Vienna, Austria, May 21-22 2002. 385-388. [PVR370]

  397. Deksissa T., Ashton P.J. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2002) Application of a simple dynamic model for river water quality management: A case study of inorganic nitrogen and TDS in the Crocodile river (South Africa). In: Proceedings 6th International Conference on Diffuse Pollution. Amsterdam, The Netherlands, September 30 - October 4 2002. [PVR395]

  398. Deksissa T. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2002) Refining an in-stream fate model of organic contaminants: A case study of LAS in the river Lambro. Med. Fac. Landbouww. Univ. Gent, 67/4, 191-194. [PVR398]

  399. Deksissa T. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2002) Dynamic in-stream fate modelling of trace organic pollutants: A case study of LAS in the river Lambro. In: Proceedings Ecological Informatics Applications in Water Management. Gent, Belgium, November 6-7 2002. [PVR406]

  400. Foubert I., Vanrolleghem P.A., Vanhoutte B. and Dewettinck K. (2002) Modelling of crystallisation kinetics of cocoa butter and milk fat. In: Proceedings Lipid Structural Properties Symposium. Northampton, United Kingdom, October 15-17 2002. pp. 27. [PVR404]

  401. Foubert I., Vanrolleghem P.A., Vanhoutte B., Keersebilck T. and Dewettinck K. (2002) A new dynamic model to describe the crystallization kinetics of fats. In: Proceedings 93rd American Oil Chemists’ Society Annual Meeting and Expo. Montréal, Canada, May 5-8 2002. [PVR367]

  402. Foubert I., Vanhoutte B., Keersebilck T., Vanrolleghem P.A. and Dewettinck K. (2002) Isothermal crystallization kinetics of cocoa butter. In: Proceedings 93rd American Oil Chemists’ Society Annual Meeting and Expo. Montréal, Canada, May 5-8 2002. [PVR368]

  403. Govoreanu R., Vandegehuchte K., Saveyn H., Nopens I., De Clercq B., Van der Meeren P. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2002) An automated image analysis system for on-line structural characterization of the activated sludge flocs. Med. Fac. Landbouww. Univ. Gent, 67/4, 175-178. [PVR422]

  404. Lavallée B., Lessard P. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2002) Modélisation cybernétique des processus d'adaptation de la biomasse du procédé de boues activées. In: Proceedings 18e Congrès de l'Est du Canada de Recherche sur la Qualité de l'Eau (ACQE). Montréal, Canada, Octobre 18 2002. pp. 21. [PVR405]

  405. Lee D.S. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2002) Adaptive consensus principal component analysis for on-line batch process monitoring. In: Proceedings 4th International Symposium on Advanced Environmental Monitoring. Jeju Island, Korea, December 4-6 2002. pp. 14. [PVR410]

  406. Printemps C., Dormoy T., Vanrolleghem P.A. and Zug M. (2002) Etude du fonctionnement d'une station d'épuration par le biais de la modélisation numérique. In: Proceedings APTEN 15èmes Journées Informations Eaux 2002. Poitiers, France, September 18-20 2002. [PVR376]

  407. Rousseau D., Geenens D., Vanrolleghem P.A. and De Pauw N. (2002) Short-term behaviour of constructed reed beds: Pilot plant experiments under different temperature conditions. In: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Wetlands Systems for Water Pollution Control. Arusha, Tanzania, September 16-19 2002. 128-139. [PVR385]

  408. Schuetze M., Campisano A., Colas H., Schilling W. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2002) Real-time control of urban wastewater systems - Where do we stand today ? In: Proceedings 9th International Conference on Urban Drainage. Portland, USA, September 9-11 2002. [PVR375]

  409. Vandenberghe V., Bauwens W. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2002) Uncertainty reduction in river water quality modelling. Application on the river Dender in Belgium. Med. Fac. Landbouww. Univ. Gent, 67/4, 163-166. [PVR399]

  410. Vandenberghe V., van Griensven A., Bauwens W. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2002) Propagation of uncertainty in diffuse pollution to water quality predictions: Application to the river Dender in Flanders, Belgium. In: Proceedings 6th International Conference on Diffuse Pollution. Amsterdam, The Netherlands, September 30 - October 4 2002. [PVR396]

  411. Vanhooren H., Van Hulle S., De Pauw D. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2002) Monitoring and modelling a pilot-scale trickling filter using on-line off-gas analysis. In: Proceedings International Specialised Conference on Biofilm Monitoring. Porto, Portugal, March 17-20 2002. 260-263. [PVR414]

  412. Van Hulle S.W.H. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2002) Model-based optimisation of an industrial WWTP: Dealing with wastewaters mixtures from different production facilities. Med. Fac. Landbouww. Univ. Gent, 67/4, 197-200. [PVR400]

  413. Vanrolleghem P.A. (2002) Scharnieren van "emissie" naar "immissie" - Het belang van de integrale aanpak van de waterketen. In: Proceedings Symposium Zuiveringsbeheer in Oost-Brabant op een Scharnierpunt ?! Boxtel, The Netherlands, June 6 2002. pp.10. (in Dutch). [PVR380]

  414. Vanrolleghem P.A. (2002) Principles of respirometry in activated sludge wastewater treatment. In: Proceedings International Workshop on Recent Development in Respirometry for Wastewater Treatment Plant Monitoring and Control. Taipei, Taiwan, October 22-23 2002. pp. 2/1-20. [PVR402]

  415. Vanrolleghem P.A. (2002) Control of activated sludge wastewater treatment by using respirometry. In: Proceedings International Workshop on Recent Development in Respirometry for Wastewater Treatment Plant Monitoring and Control. Taipei, Taiwan, October 22-23 2002. pp. 4/1-19. [PVR403]

  416. Vanrolleghem P.A. and Gillot S. (2002) WEST. In: The COST Simulation Benchmark: Description and Simulator Manual. Ed. Copp J.B., Office for Official Publications of the European Community, Luxembourg. pp. 113-123. [PVR312]

  417. Vanrolleghem P.A., Foubert I. and Dewettinck K. (2002) Mathematical modelling of the crystallization kinetics of fats. In: Proceedings 93rd American Oil Chemists’ Society Annual Meeting and Expo. Montréal, Canada, May 5-8 2002. [PVR369]

  418. Verdonck F.A.M., Deksissa T., Matamoros D. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2002) Dealing with variability in chemical exposure modelling in rivers. In: Proceedings Seminar on Exposure and Effects Modelling in Environmental Toxicology. Antwerp, Belgium, February 4-8 2002. [PVR351]

  419. Verdonck F.A.M., Janssen C.R. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2002) Potential of ecological informatics in probabilistic risk assessment of chemicals in rivers. In: Proceedings Ecological Informatics Applications in Water Management. Gent, Belgium, November 6-7 2002. [PVR407]

  420. Verdonck F.A.M., Janssen C.R., Jaworska J., Thas O. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2002) Accounting for hierarchical variability in species sensitivity distributions. In: Proceedings of the 12th Annual Meeting of SETAC-Europe (Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry). Vienna, Austria, May 12-16 2002. [PVR389]

  421. Verdonck F.A.M., Jaworska J., Janssen C.R., Thas O. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2002) Probabilistic ecological risk assessment framework for chemical substances. In: Proceedings International Conference on Integrated Assessment and Decision Support (iEMSs2002). Lugano, Italy, June 24-27 2002. Vol. 1, 144-149. [PVR361]

  422. Verdonck F.A.M., Jaworska J., Janssen C.R. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2002) Methodology to determine risk of chemicals in rivers under data uncertainty. In: Proceedings 3rd IWA World Water Congress. Melbourne, Australia, April 7-12 2002. (on CD-ROM). [PVR359]

  423. Verdonck F.A.M., Matamoros D., Deksissa T., Vandenberghe V. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2002) Spatio-temporal probabilistic environmental modelling. Med. Fac. Landbouww. Univ. Gent, 67/4, 205-208. [PVR423]

  424. Verdonck F.A.M., Thas O., Jaworska J. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2002) Added value of a (hierarchical) bootstrap model in environmental standard setting. In: Annual Conference of The International Environmetrics Society (TIES2002), Genua, Italy, June 18-22 2002. [PVR387]

  425. Volcke E.I.P., Gillot S. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2002) Multi-criteria evaluation of control strategies for wastewater treatment processes. In: Proceedings 15th IFAC World Congress on Automatic Control (b'02). Barcelona, Spain, July 21-26 2002. (on CD-ROM) [PVR363]

  426. Volcke E.I.P., Hellinga C., Van Den Broeck S., van Loosdrecht M.C.M. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2002) Modelling the SHARON process in view of coupling with Anammox. In: Proceedings 1st IFAC International Scientific and Technical Conference on Technology, Automation and Control of Wastewater and Drinking Water Systems (TiASWiK'02). Gdansk-Sobieszewo, Poland, June 19-21 2002. 65-72. [PVR381]

  427. Volcke E.I.P., van Loosdrecht M.C.M. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2002) Influence of operating parameters on the performance of a continuously aerated Sharon reactor. Med. Fac. Landbouww. Univ. Gent, 67/4, 209-212. [PVR401]

  428. Yuan J.Q., Liu J. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2002) State prediction and optimal scheduling for fed-batch fermentation. In: Proceedings Symposium on Supervision, Control and Optimisation of Biotechnological Processes. Gent, Belgium, February 4 2002. [PVR374]

  429. Zaher U., de Gracia M. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2002) Implementation of anaerobic digestion models for plant wide modelling and performance benchmarking. In: Proceedings 7th Latin American Workshop and Symposium on Anaerobic Digestion. Merida, Mexico, October 22-25 2002. Vol. 2, 73-76. [PVR384]


  430. Amerlinck Y., Gillot S. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2001) Benchmarking WWTP control strategies with robustness and economic measures as performance criteria. In: Proceedings 74th Annual WEF Conference and Exposition. Atlanta, USA, October 14-18 2001. (on CD-ROM) [PVR320]

  431. Baetens D., Weemaes M., Hosten L., De Vos P. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2001) Enhanced biological phosphorus removal: Competition and symbiosis between SRBs and PAOs on lactate/acetate feed. In: Proceedings 3rd IWA International Specialised Conference on Microorganisms in Activated Sludge and Biofilm Processes. Rome, Italy, June 13-15 2001 (on CD-ROM). [PVR314]

  432. Bixio D., Carrette R., Rousseau D., Verdonck F., Thoeye C., Meirlaen J. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2001) A quantitative risk analysis tool for design/simulation of waste water treatment plants. In: Proceedings 2nd IWA World Water Congress. Berlin, Germany, October 15-19 2001. (on CD-ROM). [PVR330]

  433. Bixio D., Parmentier G., Rousseau D., Verdonck F., Meirlaen J., Vanrolleghem P.A. and Thoeye C. (2001) Integrating risk analysis in the design/simulation of activated sludge systems. In: Proceedings 74th Annual WEF Conference and Exposition. Atlanta, USA, October 14-18 2001. (on CD-ROM) [PVR321]

  434. Deksissa T. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2001) Dynamic exposure assessment and modeling. Med. Fac. Landbouww. Univ. Gent, 66/4, 239-244. [PVR341]

  435. Deksissa T., Meirlaen J., Ashton P.J. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2001) Simplifying dynamic river water quality modelling: A case study of inorganic nitrogen dynamics in the Crocodile river (South Africa). In: Proceedings IWA Conference on Water & Wastewater Management for Developing Countries. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, October 29-31 2001. pp. 8. [PVR345]

  436. Devlieghere F., Jacxsens L., Serna Tatay M., Debevere J., Meirlaen J. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2001) Modelling the interaction between ethylene production, respiration rate and their influencing parameters of climacteric and non-climacteric types of fruits. In: Proceedings 8th International Controlled Atmosphere Research Conference. Rotterdam, The Netherlands, July 8-13 2001. [PVR326]

  437. D’heygere T., Goethals P., van Griensven A., Vandenberghe V., Bauwens W., Vanrolleghem P.A. and De Pauw N. (2001) Optimisation of the discrete conductivity and dissolved oxygen monitoring using continuous data series obtained with automated measurement stations. In: Proceedings 15th Forum Applied Biotechnology. Med. Fac. Landbouww. Univ. Gent, 66/3a, 149-153. [PVR328]

  438. Dochain D. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2001) Identification de modèles de bioprocédés. In: Automatique des Bioprocédés. Ed. Dochain D., Hermes Science Publications, Paris, France. 53-86. [PVR325]

  439. Foubert I., Vanrolleghem P.A., Vanhoutte B., Keersebilck T., Huyghebaert A. and Dewettinck K. (2001) Modelling of the crystallization kinetics of cocoa butter. Med. Fac. Landbouww. Univ. Gent, 66/4, 263-267. [PVR343]

  440. Gernaey K., Petersen B. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2001) Model-based interpretation of titrimetric data to estimate aerobic carbon source degradation kinetics. In: Proceedings 8th IFAC Conference on Computer Applications in Biotechnology CAB8. Québec, Canada, June 24-27 2001. 263-268. [PVR295]

  441. Gernaey K., Yuan Z. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2001) Titrimetric biosensing of biological wastewater treatment plants. In: Proceedings 1st IWA Conference on Instrumentation, Control and Automation. Malmö, Sweden, June 3-7 2001. 107-114. [PVR316]

  442. Goethals P., Dzeroski S., Vanrolleghem P.A. and De Pauw N. (2001) Prediction of benthic macro-invertebrate taxa (Asellidae and Tubificidae) in water courses of Flanders by means of classification trees. In: Proceedings 2nd IWA World Water Congress. Berlin, Germany, October 15-19 2001. (on CD-ROM). [PVR331]

  443. Govoreanu R., Nopens I., De Clercq B., Saveyn H., Van der Meeren P. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2001) Influence of experimental parameters for on-line determination of floc size distribution. In: Proceedings 12th Romanian International Conference on Chemistry and Chemical Engineering. Bucharest, Romania, September 13-15 2001. (on CD-ROM). [PVR327]

  444. Lavallée B., Lessard P. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2001) Modélisation du procédé de boues activées à 'aide d'un modèle à biomasse structurée. In: Proceedings 17ième Symposium de l'Est du Canada sur la Recherche portant sur la Pollution de l'Eau. Québec, Canada, November 9 2001. [PVR347]

  445. Matamoros D. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2001) Pesticide assessment of the banana sector in an Ecuadorian watershed. In: Proceedings 53rd International Symposium on Crop Protection. Gent, Belgium, May 8 2001. Med. Fac. Landbouww. Univ. Gent, 66(2b), 863-872. [PVR323]

  446. Petersen B., Gernaey K., Henze M. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2001) A comprehensive model calibration procedure for ASM1. In: Proceedings 74th Annual WEF Conference and Exposition. Atlanta, USA, October 14-18 2001. (on CD-ROM) [PVR319]

  447. Petersen B., Gernaey K., Sin G. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2001) Monitoring of denitrification performance with combined nitrate and titrimetric measurements. In: Proceedings 15th Forum Applied Biotechnology. Med. Fac. Landbouww. Univ. Gent, 66/3a, 199-204. [PVR329]

  448. Rousseau D., De Wilde W., Jonkers C., Geenens D., Vanrolleghem P.A. and De Pauw N. (2001) Short-term behaviour of an experimental constructed wetland at low temperatures. Med. Fac. Landbouww. Univ. Gent, 66/4, 233-237. [PVR340]

  449. Sin G., Petersen B., Gernaey K. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2001) Combined nitrate and titrimetric measurements for identification of the denitrification process: In calibration of ASM's for BNR systems. Med. Fac. Landbouww. Univ. Gent, 66/4, 245-252. [PVR342]

  450. Vanrolleghem P.A. (2001) Model simulation for improved operation and control of wastewater treatment plants. In: Proceedings Seminaire La Modélisation en Assainissement: Remise en Cause des Pratiques ? Strasbourg, France, January 24 2001. pp. 23. [PVR288]

  451. Verdonck F., Janssen C., Thas O., Jaworska J. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2001) Probabilistic environmental risk assessment. Med. Fac. Landbouww. Univ. Gent, 66/4, 13-19. [PVR339]

  452. Verdonck F.A.M., Jaworska J., Janssen C. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2001) Comparing statistical techniques for uncertainty assessment of species sensitivity distributions: Effect of sample size. In: Proceedings of the 11th Annual Meeting of SETAC-Europe (Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry). Madrid, Spain, May 6-10 2001. [PVR305]

  453. Yuan J.Q., Lauwerijssen M.J.C., Sang L., Shen Y.Q. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2001) Model-based prediction of product formation for penicillin fermentation. In: Proceedings 8th IFAC Conference on Computer Applications in Biotechnology CAB8. Québec, Canada, June 24-27 2001. 91-96. [PVR294]


  454. Debusscher D., Hopkins L.N., Demey D. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2000) Determining the potential benefits of controlling an industrial wastewater treatment plant. In: Proceedings 1st IWA World Water Congress. Paris, France, July 3-7 2000. (on CD-ROM) [PVR240] (PostScript source: 418KB)

  455. De Clercq B., Nopens I., Govoreanu R., Vanrolleghem P.A. and Van Der Meeren P. (2000) Sludge (de)flocculation dynamics in secondary clarifiers. Med. Fac. Landbouww. Univ. Gent, 65/4, 235-240. [PVR283]

  456. Devisscher M., Harmand J., Steyer J.-Ph. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2000) Control design of an industrial equalization system - Handling system constraints, actuator faults and varying operating conditions. In: Proceedings IFAC 4th Symposium on Fault Detection, Supervision and Safety for Technical Processes (Safeprocess2000), Budapest, Hungary, June 14-16 2000. [PVR258]

  457. Gernaey K., Petersen B., Parmentier G., Bogaert H., Ottoy J.P. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2000) Application of dynamic models (ASM1) and simulation to minimize renovation costs of a municipal activated sludge wastewater treatment plant. In: Proceedings 1st IWA World Water Congress. Paris, France, July 3-7 2000. (on CD-ROM) [PVR243] (PostScript source: 251KB)

  458. Goethals P.L.M., Vanrolleghem P.A. and De Pauw N. (2000) Water quality models and indexes as bridges in integrated ecological monitoring, assessment and management of running waters in Flanders. In: Proceedings of the Freshwater Biological Association (FBA) Annual Scientific Meeting "Knowledge, Understanding and Prediction in Aquatic Ecology". Birmingham, United Kingdom, September 14-15 2000. [PVR264]

  459. Haider S., Vanrolleghem P.A. and Kroiß H. (2000) Low sludge age and its consequences for metabolisation, storage and adsorption of readily biodegradable substrate (Ss). In: Proceedings 1st IWA World Water Congress. Paris, France, July 3-7 2000. (on CD-ROM) [PVR242] (PostScript source: 566KB)

  460. Janssen M., Hopkins L.N., Petersen B. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2000) Reduction of an activated sludge process model to facilitate controller tuning. In: Proceedings of the 14th European Simulation Multiconference. Ed. R. Van Landeghem, Society for Computer Simulation International (SCS). Gent, Belgium, May 23-26 2000. 697-701. [PVR256] (PostScript source: 1.14MB)

  461. Meirlaen J. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2000) Simulation of the integrated urban wastewater system using mechanistic surrogate models. In: Proceedings Conference on Monitoring and Modelling Catchment Water Quantity and Quality (8th General Assembly of the European Network of Experimental and Representative Basins, ERB2000), Gent, Belgium, September 27-29 2000. [PVR277]

  462. Meirlaen J., Schütze M., Van der Stede D., Butler D. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2000) Fast, parallel simulation of the integrated urban wastewater system. In: Proceedings WAPUG Spring meeting. Birmingham, United Kingdom, May 9 2000. pp. 9. [PVR255] (PostScript source: 610KB)

  463. Petersen B., Gernaey K. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2000) Improved theoretical identifiability of model parameters by combined respirometric - titrimetric measurements. A generalisation of results. In: Proceedings IMACS 3rd MATHMOD Conference. Vienna, Austria, February 2-4 2000. Vol.2, 639-642. [PVR233] (PostScript source: 601KB)

  464. Rousseau D., Verdonck F., Carrette R., Thoeye C., Meirlaen J. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2000) Risk assessment tool for the design of wastewater treatment plants. Med. Fac. Landbouww. Univ. Gent, 65/4, 219-223. [PVR284]

  465. van Griensven A., Vandenberghe V., Bols J., De Pauw N. Goethals P., Meirlaen J., Vanrolleghem P.A., Van Vooren L. and Bauwens W. (2000) Experience and organisation of automated measuring stations for river water quality monitoring. In: Proceedings 1st IWA World Water Congress Paris, France, July 3-7 2000. (on CD-ROM) [PVR245] (PostScript source: 319KB)

  466. Vanhooren H. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2000) Adequate complexity for biofilm systems modelling. In: Proceedings Workshop Biofilms: Modelling and Analysis of Structure and Activity. Wageningen, The Netherlands, November 17 2000. pp. 23. [PVR322]

  467. Vanhooren H., Demey D. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2000) Modelling stripping of volatile organics in an industrial trickling filter system. In: Proceedings 1st IWA World Water Congress. Paris, France, July 3-7 2000. (on CD-ROM) [PVR244] (PostScript source: 481KB)

  468. Vanhooren H., De Pauw D., Gillot S., Demey D., Vannijvel I. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2000) Adequate complexity for biofilms systems modelling. Med. Fac. Landbouww. Univ. Gent, 65/4, 39-44. [PVR285]

  469. Vanrolleghem P.A. (2000) On the limitations of short term experiments for the calibration of dynamic models of activated sludge wastewater treatment. In: Proceedings 2000 Joint Annual Scientific Meeting "The Millennium for Microbiology", Cairns, Australia, July 8-13 2000. [PVR261]

  470. Vanrolleghem P.A. (2000) The use of models in advanced WWTP control - Not only model-based predictive control. In: Proceedings TI-KVIV Studiedag Geavanceerde Controletechnieken in de Waterzuivering. Gent, Belgium, October 25 2000. pp. 25. [PVR287]

  471. Van Vooren L., Van De Steene M., Nopens I., Ottoy J.P. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2000) Buffer capacity based multipurpose hard- and software sensor for environmental applications. In: Proceedings 7th International Conference on Chemometrics in Analytical Chemistry (CAC2000). Antwerp, Belgium, October 16-20 2000. [PVR275]

  472. Verdonck F., Jaworska J. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2000) Uncertainty analysis in environmental risk assessment. In: Proceedings 7th International Conference on Chemometrics in Analytical Chemistry (CAC2000). Antwerp, Belgium, October 16-20 2000. [PVR276]

  473. Verdonck F., Jaworska J., Thas O. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2000) Uncertainty techniques in environmental risk assessment. Med. Fac. Landbouww. Univ. Gent, 65/4, 247-252. [PVR286]

  474. Verdonck F., Schowanek D. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (2000) Geography-referenced regional exposure tool for European rivers. In: Proceedings 4th International Conference on Integrating GIS and Environmental Modeling GIS/EM4. Banff, Canada, September 2-8 2000. (on CD-ROM). [PVR246] (PostScript source: 2.98MB)


  475. Boeije G., Wagner J.-O., Koormann F., Vanrolleghem P.A., Feijtel T.C.J. and ECETOC (1999) Spatially aggregated predicted environmental concentrations (PECs) for geo-referenced exposure assessment. In: Proceedings of the Ninth Annual Meeting of SETAC-Europe (Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry). Leipzig, Germany, May 25-29 1999. [PVR216] (PostScript source: 29KB)

  476. Bols J., Goethals P.L.M., Meirlaen J., van Griensven A., Vandenberghe V., Van Vooren L., De Pauw N., Vanrolleghem P.A. and Bauwens W. (1999) Automated measurement stations for river water quality monitoring. In: Proceedings 13th Forum Applied Biotechnology. Med. Fac. Landbouww. Univ. Gent, 64/5a, 107-110. [PVR227] (PostScript source: 196KB)

  477. Debusscher D., Vanhooren H. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (1999) Benchmarking two biomass loading control strategies for activated sludge WWTPs. In: Proceedings 13th Forum Applied Biotechnology. Med. Fac. Landbouww. Univ. Gent, 64/5a, 127-132. [PVR228] (PostScript source: 453KB)

  478. De Clercq B., Vanderhaegen B., Harmand J. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (1999) Evaluation of a rule-based control strategy for an industrial equalization facility with technical/physical constraints. In: Proceedings European Control Conference ECC'99. Karlsruhe, Germany, August 31 - September 3 1999. (on CD-ROM). [PVR201] (PostScript source: 498KB)

  479. De Clercq B., Vanderhasselt A., Vanderhaegen B., Hopkins L.N. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (1999) A model-based evaluation of control strategies for a clarifier at an industrial wastewater treatment plant. In: Proceedings 8th IAWQ Conference on Design, Operation and Economics of Large Wastewater Treatment Plants. Budapest, Hungary, September 6-9 1999. 452-455. [PVR225] (PostScript source: 969KB)

  480. De Clercq B., Vanderhasselt A., Vanderhaegen B. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (1999) Control of polymer addition to maintain good clarifier performance. In: Proceedings 18th Benelux Meeting on Systems and Control. Houthalen, Belgium, March 3-5 1999. 40. [PVR203] (PostScript source: 65KB)

  481. Devisscher M., Harmand J., Steyer J.-Ph., Vanderhaegen B. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (1999) A combination of fuzzy and linear control techniques for the equalization of an industrial wastewater treatment plant. In: Proceedings 18th Benelux Meeting on Systems and Control. Houthalen, Belgium, March 3-5 1999. 70. [PVR204] (PostScript source: 38KB)

  482. Gillot S., De Clercq B., Defour D., Simoens F., Gernaey K. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (1999) Optimisation of wastewater treatment plant design and operation using simulation and cost analysis. In: Proceedings 72nd Annual WEF Conference and Exposition. New Orleans, USA, October 9-13 1999. (on CD-ROM). [PVR219] (PostScript source: 2.0MB)

  483. Gillot S., Vermeire P., Jacquet P., Grootaerd H., Derycke D., Simoens F. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (1999) Integration of wastewater treatment plant investment and operating costs for scenario analysis using simulation. In: Proceedings 13th Forum Applied Biotechnology. Med. Fac. Landbouww. Univ. Gent, 64/5a, 13-20. [PVR226] (PostScript source: 564KB)

  484. Goethals P., van Griensven A., Bols J., De Pauw N., Vanrolleghem P.A., Van Vooren L. and Bauwens W. (1999) Automated measurement stations and water quality modelling. In: Proceedings 9th European Congress on Biotechnology. Brussels, July 11-15 1999. ECB9/2457. [PVR223] (PostScript source: 47KB)

  485. Goethals P., Vanrolleghem P.A., Bauwens W. and De Pauw N. (1999) Modelling, indices of biotic integrity and meta-databases as a bridge between monitoring and management of aquatic systems. In: Proceedings Winter Symposium of the Dutch-Flemish Association on Ecology (NecoV). Antwerp, Belgium, December 8-9 1999. 3-6. [PVR378]

  486. Harmand J., Steyer J.P., Devisscher M. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (1999) Fuzzy supervisory control of an industrial waste water equalization system. In: Proceedings 5th International Conference on Information Systems Analysis and Synthesis (ISAS'99), Orlando, Florida, USA, July 31-August 4 1999. Vol. VII, 95-101. [PVR252]

  487. Harmand J., Steyer J.P., Devisscher M., De Clercq B., Vanderhaegen B. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (1999) Advanced control of an industrial equalization system. In: Proceedings European Control Conference ECC'99. Karlsruhe, Germany, August 31 - September 3 1999. (on CD-ROM). [PVR200] (PostScript source: 896KB)

  488. Petersen B., Gernaey K. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (1999) Modelling of activated sludge process kinetics using a combination of hybrid respirometric and titrimetric data. In: Proceedings 9th European Congress on Biotechnology. Brussels, Belgium, July 11-15 1999. ECB9/1723. [PVR210] (PostScript source: 61KB)

  489. Petersen B., Gernaey K., Ottoy J.-P. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (1999) Application of biosensors in wastewater treatment. In: Proceedings 22e Symposium sur les eaux usées et 11e atelier sur l'eau potable. Montréal, Canada, October 20-21 1999. 204-210. [PVR231] (PostScript source: 900KB)

  490. Rousseau D., Goethals P., Meirlaen J., Verboven J., De Pauw N. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (1999) Monitoring and modelling of free water surface constructed wetlands. In: Proceedings 13th Forum Applied Biotechnology. Med. Fac. Landbouww. Univ. Gent, 64/5a, 191-196. [PVR229] (PostScript source: 276KB)

  491. Stigter J.D.S., Vanrolleghem P.A. and Van Impe J. (1999) On-line estimation of parameters in a respiration model using a continuous-discrete type of recursive prediction error algorithm. In: Proceedings European Control Conference ECC'99. Karlsruhe, Germany, August 31 - September 3 1999. CD-ROM paper 1049-7. [PVR199] (PostScript source: 214KB)

  492. Vanhooren H., Boeije G., Accoe F. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (1999) Non-invasive and continuous monitoring of a pilot-scale trickling filter: Weight, off-gas and hydraulic characterization. In: Proceedings IAWQ Conference on Biofilm Systems. New York, USA, October 17-20 1999. pp. 6. [PVR234]

  493. Vanhooren H., Boeije G., Accoe F. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (1999) Non-invasive and continuous monitoring of a pilot-scale trickling filter: Weight, off-gas and hydraulic characterization. In: Med. Fac. Landbouww. Univ. Gent, 64/5, 217-221. [PVR247]

  494. Verdonck F., Boeije G., Schowanek D. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (1999) Geo-referenced regional exposure assessment tool for European rivers (GREAT-ER): A case study for the Rupel basin (B). In: Proceedings 13th Forum Applied Biotechnology. Med. Fac. Landbouww. Univ. Gent, 64/5a, 225-228. [PVR230] (PostScript source: 329KB)

  495. Yuan J.Q., Vanrolleghem P.A., Shen Y.Q. and Bellgardt K.-H. (1999) Combined age and segregated kinetic model for penicillin fed-batch cultivation. In: Proceedings IFAC World Congress '99 . Beijing, China, July 5-9 1999. Vol. O, 415-420. [PVR202] (PostScript source: 715KB)


  496. Gernaey K., Bogaert H., Vanrolleghem P., Van Vooren L. and Verstraete W. (1998) Sensors for nitrogen removal monitoring in wastewater treatment. In: Environmental Biomonitoring: The Ecotoxicology Biotechnology Interface. Eds. Lynch J.M. and Wiseman A., Cambridge University Press, UK. 180-207. [PVR117]

  497. Gernaey K., Petersen B., Vanderhasselt A., Ottoy J.-P. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (1998) Meten van actief slib activiteit en bezinkingskarakteristieken: Recente evoluties. In: Proceedings TI-KVIV Studiedag Waterverontreiniging: Oppervlakte- en Afvalwater: Richtlijnen, meten en remedieren. Antwerpen, Belgium, November 26 1998. pp. 14. [PVR170] (PostScript source: 1.06MB)

  498. Kops S.G.T., Gernaey K., Thas O. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (1998) The modelling of noise processes in stochastic differential equations: Application to biotechnological processes. In: Proceedings 7th IFAC Conference on Computer Applications in Biotechnology CAB7. Osaka, Japan, May 31 - June 4 1998. 67-72. [PVR186] (PostScript source: 320KB)

  499. Vanrolleghem P.A. and Dochain D. (1998) Bioprocess Model Identification. In: Advanced Instrumentation, Data Interpretation and Control of Biotechnological Processes. Eds. Van Impe J., Vanrolleghem P., Iserentant D., Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands. 251-318. [PVR78]

  500. Vanrolleghem P.A., Bencheheub Y. and Vanhooren H. (1998) Economic optimisation of wastewater treatment plant design and operation through modelling. In: Proceedings Waste Decision '98, Decision and Control in Waste Bio-processing. Narbonne, France, February 25-27 1998. [PVR183] (PostScript source: 129KB)

  501. Vanrolleghem P.A., Gernaey K., Petersen B., De Clercq B., Coen F. and Ottoy J.-P. (1998) Limitations of short-term experiments designed for identification of activated sludge biodegradation models by fast dynamic phenomena. In: Proceedings 7th IFAC Conference on Computer Applications in Biotechnology CAB7. Osaka, Japan, May 31 - June 4 1998. 567-572. [PVR187] (PostScript source: 484KB)

  502. Vanrolleghem P.A., Vangheluwe H., Fronteau C., Bauwens W., Rauch W., Krebs P. and Schilling W. (1998) Up- and downstream of the wastewater treatment plant: Modelling issues from an integrated perspective. In: Proceedings IMUG'98 Conference. Brussels, Belgium, October 21-22 1998. 2pp. [PVR214] (PostScript source: 87KB)

  503. Yuan J.Q. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (1998) One-step-ahead product predictor for profit optimization of penicillin production. In: Proceedings 7th IFAC Conference on Computer Applications in Biotechnology CAB7. Osaka, Japan, May 31 - June 4 1998. 183-188. [PVR188] (PostScript source: 490KB)


  504. Boeije G. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (1997a) Geo-referenced prediction of environmental concentrations of chemicals in rivers: A hypothetical case study. In: Proceedings 11th Forum Applied Biotechnology. Med. Fac. Landbouww. Univ. Gent, 62/4b, 1599-1607. [PVR173] (PostScript source: 497KB)

  505. Boeije G. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (1997b) A geo-referenced fate simulation methodology for aquatic exposure assessment of 'down-the-drain' chemicals. In: Proceedings 11th Forum Applied Biotechnology. Med. Fac. Landbouww. Univ. Gent, 62/4b, 1709-1712. [PVR175] (PostScript source: 196KB)

  506. Coen F. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (1997) Transient dynamic phenomena of different time scales in batch experiments designed to characterise activated sludge biokinetics. In: Proceedings EERO/EFB International Symposium Environmental Biotechnology ISEB3. Ostend, Belgium, April 21-24 1997. Vol. II, 425-429. [PVR135] (PostScript source: 157KB)

  507. Fronteau C., Bauwens W. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (1997) Integrated modelling: Compatibility of state variables, processes and parameters in sewer and waste water treatment models. In: Proceedings 2nd IAWQ Conference on the Sewer as a physical, chemical and biological reactor. Aalborg, Denmark, May 26-28 1997. S5-9. pp.8. [PVR136] (PostScript source: 327KB)

  508. Kops S.G.T., Vangheluwe H., Claeys F., Coen F., Vanrolleghem P., Yuan Z. and Vansteenkiste G.C. (1997) The process of model building and simulation of ill-defined systems: Application to wastewater treatment. In: Proceedings IMACS 2nd MATHMOD Conference. Vienna, Austria, February 5-7 1997. [PVR127] (PostScript source: 154KB)

  509. Kops S.G.T., Vanrolleghem P.A. and Vangheluwe H. (1997) Uncertainty analysis in environmental systems: Monte Carlo versus stochastic differential equations. In: Proceedings 16th Benelux Meeting on Systems and Control. Houffalize, Belgium, March 5-7 1997. WD45-3. [PVR137] (PostScript source: 15KB)

  510. Petersen B., Coen F., Henze M., Vanderhaegen B. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (1997) Design and interpretation of dedicated experiments for hydraulic and biokinetic characterisation of an industrial activated sludge system. In: Proceedings EERO/EFB International Symposium Environmental Biotechnology ISEB3. Ostend, Belgium, April 21-24 1997. Vol I, 207-210. [PVR134] (PostScript source: 471KB)

  511. Rauch W. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (1997) A simple dynamic multispecies biofilm model which considers diffusion and degradation of multiple substrates. In: Proceedings 11th Forum Applied Biotechnology. Med. Fac. Landbouww. Univ. Gent, 62/4b, 1649-1656. [PVR174] (PostScript source: 377KB)

  512. Schilling W., Bauwens W., Borchard D., Krebs P., Rauch W. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (1997) Receiving water objectives - Scientific arguments versus urban wastewater management practice. In: Proceedings XXVII IAHR Congress "Water for a Changing Community". San Francisco, USA, August 10-15 1997. Vol 1, 510-515. [PVR151] (PostScript source: 251KB)

  513. Vanderhasselt A., Aspegren H., Vanrolleghem P.A. and Verstraete W. (1997) Settling characterisation using on-line sensors at a full-scale waste water treatment plant. In: Proceedings 7th IAWQ Workshop on ICA of Water and Wastewater Treatment and Transportation Systems. Brighton, UK, July 6-9 1997. 431-439. [PVR142] (PostScript source: 538KB)

  514. Vanderhasselt A., Gernaey K., Vanrolleghem P.A., Laurier D. and Verstraete W. (1997) Sludge settling characterisation with an automated Settlometer. In: Proceedings 11th Forum Applied Biotechnology. Med. Fac. Landbouww. Univ. Gent, 62/4b, 1751-1758. [PVR164] (PostScript source: 409KB)

  515. Van Huylenbroeck G. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (1997] Cost-benefit analysis of wastewater treatment: some methodological reflections. In: Proceedings CB-IAWQ Journee d'etude Global Environmental Impact. Neder-Over-Heembeek, Belgium, June 6 1997. [PVR162]

  516. Vanrolleghem P.A. (1997) Ontwikkelingen van de tools voor het modelleren en het simuleren. In: Proceedings NVA Workshop "De Modelorganisatie: De Toekomst van Modelleren en Procesautomatisering". Utrecht (NL), November 14 1997. pp. 15. [PVR185] (PostScript source: 43KB)

  517. Vanrolleghem P.A., Coen F. and Petersen B. (1997) Towards the understanding of transient dynamic phenomena of different time scales observed in dedicated experiments for biokinetic characterisation of microbial populations. In: Proceedings Voorjaarsvergadering Nederlandse Vereniging voor Microbiologie. Lunteren, The Netherlands, April 22-23 1997. [PVR152] (PostScript source: 23KB)

  518. Vanrolleghem P.A., De Clercq B. and Coen F. (1997) Hydraulica: Startpunt voor calibratie van waterzuiveringsmodellen. In: Proceedings STOWA SIMBA Gebruikersplatform. Amersfoort, The Netherlands, March 27 1996. pp.27. [PVR159] (PostScript source: 1.2MB)

  519. Yuan Z., Bogaert H., Vanrolleghem P.A., Thoeye C., Vansteenkiste G.C. and Verstraete W. (1997) Control of external carbon addition to predenitrifying systems. In: Proceedings European Control Conference. Brussels, Belgium, July 1-4 1997. [PVR132]

  520. Yuan Z., Bogaert H., Vanrolleghem P.A., Vansteenkiste G.C. and Verstraete W. (1997) Control system design for activated sludge wastewater treatment plants: Some practical experiences. In: Proceedings 16th Benelux Meeting on Systems and Control. Houffalize, Belgium, March 5-7 1997. TD25-4. [PVR138] (PostScript source: 59KB)


  521. De Smet B., De Wilde R., Vanrolleghem P., Seynaeve M. and Janssens G. (1996) Alpha-galactosidase as a supplement in a vegetable ration enhances the organic matter digestibility in adult dogs. In: Proceedings 6th Annual Congress of the European Society of Veterinary Internal Medicine ESVIM. Veldhoven, The Netherlands, September 12-14 1996. [PVR160]

  522. Fronteau C., Bauwens W., Vanrolleghem P. and Smeets M. (1996) An immission based evaluation of the efficiency of the combined sewer - water treatment plant system. In: Proceedings 7th International Conference on Urban Storm Drainage. Hannover, Germany, July 22-27 1996. Vol. 1, 467-472. [PVR114] (PostScript source: 794KB)

  523. Kops S.G.T. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (1996) An evaluation of methodologies for uncertainty analysis in biological waste water treatment. In: Proceedings 9th Junior Scientist Workshop. Klive, UK, April 11-14 1996. pp.6. [PVR123] (PostScript source: 291KB)

  524. Liessens J., Pipyn P., Mingneau C., Vanrolleghem P.A., Verstraete W., Van Der Zanden J. and Weytjens D. (1996) Elimination of refractory organic compounds from pharmaceutical effluent. In: Proceedings 10th Forum Applied Biotechnology. Med. Fac. Landbouww. Univ. Gent, 61/4b, 2109-2116. [PVR130]

  525. Vanderhaegen B. and Vanrolleghem P. (1996) Mogelijkheden tot controle en sturing van kleine WZI's. In: Proceedings TI-KVIV Studiedag Kleine Waterzuiveringsinstallaties voor KMO's. Gent, Belgium, October 25 1996. pp. 8. [PVR133] (PostScript source: 350KB)

  526. Vanrolleghem P.A., Fronteau C. and Bauwens W. (1996) Evaluation of design and operation of the sewage transport and treatment system by an EQO/EQS based analysis of the receiving water immission characteristics. In: Proceedings WEF Specialty Conference on Urban Wet Weather Pollution: Controlling sewer overflows and stormwater runoff.. Quebec City, Canada, June 16-19 1996. 14.35-14.46. [PVR115]

  527. Vanrolleghem P.A., Van der Schueren D., Willems P. and Verstraete W. (1996) Settling model identification with an on-line settlometer. In: Proceedings 15th Benelux Meeting on Systems and Control. Mierlo, The Netherlands, March 6-8 1996. [PVR116] (PostScript source: 20KB)

  528. Yuan Z., Bogaert H., Vanrolleghem P.A., Vansteenkiste G.C. and Verstraete W. (1996) Carbon dosage control for predenitrification processes. In: Proceedings Workshop Modelling, Monitoring and Control of Wastewater Treatment Plants. Med. Fac. Landbouww. Univ. Gent, 61/4a, 1733-1743. [PVR128]


  529. Bauwens W., Vanrolleghem P.A., Fronteau C. and Smeets M. (1995) An integrated methodology for the impact assessment of the design and operation of the sewer - waste water treatment plant system on receiving water quality. In: Proceedings Workshop Modelling, Monitoring and Control of Wastewater Treatment Plants. Med. Fac. Landbouww. Univ. Gent, 60/4a, 2447-2450. [PVR107] (PostScript source: 187KB)

  530. Grijspeerdt K., Vanrolleghem P.A. and Verstraete W. (1995) Selektie van sedimentatiemodellen voor on-line gebruik. In: Proceedings BIRA Studiedag Wiskundige Modelbouw en Simulatie van Biologische Waterzuiveringsinstallaties. Antwerpen, Belgium, June 19 1995. [PVR109]

  531. Ottoy J.-P., Van Vooren L., Willems P., Van Welden D., Vanrolleghem P.A. and Thierens K. (1995) Opzet, verwerking en interpretatie van dierproeven. Statistische basistechnieken. In: Proceedings TI-KVIV Studiedag Opzet, Verwerking en Interpretatie van Dierproeven. Gontrode, Belgium, May 23 1995. pp.37. [PVR101]

  532. Spanjers H. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (1995) Application of a hybrid respirometric technique to an industrial wastewater. In: Proceedings 50th Purdue Industrial Waste Conference. Lewis Publ., Chelsea, Michigan. 611-618. [PVR91]

  533. van Gulik W.M., Heijnen J.J. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (1995) Constraints for biotechnological process intensification from metabolic network stoichiometry. In: Proceedings of the 7th European Conference on Biotechnology. Nice, France, February 19-23 1995. Elsevier. [PVR90] (PostScript source: 2.6MB)

  534. Vanrolleghem P.A. (1995) Sensors for anaerobic digestion: An overview. In: Proceedings Workshop Monitoring and Control of Anaerobic Digesters. Narbonne, France, December 6-7 1995. [PVR111] (PostScript source: 558KB)

  535. Vanrolleghem P.A. (1995) Model-based control of wastewater treatment plants. In: Proceedings ESF Workshop Integrated Environmental Bioprocess Design. Obernai, France, June 22-24 1995. [PVR105] (PostScript source: 3.4MB)

  536. Vanrolleghem P.A. and Bauwens W. (1995) An immission-based evaluation of the efficiency of combined sewer-waste water treatment systems under transient conditions. In: Proceedings CB-IAWQ Journee d'etude Fonctionnement du Traitement des Eaux Usees en Cas de Fortes Variations de Debit. Liege, Belgium, May 31 1995. VI, 1-10. [PVR100] (PostScript source: 794KB)

  537. Vanrolleghem P.A. and Coen F. (1995) Bepaling van biokinetische karakteristieken. In: Proceedings NVA Symposium Modelleren van Aktiefslib-processen: Ervaringen, Ontwikkelingen en Valkuilen. Utrecht, Netherlands, November 17 1995. pp. 33. [PVR112] (PostScript source: 4.4MB)

  538. Vanrolleghem P.A. and Heijnen J.J. (1995) Metabolic network modelling: Improving predictions of microbial metabolism by maximal incorporation of knowledge on biochemical reaction stoichiometry. In: Proceedings 9th Forum for Applied Biotechnology. Med. Fac. Landbouww. Univ. Gent, 60/4a, 1933-1940. [PVR99] (PostScript source: 816KB)

  539. Vanrolleghem P.A., Van Daele M. and Dochain D. (1995) Identifiability of biokinetic models in an activated sludge process. In: Preprints 6th IFAC Conference on Computer Applications in Biotechnology - CAB6. Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany, May 14-17 1995. 251-254. [PVR74]

  540. Vanrolleghem P.A., Van Daele M. and Dochain D. (1995) Optimal experimental design for parameter estimation in activated sludge processes. In: Proceedings American Control Conference 1995. Seattle, USA, June 21-23 1995. 14-18. [PVR77]

  541. Vanrolleghem P.A., Van Daele M. and Vansteenkiste G.C. (1995) Optimal In-Sensor-Experiments for on-line model selection and parameter estimation. In: Proceedings 14th Benelux Meeting on Systems and Control. Houthalen, Belgium, March 29-31 1995. [PVR93] (PostScript source: 53KB)

  542. Vanrolleghem P.A., Van Daele M. and Vansteenkiste G.C. (1995) On-line selection of wastewater biodegradation models and estimation of their parameters with optimal In-Sensor-Experiments. In: Proceedings BIRA Studiedag Wiskundige Modelbouw en Simulatie van Biologische Waterzuiveringsinstallaties. Antwerpen, Belgium, June 19 1995. [PVR104] (PostScript source: 6.8MB)


  543. Grijspeerdt K., Vanrolleghem P.A. and Verstraete W. (1994) Measuring settleability of activated sludge using image analysis. In: Proceedings Workshop on Modelling, Monitoring and Control of Wastewater Treatment Plants. Med. Fac. Landbouww. Univ. Gent, 59/4a, 2037-2045. [PVR70]

  544. Kong Z., Vanrolleghem P.A., Willems P. and Verstraete W. (1994) Simultaneous determination of inhibition kinetics of carbon oxidation and nitrification with the RODTOX biosensor. In: Proceedings EERO/EFB International Symposium Environmental Biotechnology ISEB2. Brighton, UK, July 4-6 1994. [PVR58]

  545. Vanrolleghem P.A. (1994) The adaptive sensor concept: On-line modelling of the activated sludge process with optimal In-Sensor-Experiments. In: Proceeding 3rd IEEE Conference on Control Applications, Special Session on Environmental Process Control. Glasgow, UK, August 24-26 1994. 1017-1022. [PVR69]

  546. Vanrolleghem P.A. and Spanjers H. (1994) Comparison of two respirometric principles for the determination of short-term biochemical oxygen demand. In: Proceedings 49th Purdue Industrial Waste Conference. Lewis Publ., Chelsea, Michigan. 177-188. [PVR63]

  547. Vanrolleghem P.A., Van Daele M., Van Overschee P. and Vansteenkiste G.C. (1994) Model structure characterization of nonlinear wastewater treatment systems. In: Preprints 10th IFAC Symposium on System Identification. Copenhagen, DK, July 4-6 1994. Ed. Blanke M. and Soderstrom T., Danish Automation Society, Copenhagen, DK, Vol. 1, 279-284. [PVR54]


  548. De Poorter M.P., Torfs F., Vanrolleghem P.A., Vande Woestyne M., Godefroid J., Anselme P., Antoine P., Verstraete W. and Thonart P. (1993) Fermentatieprocessen in varkensmengmest in relatie tot geur- en ammoniakemissie. In: Proceedings TI-KVIV Studiedag Beperking van Ammoniakemissie in Stallen: State of the Art. Merelbeke, Belgium, September 8 1993. [PVR50]

  549. Demuynck C., Vanrolleghem P.A., Mingneau C., Liessens J. and Verstraete W. (1993) Optimal BOD use and oxygen supply in a sequencing batch reactor for nutrient removal. In: Proceedings Workshop on Modelling, Monitoring and Control of Wastewater Treatment Processes. Med. Fac. Landbouww. Univ. Gent, 58, 2039-2052. [PVR51]

  550. Vanrolleghem P.A. and Verstraete W. (1993) On-line monitoring equipment for wastewater treatment processes: State of the art. In: Proceedings TI-KVIV Studiedag Optimalisatie van Waterzuiveringsinstallaties door Proceskontrole en -sturing. Gent, Belgium. 1-21. [PVR52]

  551. Vanrolleghem P.A., Vermeersch L.K., Dochain D. and Vansteenkiste G.C. (1993) Modelling of a nonlinear distributed parameter bioreactor: Optimisation of a nutrient removal process. In: Modelling and Simulation 1993. Ed. Pave A., SCS, San Diego. 563-567. [PVR43]


  552. Godefroid J., Antoine P., Anselme P., Vanrolleghem P.A., De Poorter M.-P., Vande Woestyne M., Verstraete W. and Thonart P. (1992) Tyrosine and its metabolites: their contribution to the formation of odorous compounds during the maturation of manures. In: Proceedings 6th Forum Applied Biotechnology, Gent, Belgium, September 24-25 1992. Med. Fac. Landbouww. Rijksuniv. Gent, 57, 1717-1720. [PVR36]

  553. Kong Z., Vanrolleghem P.A. and Verstraete W. (1992) Rapid IC50 estimation and on-line toxicity monitoring with the RODTOX, an activated sludge based biosensor. In: Proceedings 2nd World Congress on Biosensors. Geneve, Switzerland, May 20-22 1992. Elsevier, Oxford. 518-525. [PVR31]

  554. Spanjers H., Van Impe J. and Vanrolleghem P.A. (1992) Extracts from the discussions held during the workshop on modelling, monitoring and control of the activated sludge process. In: Proceedings Workshop Modelling, Monitoring and Control of the Activated Sludge Process. Med. Fac. Landbouww. Rijksuniv. Gent, 57, 2257-2276. [PVR39]

  555. Top E., Vanrolleghem P.A., De Rore H., Van Der Lelie D., Mergeay M. and Verstraete W. (1992) The importance of retromobilization to gene dissemination and the effect of heavy metal pollution on retromobilization in soil. In: Gene Transfers and Environment. Ed. Gauthier M.J., Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg. 127-134. [PVR26]

  556. Van Wassenhove F., Vanrolleghem P.A., Van Langenhove H. and Verstraete W. (1992) Olfactometric characterization of odour generation potential of piggery manure samples. In: Biotechniques for Air Pollution Abatement and Odour Control Policies. Eds. Dragt A.J. and van Ham J., Elsevier, Amsterdam. 425-430. [PVR27]

  557. Vanrolleghem P.A. and Van Impe J.F. (1992) On the use of structured compartment models for the activated sludge biodegradation process. In: Proceedings Workshop Modelling, Monitoring and Control of the Activated Sludge Process. Med. Fac. Landbouww. Rijksuniv. Gent, 57, 2215-2228. [PVR33]

  558. Vanrolleghem P.A., Van Impe J.F., Vandewalle J. and Verstraete W. (1992) Advanced monitoring and control of the activated sludge process: On-line estimation of crucial biological variables in a structured model with the RODTOX biosensor. In: Modeling and Control of Biotechnical Processes. Eds. Karim M.N. and Stephanopoulos J., Pergamon Press, Oxford. 355-358. [PVR30]


  559. Anselme P., Van Wassenhove F., Vanrolleghem P.A., Verstraete W. and Thonart P. (1991) Relation between olfactometric characteristics and malodorous compounds produced during maturation of piggery manure. In: Proceedings 5th Forum Applied Biotechnology. Med. Fac. Landbouww. Rijksuniv. Gent, 56, 1557-1564. [PVR18]

  560. Kong Z., Vanrolleghem P.A. and Verstraete W. (1991) Monitoring and control of biological sludge with the RODTOX, a biosensor for rapid determination of biological oxygen demand and toxicity. In: Proceedings DECHEMA Tagung Messung, Modellierung und Regelung in der Biotechnologie. Lahnstein, Germany, March 18-20 1991. [PVR11]

  561. Van Impe J.F., Nicolai B.M., Vanrolleghem P.A., Spriet J.A., De Moor B. and Vandewalle J. (1991) Optimal control of the penicillin G fed-batch fermentation: An analysis of a new unstructured model. In: Proceedings European Control Conference. Grenoble, France, July 2-5 1991. 1624-1629. [PVR17]

  562. Van Impe J.F., Vanrolleghem P.A., Verstraete W., De Moor B. and Vandewalle J. (1991) Model based monitoring and control of activated sludge wastewater treatment processes. Part II: Nonlinear control of the biotransformation and the sedimentation process. In: Modelling and Control of Water Resources Systems. Eds. Kerckhoffs E., Koppelaar H., Van der Beken A. and Vansteenkiste G., SCS, San Diego. 221-226. [PVR22]

  563. Vanrolleghem P.A. and Verstraete W. (1991) The RODTOX biosensor. In: Proceedings SCIbb 4th Biotechnology Event, Monitoring Biosystems. Tervuren, Belgium, December 11-12 1991. [PVR25]

  564. Vanrolleghem P.A., Anselme P., Thonart P. and Verstraete W. (1991) Presence and formation of odorous compounds in piggery manure. In: Proceedings EERO/EFB International Symposium Environmental Biotechnology ISEB. Ostend, Belgium, April 22-25 1991. Part I, 381-384. [PVR12]

  565. Vanrolleghem P.A., Van Impe J.F., Vandewalle J. and Verstraete W. (1991) Model based monitoring and control of activated sludge wastewater treatment processes. Part I. On-line estimation of crucial biological parameters with the RODTOX. In: Modelling and Control of Water Resources Systems. Eds. Kerckhoffs E., Koppelaar H., Van der Beken A. and Vansteenkiste G., SCS, San Diego, 215-220. [PVR21]

  566. Vanrolleghem P.A., Vermeersch L., Vangheluwe H. and Vansteenkiste G. (1991) Introducing knowledge based predictive control in biological wastewater purification. In: Proceedings EEC Workshop CIM in the Process Industry. Athens, Greece, June 21-22 1991. [PVR13]


  567. Vanrolleghem P.A., Anselme P., Thonart P. and Verstraete W. (1990) Formation and control of odorous compounds in piggery manure. In: Proceedings 4th Forum Applied Biotechnology. Med. Fac. Landbouww. Rijksuniv. Gent, 55, 1489-1495. [PVR6]

  568. Vanrolleghem P.A., Dries D. and Verstraete W. (1990) RODTOX: Biosensor for rapid determination of the biochemical oxygen demand and the on-line monitoring of the toxicity of wastewaters. In: Proceedings Fifth European Congress on Biotechnology. Copenhagen, Denmark, July 8-13 1990. Vol. 1, 161-164. [PVR5]


  569. Vanrolleghem P.A., Patigny X., Richard J.-F., Fach J. and Van Dijck D. (1989) A comparitive study of different enrichment and direct plating methods for isolation and enumeration of pathogenic Listeria from foods and other materials. In: Proceedings 3rd Forum Applied Biotechnology. Med. Fac. Landbouww. Rijksuniv. Gent, 54, 1393-1400. [PVR4]

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Faculty of Science and Engineering - Université Laval
Peter Vanrolleghem - Department of civil engineering and water engineering - Pavillon Adrien-Pouliot - 1065, Médecine avenue, Office 2974
Québec (Québec) - Canada - G1V 0A6 - Telephone : +1-418-656-5085 Email : peter.vanrolleghem@gci.ulaval.ca
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